I'm not Google

in #life7 years ago

I have been working in the IT industry for nearly 2 decades. I am mainly a hardware guy, I love building and repairing computers. I was the little kid who took apart his Mom and Dad's VCR when I was 6, just so I could see whats on the inside. For me there's really nothing more satisfying than problem solving, and for the most part I do enjoy the social aspect of my career. -Except one thing. I've noticed a tremendously frustrating, almost infuriating pattern working in the IT field and that is -customer dependence.

Don't get me wrong, I sincerely do enjoy helping people. I've formed some life long friendships with other technicians and even sometimes, a customer may end up becoming a friend. However there are some customers who act as though simply because they have a computer, the knowledge of how to do something is 'owed' to them. Many people do not value the time, and energy IT technicians have put in to train themselves to be experts in their field. Of course, many of you out there are young and reading this probably thinking "IT is easy".. well yes you might be right. You have grown up with iPads in your cribs and have been 4channers since before most people will ever even hear about it. Actually being an IT technician, and a good one, is not as simple as you might think. It's an extremely detail oriented job. Nothing can be missed. And as a facilitator of information it's my job not only to identity the issue, but resolve it, and then explain it to the customer in an easy to understand way. IT work is black and white, the facts speak for themselves and my personal opinion is rarely required. That's what I like about it. It's clear and concise.

Anyway the reason I'm writing this mini rant today is because often times customers seem to think that just because I fixed their computer, it entitles them to asking me a GAZILLION unrelated questions, messaging me on social media, basically making me WORK, AFTER the job has already been done. I'm sorry, but when you go pick up your car from the repair shop do you then call the guy who changed your oil and say "HOW DO I DRIVE THIS THING, I CAN'T DRIVE", "YOU HAVE TO HELP ME, YOU CHANGED THE OIL".. This line of reasoning is all often too present in individuals I work with. For some reason people seem to think that me repairing their computer magically gives them a free instructional manual on how to operate it. Don't assume we are talking about anything logical here either. You wouldn't believe the amount of questions I get which are literally things people can and should just ask Google. I'm not Google. I'm just one guy. And when I see a question that I know could be Googled not only do my shoulders, but my faith in humanity, drops. I don't need continual updates on what operation you're doing on your computer, whether it's restarting or what object you can't find in the control panel. We all use computers. They are a huge, huge part of our lives and integral to the overall operation and function of our modern society. Yet most people have the perception of computer technicians as "geeks", and "losers". IT technicians are not allowed to deem themselves "professionals" yet and for the complexity and importance of the work, the pay is absolutely terrible. Save 10 years of someones personal and business emails and have to fight when they don't want to pay $120? Okay cool. Often times it's not worth it. Don't get me wrong, I love working with computers. They don't talk back. They are predictable. I can read them like the back of my hand. Often times I will know what's wrong with a computer just by looking at it. (Once you've been doing this long enough you see patterns that start to emerge) However, people really need to get a clue about how you're treating you friendly neighborhood IT technician. We aren't the almighty oracle. Yes we have experience but often times we have to figure things out too just like you. Answers don't always come easy. Do the work, take the time.. gather information that's what it's all about.

It's funny because Doctors can tell their patients that their lifestyle choices are affecting them negatively. However as an IT technician's we are not allowed to tell clients that they messed up or did something wrong on their computer. Pat on the head "That's okay Patty, you didn't know the unsecured website with free TV shows contained a Trojan virus, no problem :D Allow me to clean that up for you while I hold this fake smile on my face and you violate me in the a** for $40 while complaining about how much it costs and how long it takes" "Oh and then please, after I'm finished the job please be sure to ask me about 45 other unrelated problems you're having and demand I fix them too." XD

If you can't drive a car, stay off the roads. Sheesh. /end rant

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