Why Are You Following Me?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

As I close in on 3000, I'm confused.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Why Are You Following Me.jpeg
Why Are You Following Me?

  • I didn't buy you.
  • I didn't trick you into following me just because I followed you.
  • I swear too much.
  • I give no fucks.
  • I smoke.
  • I say stupid things and act dumb.
  • I say smart things and act like an asshole.
  • I need a glass of water.
  • I do random things that don't make sense.
  • I actually think I'm funny.
  • I produce strange art that scares people.
  • I killed the Easter bunny when I was four and that's why it doesn't exist anymore.
  • I was defending myself.
  • I can't dance.
  • I farted.
  • I don't think, I just do.
  • I don't like pictures of myself.
  • I can still remember falling off of my bike the first time I tried without training wheels.
  • I quit school, demanded they return my school fees, and bought weed with that money.
  • I lost count of how many times I nearly died.
  • I caught two teachers having sex in the gymnasium.
  • I don't like it when people eat all of the crackers.
  • I sure could use a beer.
  • I might die someday.
  • I miss playing Nintendo.
  • I wonder what my kids are doing.
  • I love them.
  • I don't know where I'm going with this.
  • I get distracted easily.
  • I have a bowl of raw vegetables around here somewhere.
  • I have done this before.
  • I have a hard time tolerating sycophants.
  • I don't know why I did this.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I scored 33 points."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


I came across one of your posts that I really liked. That’s why I follow.

I hope I'm able come up with another post you like someday. Which post was it? Do you remember?

Yeah. That was a good day. I'd still like to see that simple request I made come to fruition as well. There's so much talent here that deserves a fair shake at this game.

My Italian French Grandma told me she was joining Steemit to post her new song featuring a hardcore Scottish rapper who goes by the name “Commotion” in English, so, logically, I thought this was her.

Nona Mesle ft Touse.

Fine that one’s a stretch.

I’ll go back and relock myself in the shed now.

Now there's a name that'll haunt me for the rest of my life.

Nona better just own that shit!

you promised me you would burn down that shed yodi, now i'm getting heist fever and i have my shovel ready

I fucking knew it!

See Ya, I'm going to smackover for no reason whatsoever.

Is this gonna be, like, a sleepover thing, because the money-hole doesn’t have a lot of space for anyone else. I’ve stuffed way too much stuff in my hole.

I'm sure both DJ and I can fit in your hole. DW we'll take you out for dinner first

i'll bring the lube......and sleeping bags

Well, I quickly follow people whenever I see an interesting post. Then when I see posts which don't really interest me appearing on my wall I unfollow the authors. You must have wrote something interesting so I followed you and don't often spam with rubbish so I don't unfollow you :)

I try to keep it fresh and down to one post per day, sometimes two. This entire time I've been here, people still don't know what to expect.

I'm following you cause you don't give fuck !!! : )

That's a good reason.

I'm always looking to follow straight shooters. I'm tired of the namby mamby snowflakes and spammers. We need an army of YOU.51VNlzbfpXL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

There's one dude posing as one on the trending page. Maybe you should go talk to him too!

I get high every time i see this book!

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Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.

I wish I could come up with 33 points and still get away with 60 comments, >$12 and 50 upvotes.

  • I just want to find a good laugh
  • And I am not a sycophants.

Give it time and be consistent. Look at it this way: 3000 followers and only 50 votes. When I started out I didn't know anyone or anything. This took a lot of work.

Thanks for the wisdom. I know beneath the madness there is a kind heart.

All of the above....I miss our chats. I must put in more effort! xx

A lot of people have come and gone. It's good to know some of you from way way back are still out there.

The best thing that attracts us towards you is art... It doesn't matter how you present it but what matters is the quality and that for sure is of high class always... Keep the quality in check the more will be the followers...

That's a good thing. Most of the time spent on my posts is in the art.

Not only art a wonderful art is the better way of saying it...

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