So Does This Mean We're Pals?

in #life5 years ago (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here reporting live on location. What the hell is this place?


Two Posts Led Me Here

This one:
And this one:

First one published by @isaria, second one published by @neoxian. In my mind both respectable members of the STEEM community.

Notice how I did not say "Steemit community?" Notice how those links say and not Trippy, right?

I had originally stumbled upon those two posts while browsing my personal feed on

Are you confused yet?

So am I!

I don't know what to do with my hands!

Normally I don't rush into anything so seeing a few more posts about this place on led up to that curiosity killing this cat.

So here I am, posting on, as a dead cat.

First thing I'm noticing is how this little box I normally use to produce and edit my posts looks and feels just like the little box I got used to looking at and feeling over there at the It feels just like home and my rambles seem to ramble on, as they should, without anything unrambling my thought process.


I'm not sure if that's exciting but saying 'wow' seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

I wanted to be Palnet's first jackass and I think I'm succeeding!

You'll be able to see this post over on, as well as on Palnet. I'm posting this from Palnet, and apparently I'm supposed to use 'palnet' as one of my tags, then I can collect some kind of a Palnet token on top of the STEEM, SP, SBD and all that other fun stuff I've grown accustomed to receiving as a content producer over there at I'm such a noob here though, I don't even know what the token is called but I guess that doesn't matter because it's all just money in the end.

I'm not sure what to expect. I just felt like doing this. I'll probably learn more as I go or maybe one of my new 'Pals' will stop in and feed me some of that knowledge in the comment section.

If you're on Palnet, and never met me over there on, just know I don't bite. I prefer to write humor. Sometimes it's really corny like this post. I also produce a bit of digital art from time to time. Here are a few somewhat recent examples of my work.

NoNamesLeftToUse - I Want To Tell You Everything Will Be Fine.jpeg
I Want To Tell You Everything Will Be Fine

NoNamesLeftToUse - Misconstrued .jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Let It Go.jpeg
Let It Go

NoNamesLeftToUse - Read The Writing On The Wall.png
Read The Writing On The Wall

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fantasizing Tough.png
Fantasizing Tough

Pretty Snazzy Stuff

Maybe I'll actually be able to make the front page on Palnet by using actual talent someday!

I won't hold my breath though.

So if you're over there in Steemit land, reading this, still feel free to vote or whatever, as per usual. I'm not sure if the Palnet people are dropping palnet tokens on posts published on palnet just yet; don't really know what to expect.

For more information, read those two links above because I don't really have much for you other than the fact I'm signed into Palnet, and I'm producing a post from there instead of Just testing things out.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"My previous post performed so terribly on Steemit; I'm willing to try anything."

Images © 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


pocketsend:11@nonameslefttouse, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

Successful Send of 11
Sending Account: pode
Receiving Account: nonameslefttouse
New sending account balance: 275284
New receiving account balance: 40
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 2b73714930460c9e3698fd579555a984366fe5af
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Your post has 30 pal rewards at the moment.
On steem engine price is 1:1 to steem.

Okay so, help me with this (and anyone else reading). Does that mean the palcoin has no monetary value on it's own, but can be easily converted to STEEM, and then the STEEM can be eventually converted to cash?

It can easily be converted to Steem, LTC, EOS, and a few others. is where the conversions can happen.

I looked, and discovered I'm not even on their whitelist.

Bummer! Is this due to the 5 month hiatus? Hopefully they can sort you out!

I think it's probably because of that. I didn't raise much of a stink though and by the sounds of it, everyone who can has done as much as they can to help get things sorted out. My heart sank a little when I found out but I've done a fine job of not taking it personally. That's just my luck.

It's really a first real go at what you've been talking about for the past year or two and it would be a real shame were you missed off the list.

Bravely or stupidly, I pretty much doubled my PAL stake today and that cost about 100 STEEM. Let's see if our luck is in......

I always kind of feel a lone wolf around here. I don't know why, it's probably just the way my brain is wired. I've spoken up about things, sure. It gets noticed maybe but I've always felt like it goes unheard. ...and I don't think what you did was stupid at all. There's some huge potential here. I wasn't prepared though. Thought about powering down... I think I'll just wait to see how things go.

Oh Indeed on of the "PALS" right here. These will reward in both SBD/SP AND Palcoin. Palcoin can be found over at the steem-engine thingamajig. Here's the trippy part. You can post from Steemit, Palnet, Steempeak, or any of the front ends. If the tag palnet is on there, and you get an updoot from someone that has staked (powered up) Palcoin you will receive a schnitzel of palcoin. Easy peasy.

