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RE: Lessons from the Libertarian In-fighting. Part 2

in #life7 years ago

I wrote about whiners recently as well. Man, it can be a struggle at times ignoring them. They can be like a ringing in the ear that never goes away. It's very hard to focus at times and I'll admit, I've snapped... but I feel better now.


Oh I snapped a couple of times too. But now I just mute them. And you're right, it's hard to focus, so always ignore if possible.

I remember your post btw. :)

Glad you feel better now.

What if we addressed them as concerned potential investors? Would that change how you address the people who are using the platform?

I should also say; the article I wrote about whiners was tagged as funny and was written in the character of This Man. It mentioned experiences of my life, away from Steemit, and from my past. That article was about whiners in general. I didn't address anyone in particular.

I think you're spinning my words. Are you saying I'm calling everyone on Steemit a whiner?

I wrote about whiners recently as well. Man, it can be a struggle at times ignoring them.

General statement. I can't really stand whiners, that's all.

I know what grievances are. There are productive ways to handle those. There are also whiners. They can never be happy. Even when given the answers, they refuse to listen and carry on whining. I don't like being around negativity like that. It's not productive. It becomes a distraction. I'm not sure who or what you're talking about. Whiners just bother me.

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