Why Steemit Can't Seem to Attract ---->REAL<---- Artists, Writers and Bloggers

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Ever since my first day here, I've noticed how some people can't seem to answer this question.


Why Won't They Come?

Debating the current state of the platform is nothing new. Everyone has always had their opinions on how things should be and where they should go from here.

I've been around, on and off, since September of 2016. I've seen these conversations between us. I don't always add my two cents, but just know, I'm always lurking in the shadows keeping a watchful eye. I'm not much into gossip, but I do like to keep myself informed of the things that matter, to me.

So Where Are These Real People?


I'm sitting right in front of you, directly under your nose. Aren't you glad I don't stink?

I am a real artist, a real writer, and a real blogger. Imagine that. All three, bundled up into a neat little package. Don't believe me? Look at my blog. How did that happen?

Then I look around. I am not alone. I see reality all around me. Artists, writers and bloggers in all directions. Am I imagining things?



Steemit attracts these sorts every day, and they do sign up. The flow hasn't stopped.

It would be easy right now to point out that not every one of these members will be able to contribute anything of value to the platform or even themselves for that matter but for once, let's look away from that. Let's look away like we seem to be doing when we say such an absurdity like the headline I wrote up there.

Why Steemit Can't Seem to Attract REAL Artists, Writers and Bloggers

Though I'm thick-skinned and doubt I'll ever lose sleep over it; every time I see those words, or something closely related, you do not make me feel welcome here.

I think I get what you mean. My name isn't Stephen King, therefore I am fake. My name isn't Vincent van Gogh, therefore I am fake. My name isn't PewDiePie, therefore I am fake.

If it's not that, then what is it?


You want the big names here, forget about embracing what's behind the blinders. Right? That will fix everything, right?

When one finally shows up, let's all make sure to give them a warm welcome by completely ignoring everyone else who is now somehow... smaller?

Seeing stars is something people do when they're on the verge of being knocked out unconscious.

If we're unwillingly to acknowledge the potential of those who've come to establish themselves here, we're also robbing ourselves of sending someone off into space to be the star you want to see.

What If

An unknown author writes a book here and it becomes a top seller after they take things to the next level?

Well, they go mainstream and when asked on the morning news about where they got their start, they say Steemit.

What If

A Youtube star makes it big and their first movie is finally coming out. When asked where they got their start, they say Youtube(Even though they've been here embedding videos, potentially earning far more than Youtube's ad revenue over the short term).

"Youtube Sensation"

Maybe you've heard that one before?

"Steemit Sensation"

Which one sounds better?


Steemit Sensation.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Drops the mic..."
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


Excellent sentiments @nonameslefttouse. I especially liked this part...

I think I get what you mean. My name isn't Stephen King, therefore I am fake. My name isn't Vincent van Gogh, therefore I am fake. My name isn't PewDiePie, therefore I am fake.

for too long we have been convinced to listen to 'experts' or 'stars' but I am of the opinion that everyone has something to add to the conversation and perhaps even the seemingly 'least' among us might hold the key to a brighter future for all, in any respect.

Great post, my friend. Hope your day is going well. :)

I'm not the type of person who thinks someone famous or successful is somehow above me(like a star). I don't get that, at all. Doesn't make sense. I see a normal person, no different than you or I. Sure, some are more equal than others, in a sense... but I think in order for someone to think a "star" is something above them, they must lower themselves first.

Interesting post. I agree but also think about how new Steemit is. Was there a lot of YouTube sensations in the first 1.5 Year’s of YouTube? I think Steemit will get there eventually.

Youtube wasn't busy trying to gather celebrities to make it popular. The people, each an unknown when they started, made Youtube what it is. Steemit will get there, eventually. Yes. ...but not if we're not looking in that direction.

Good points 😀

And this comment wraps it up perfectly. Amen.

btw, at first I didn't think I had a picture of you for the collage I made today, then I realized...this man, lol. I edited him in. I posted super late for me, so a bunch of my normal people won't have seen it yet anyway.

This Man was wondering where This Man was!

Once I realized that I remembered the picture from the introductory post you made of this man, with you in the sunglasses, and that's the one I wanted to use since the collage is of people lol, but my internet is being a douche and I can't get the page to load down far enough. But if you would prefer that one be in it, you can link me the post and I'll edit it. On the other hand, this man definitely stands out haha!

There is one actual photo of me without some sort of disguise, somewhere on my blog. Exact location will remain a secret though!

Now that sounds like a challenge...let's see if my internet is doing any better (this time a night it tends to, less people gumming up the works)

Please don't put it here if you find it! LOL

I guess I'm just a relic, but I'm definitely "real" and I still create content from a computer that sits on a desk... and I even write about things other than Bitcoin.

Seriously, though... I do like the idea of "Steemit Sensation."

The "problem" we face here is that pretty much NO social platform favors "real bloggers, artists and creatives." We live in a 140-character soundbyte world where giving a quick and easy thumbs up to someone's "Isn't Bitcoin coooool!?!?!" is more suited to the zeitgeist of the day than 3000 words of cleverly crafted prose.

But there are people doing things here. @ericvancewalton pretty much used Steemit to serialize and launch his book. The people who are doing eyerolls are the same who cringed when someone mentioned that the class they were about to take contained "a significant writing component."

Oh I'm well aware of Eric's success here, and many others. I do not turn a blind eye to the true talent I see all around me.

I disagree about social platforms not favoring the arts. Comedy is huge. Even a meme is an artform. Facebook is toxic though. It's designed to keep things simple and fast. It's not that the people don't want something grand, they just aren't getting it. People are still clicking on articles there though. They are reading. That sort of media comes with a template though, and those people work for someone. Creativity becomes stunted when that happens.