Apparently there's to be an airdrop of palcoins as well? Do I get any of those or do I have to actually do something?

Well, there's going to be. I wish I had more information to share other than "soon". But that's all I have. I can say somewhere between 5 minutes from now and 5 days... Just a matter of making sure all of the I's are crossed and the T's dotted.

So right now I have 0 Pal power. What happens if I upvote content on palnet? Is self voting a thing?

You can self vote to your heart's content. So since you have 0 power, your palcoin vote is worth zero. Note that your percentage of power from Steem remains the same, so a 100% palcoin vote will also have a 100% steem vote.
Curation is 50/50 as a test run. Distribution is happening through claimdrop, miner tokens, and straight up exchanging for Palcoin with steem at steem-engine. We're also going to have a small faucet for people that interact on the MSP discord.

In a nut shell, Steemit dragged their feet with SMT's, so we said fuck it, we can do it ourselves.

I haven't experimented with steem-engine yet. I'll probably check that out at some point soon and maybe convert this weeks steemit earnings over to Palcoin.

"reporting live on location" lol
So you got some Palcoin on this here lovely post and we will be doing the claimdrop ASAP!
Amazing art as always.
"Let it go" and "Read The Writing On The Wall"......Love them ❤️

I did my thing here to hopefully help get the place talking, asking questions. Not a promotion and as I said in another comment, I'm in no position to hype or gripe at this point. I see the Palcoin there. Is that added to the total of $3.86 I'm currently seeing on Steemit? Part of the reason I'm testing this out is because I want to actually be able to earn something again, especially on the art posts because well, that stuff takes way too much time to produce. I'm glad you enjoy those pieces by the way.

Yes, what you see on the steemit front end is in addition to the PALcoin you'll receive. But be aware, we just launched today so as distribution happens, and the claimdrop is released and utilized, that number may fluctuate WILDLY until the pool reaches its equilibrium.

Your point on the art posts are one of the MANY reasons we had when launching this. The platform seemed to be turning its back on creators in favor of dapp developers, our hope is this helps revitalize content creation AND encourages people to actually consume the content as curation will be rewarded a bit higher than what you're used to.

Yes they did indeed favor development, all while turning their backs on those who would have actually used the apps. A fine way to shoot oneself directly in the foot. I'm all for the encouragement of content consumption and offering a higher percentage to curators, as I stated in this post from a couple of days ago:

I'm not sure if you caught that one, but it's a good read.

Hopefully, people will find value in this and it will reflect in the value of the coin.
Our main goal here is a more fair and better distribution.
I know what it's like to spend hours...or months on music and make like $3 lol

I'm not even on that list...

What list???

For the claimdrop.

Oh ok I noticed that yesterday and I had Shane add you.

Most likely it's because I was inactive for a few months while I was away. I tried my best today to not take it personally.

I was actually concerned that some quality people may have been left out by mistake. But we will manually fix it if it happens.
No Pal left behind!

It's good to know everyone is doing the best they can. A good start.

I see pals in the mist...

Mist? They have mist there, too? Holy shit!

We have everything in the mist including, yes... Mist

I thought you ran out of Mist and only had Meest left...

Oh HAHAHAHA!! Clever!! :0D

Cool; this answers the question I had about how integrated the frontend will be with the existing Steem ecosystem. Apparently the answer is, "very," so I'll have to give it a shot soon!

There's no real difference, by the looks of things, on the surface, when I pretend to be someone who knows nothing about this stuff. I suppose the only change is the fact I have 31 PAL next to this post on Palnet, and $3.16 here. Technically, I suppose, if palcoins are worth something, then I'm earning more than the $3.16. So okay, a raise is nice, especially after how my previous post turned out to be the biggest flop I've had here in over two years. But does that raise make it worth it? I don't know yet...

While not a very good indicator of real price due to volume and supply, it will be worth something so yes, you did get a payrise :)

I already threw some STEEM away for PAL. Not much. I just wanted to learn how to use steem-engine. Then I wanted to be able to pass some PAL around on posts. I upvoted yours as a test case and have no idea if $30 worth even helped you.

I have no idea either but, it is appreciated :)
I think at the very least all these things give the place more things to experiment with and see what people are interested in (besides coins).

Hey, we are also running on the steem blockchain but just on top of it. If you make a post on any frontend and use the Palnet tag, you will get palcoin in addition to steem, if a pal stakeholder votes you. The vp is tied together so a vote here is also a vote on steemit. These tokens are pretty new so I understand people have a hard time wrapping thier heads around it!

