
Not good. Not good at all. Maybe you should take a long walk every time you get the urge to make art and post.

You can see butterflies and flowers and smile, and have drinks in pubs and talk to real people in 3D when en route, or not, as you see fit.

Now eff off and relax before you burn. Can't have that.

I do these things from time to time. It rained all day today. Where I'm living now, I can hop on my dirtbike and travel back roads and trails to a lake 45 minutes away, which was the plan, but not when it's raining. Maybe this weekend.

Not when it's raining? That's just silly. You're obviously not of Dutch descent; that's your problem right there.

Nice though to have a lake nearby, always a good place to sit and relax. Alternatively, you could read a book, do some woodcarving, or clean the house. The possibilities are endless.

I once carved a penis out of driftwood and left it in the sand, sticking straight up, where a lot people usually walk.

Sounds like a great hobby. You could do it again, keeps you on the streets and off Steemit.

You're still here. I can sense it.

I could be a wooden dildo salesman. That is genius!

Sand them well; splintering may kill your new-found trade prematurely, and you'd be back on Steemit in no time.

I think I'll just add that idea to the list of things I want to do before I'm 40.

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