When you first came here, what was your first impression? It seemed like I stumbled upon a den of geniuses when I got here. I couldn't figure out why the masses weren't sitting here trash talking each other and sharing bunk.

When you first came here, what was your first impression?

Excited and cynical. In a sense, this felt like a kickback to circa 2003-05 "social blogging" like we had before MySpace/Farcebook "bitesized" everything and we were guided towards squeezing complex thoughts into 140-character boxes. Then I became excited about the level of intelligent discussion and interaction here... granted, I was burned out on the mudslinging party on Facebook and elsewhere, associated with the US election circus.

So I thought "Wow, this could be the future of intelligent social media for thinkers and artists!"

Which would be awesome.

I didn't give the rewards a second thought. Been there, done that... in my experience "rewards for content" sites ALWAYS fail. No Exceptions. That was the cynical end. I even said as much in my intro post... that I expected this place to go TU. Been playing this gig since 1999... it's the standard outcome.

Then the weird shit started. I probably have about 200+ contacts from my social blogging days and I was excited to share this community with them.

"You'd better be careful with that, it's a scam!" they said.

Drilling around in that-- in depth-- translated to this:

"Giving away our content for FREE to Facebook, Medium, Blogger and others that exploit our personal information for marketing purposes is LEGIT and simply how the world works, and anyone who invents a way to get fairly compensated and offers a not censored content venue is clearly running a SCAM, and should NOT be trusted"

Wow. That's an eye-opener. Not so much from the rewards perspective, as from the realization of just HOW "mainstreamed" even alternative thinkers have become, in their daily approach to life.

The "masses" are unlikely to come here as long as (a) we have a circa 2005 User Interface (people expect drag-and-drop intuitive widgets) and (b) the level of engagement (on the whole) remains as intelligent as it is and (c) cryptocurrencies become recognized as mainstream rather than as "mystery monopoly money."

Slowly, these pieces are falling into place.

interesting read :)
The lack of 'stars' here makes it possible for people to fill up those spots, get some traction going and become a name here,, maybe it goes like an oilspill into other platforms..

Where did it start? Steemit! ;D

There is no platform like this one.. i absolutely love it !

No point in sitting here waiting for the world to come to us. If I call a cab, and it doesn't show up, does that mean I cannot leave? If I don't get moving, I'll be late. Time to go outside.

I'm tired. I hope that somehow made sense.

As an artists point of view, an artist would love their art works given feedback by another artists. We definitely love to hear "great art, awesome art, nice art,..." but we'll never improve with out the feedback. This is the reason people put their artworks in artstation rather than steemit.

Too many minds coming together stunts creativity, sometimes. I took a glance at that site. I guess if I was looking for a job as an artist, it would be a good place to start. If it's all about the money, then I'm content with being here, because I've made more than many of them ever will. They don't get the opportunity to add creative writing elements either. That place closes too many doors for me, unless I'm missing something.

I agree with you.

so many if's.. but now but you are the real gem of steemit ;)

You will always be a real blogger to me. :-)

If @generikat gets her fiction published, she'll probably give Steemit a nod in her acknowledgements.

I'm unfamiliar with her work, but I don't doubt there are people like that here. As a matter of fact, I insist there are many. I see them everywhere.

YEEAAAAAH! I feel the same way! Steemit sensation :)!

I think youTube was more establishment friendly than Steemit is and Steemit is still young with more competition than youtube had. Thanks for the blog.

Youtube was competing with nearly every television channel in existence around the entire globe during a time when most computers were on a desk. They managed to get people off the couch and into the office chair, then back to the couch when TVs started coming with the Youtube app. TV had a stranglehold on entertainment for decades prior to that. TV thought Youtube was a joke at first.

As for Steemit's competition. Nowhere else could have I made this much money writing and producing digital art, without ever charging anyone a dime. I could produce something like this:
NoNamesLeftToUse - The Looker.jpeg
Print off 1000 posters, find a retail buyer, and earn maybe half a penny per unit. Or I can go drop a few images on a "free wallpapers!" website and plaster the place with ads. Earn very little, if anything. I could open a shop and charge people. Spend all day waiting for a customer, while I take out a loan to pay the rent.

Here, I don't even have to act like a sleazy advertiser. I can simply include my art with some creative writing, rather than a sales pitch.

I question how much competition Steemit truly has.

I really enjoy your posts and your insights into steem. You're definitely right that on steem, nowhere else, could you earn income without any overhead costs.
The only thing you're paying for is your time and electric bill.

For this kind of connection and engagement with people, and the value of upvotes and currencies, I don't know what else is like it. It's an amazing combination!

How about this. I turn into a pompous prick artist. Everyone worships me, but I do not even smile when they cheer as I get out of my vehicle. I'll ask my security to push you all back. If you'd like, you can spend $5 after the show to get an autograph and maybe a selfie with me. This is after you've spent money on my art, tickets to see me, and other related merchandise. I won't even remember us meeting.

There's your star! Enjoy!

Or, artists can get real, do this, be human again. There was no in-between before. You were either a starving artist, or a huge star. Now we're here, uncharted territory, establishing a middle ground.... but I worry that myself and only a few others can actually see that.

Yeah, that is a big middle ground between those two extremes. I'm hoping for somewhere above starving! Here's to a happy middle ground!

YouTube is far from being friendly and it is not protecting creators right against theft .Your channel can be put in the black list and you would never get traffic .

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