Posted using Partiko Android

At least I don't have to start at the bottom again, so there's that. I want things like this to succeed, I really do. Right now I'm in no position to hype or gripe. No expectations. Just going with the flow, doing whatever.

Honestly it is best to not have any expectations, these tokens are so new it's kind of a big experiment but it will be interesting to see what happens!

Yeah, for sure. My life has been one big experiment for nearly the past three years anyway so, what the hell, why not.

Hello, guy posting from Palnet. I'm commenting from Steemit. Looks like we can do exactly the same thing as each other. How innovative and truly revolutionary!

What will humanity think of next???

Hi! I'm the guy who posted from Palnet, responding to your comment now, from STEEMIT! Isn't this exciting! I have two tabs open... for the same thing! All jokes aside. I expect NOTHING. I did well on steemit for a time, they let the place go to shit, maybe someone wants to fix that with their way, maybe not, I don't know. I expect NOTHING. Not getting my hopes up because I did that for nearly three years and all it did was make me tired and somewhat grumpy some days.

I thought it was a Steemit clone, but after reading this post I don't know what it is or why it is. I see it is displaying Steemit stuff, but only if you signed up on their website? So then do posts from there not show up here even though it is working on the Steem blockchain? Or is something else being done? Tokenizing everything really feels like it is taking the great idea of everyone decentralizing together and instead seperating all us crypto users further. Steemit it already has a limited user base, it feels like an odd rabbit hole to go down. I respect and and to a lesser extent the image and other apps that some users use to access the Steem blockchain with and if Palnet was going that way I understand, but right now I am confused other than a bunch of whales and some users I do enjoy but don't get why everyone's posts are all excited for I am not sure what, but I am curious enough where I looked earlier today and then again right now after seeing your post. Good luck!

Edit: Read another post and very confusing messages in there, Steem-Engine is the next level for Steem, if that was the case, and if PalNet is working on the Steem-Engine, and Steem-Engine is the next level for Steem, but further down the post raises a question of does PalNet > Steem?.. and if that was the case

Edit 2: I am just trying to figure out what 'end game' here is all, I am seeing a lot of the usual type of negative talk when crypto coins or communities like to talk smack, except PalNet seems to be part of Steem, but will it just eventually branch off on it's own?

The head exploding part is about the only thing I understand. All I did was post this from palnet instead of steemit. I guess like some folks use busy instead of steemit. As far as having a token for every cell in your body... yeah, this will never help mainstream adoption. Right now I'm just going with the flow, doing whatever. I expect absolutely NOTHING. Steemits ways have almost turned me off of crypto completely. Watching morons without talent trend while I worked my ass off forever to get anywhere has left a really sour taste in my mouth.

Steem-Engine is the next level for Steem, if that was the case, and if PalNet is working on the Steem-Engine, and Steem-Engine is the next level for Steem, but further down the post raises a question of does PalNet > Steem?

I have no idea why they think all of this stuff is "next-level" or that anyone outside of PAL/MSP or the larger Steem community cares about any of this stuff.

The market is telling me that there is no interest in this stuff to date, no matter how excited these people from PAL pretend to be.

Your comment does bring some understanding to a confusing day of Pal posts. However I can't take away from people blogging and being excited about things they loved, enjoyed seeing Nona Mes Leftouse's post here that he jumped in but didn't know why and I am on the same page except the fact I wasn't creating my own separate account on that site stopped me because some kind of front end thing was going on but the front end looked exactly like Steemit so I paused and just am looking for understanding.

Heh. I had this posted and received an "error" So the following is what I had replied to you before the edit.

The difference is Steemit (the company) and Steem (the blockchain) the blockchain is pretty damned solid. The company drags their feet and over-promises and under-delivers. Current Steem (currency) distribution is awful. We were promised SMTs were going to be released back in March. It never happened. The endgame is nothing more than staying where many people have already decided they like to be and offering an alternative payout system.

I had replied but then like after hitting I didn't care for the tone of my own comment and just deleted it as I don't want to confuse me not understanding the why of PalNet for anything negative on it. So thanks for your reply but I already forgot what I said specifically lol, but after reading your reply I do have questions. If the endgame is nothing more than staying where many people have already decided they like, why have the seperate coin? Will the PalNet coin ever be more valuable than Steem? If it does get more valuable than Steem, then why have Steem? With the site being Steemit clone at the moment (visually at least, with things like and as an example I have no doubt PalNet will look way better in no time), and going by your description, is really the endgame to take Steemit users off of Steemit?

The separate coin is there to give a fresh start and improve distribution. I have no idea on value, and anyone that says that they know if value will go up or down is lying. I hope it goes up, but I can't promise that. As far as the endgame, nothing like taking Steemit users off Steemit was ever brought up, the idea was simply to improve distribution, dig out the pre-mine, and see if we can kick the platform in the ass.

I have no idea on value, and anyone that says that they know if value will go up or down is lying.

I am more curious not so much the specific value itself, just is it ever possible for the value of Steem to be less than Pal, and if that were to ever happen, then what would be the point of using Steem if Pal is more valuable? Or will that never be possible because Pal works on the Steem blockchain or am I confusing it because Pal works on Steem-Engine and I have no idea if Steem-Engine requires the Steem blockchain to exist. Shit, I am way confused about this all lol.

Keep talking and asking questions. These conversations are helping me wrap my head around this as well, and probably anyone else who will read my post.

I regret reading your post now because I am slightly more confused by all this lol. Like if stuff I'm reading is how people are feeling about so many elements of Steemit and Steem and etc, then why not just fork and do your own thing. Otherwise much like you wrote in one of your replies that you are already going to take some Steem earnings and convert to Pal, that is already shifting the value. Whether it is at a fast speed or a slow speed doesn't matter, but Pal exists in a way where it will always be able to take away value from Steem, and at the same time always be able to be uneffected by the value of Steem, and for some reason needs Steem to exist(?). #dixoncoxfused

Dude! I dunno... I'm all Derp right now. Those other steemit clones didn't appeal to me at all, because they were off the chain where this entity stores value currently. Steemit is fucked and nobody seems to want to fix it. Palnet is still STEEM, so if it succeeds, then so does.. STEEM? I don't fucking know...

Heh. Yeah, it's a bit of a mess. Sure, it's absolutely possible. But what that would mean for Steem, I have no idea. We're using the same blockchain, so I doubt Steem will go away.

Getting back to another thought I read on one of the other posts I was reading as well as your other comment about Steem distribution of rewards or something of that nature. Is there a simple way to say what is broken about Steem and what Pal fixes about that, because if is having to do with Steem value of rewards going out, how would having a secondary site created and dividing the users up into those who now are working for Pal and Steem rewards and others who are jusing going for Steem rewards, well I am not even sure what I am asking at this point other than Why have a seperate coin for this website? And if it has something to do with the distribution of Steem and Steemit, then it goes back to Then why build it using Steem and Steemits posts and not just clone the site and create it's own thing like Golos and Smoke?

The main reason we didn't fork is due to the costs associated with running a new blockchain, getting witnesses to pay for servers to keep the chain running, and other development costs.

The new token is strictly to change the distribution so that new users can actually feel like posting here is worth it. We have zero control over Steem and SBD, so there's nothing we can do to change that model. A new token was the only way.

Why choose. You are allowed both.

Hey Cryplectibles, we are also running on the steem blockchain but just on top of it, so to use palnet you don't need to make a new account, just use your steem account you have already. If you make a post on any frontend and use the Palnet tag, you will get palcoin in addition to steem, if a pal stakeholder votes you. The vp is tied together so a vote here is also a vote on steemit. These tokens are pretty new so I understand people have a hard time wrapping their heads around it! If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask :)

Definitely not the first jackass just another jackass but your brand of irreverence is top shelf and unique...

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm never the first at anything! I might have to go invent my own token site. Sit there and talk to myself.

Sockpuppet coin ICO, sometimes I engage with myself but I've never paid myself to watch 🤔

Posted using Partiko Android

So I check into many crypto places, I don't post in all of them, but enjoy checking other little sites even outside of Bitcointalk and reddit. I always am amused by Bitcoin maximalists. Not sure if you ever read the works of that guy who claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, but I read one of his Medium posts where part of the ideas of the white paper is that this whole decentralization thing only works when we are on the same blockchain or something to that extent. I personally am very much against of the idea of one crypto coin to rule them all, but I definitely see a moment in all this where a large amount of users will have to cut out about two thousand or so extra coins we don't need, just to save the ones we do need. I am one of an extremely short list users that has an ASS token thanks to the Steemit community I don't know what this all means, it is way too late.

So many of these crypto projects don't make sense. Someone develops something, makes some money, moves on to something else, rinse and repeat. Then the coins just sit there with outdated hype.

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