Now It's Time For: A This Man Moment

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Today, This Man began to chuckle at the thought of a memory.
This Man has been around the block a few times and has met many interesting people.

This Man.JPG

The Man in the Blue Jacket

Monday to Friday, and sometimes Saturday, This Man would leave the comforts of home behind and step out into the chaos that is The Big City.

This Man had his very own chauffeur service that ran on a strict schedule of being late only half of the time. That meant This Man would sometimes spend many hours standing near a pole with a tiny picture of a bus on top.

Many people would come and go. Some would stay.

There Was a Man in a Blue Jacket

Not just a regular Man in a Blue Jacket, no. That Man in the Blue Jacket was slightly irregular. He would talk to himself, had a strange walk, oddly shaped head and a weird mustache. He was there waiting every time This Man had to be there, never skipped a day.

"That's right," yelled The Man in the Blue Jacket, quite often, for no apparent reason.

That's Right!

The first few times, This Man was caught off guard. Eventually though, This Man got used to it. The Man in the Blue Jacket was not a threat, he was just crazy, and that's fine.

Often, This Man would be silently entertained at the reactions of a few passersby who were not accustomed to The Man in the Blue Jacket's odd behavior. Some would jump out of their shoes and a few times This Man nearly spit out the cigarette while being overcome with feelings of joy.

One Day

It was just This Man and The Man in the Blue Jacket, standing there, alone together, at last.

After many weeks and spending many moments standing near The Man in the Blue Jacket but never saying anything to him, This Man decided to take the plunge.

"Hello, how are you today," asked This Man. The Man in the Blue Jacket, not skipping a beat, looked This Man square in eye and responded with:

Fuck the Yankees!

The Man in the Blue Jacket then went on for a good twenty minutes yelling about Major League Baseball. He would not give This Man a chance to respond to anything. A one way conversation leading straight to hell.

The entire time, The Man in the Blue Jacket did not take his eyes off of This Man. Passersby and random gawkers looked at This Man as if This Man said something wrong and was now getting schooled by someone who actually knows their baseball.

That turned out to be the longest twenty minutes of This Man's life, but it did not end there.

The #3 Finally Shows Up

We boarded the magic road rocket together, but This Man decided the safest place would be the back of the bus. The Man in the Blue Jacket took his usual seat near the center door where nobody else would ever sit with him. From there, half a bus away, The Man in the Blue Jacket continued to yell at This Man about everything he knew about baseball. People were telling him to calm down but he did not care. Obviously, he'd been bottling this up for a very long time.

It was a long ride. This Man knew The Man in the Blue Jacket would be getting off at the mall downtown, that's where he always goes.


The Man in the Blue Jacket removes himself and his sportscast from the bus to do his usual walk across the busy downtown street. This time, he's walking backwards, still yelling about baseball, still looking at This Man dead in the eye.

That was the moment This Man finally cracked a smile. It was safe. This Man survived the baseball zombie from hell attack unscathed.

After that little fiasco, This Man decided it was probably time to change things up, add a little spice to life, and take a different bus route. We did end up crossing paths a few times though, but This Man never made the same mistake again.


If you're ever out there roaming the streets of Edmonton, be careful. There's one crazy Blue Jay's fan somewhere around and he's ready to rip your face off. Approach with caution, do not make any sudden movements and if you value your life, do not say hello.

This Man would like to thank you for your time today.

This Man - Approved.JPG

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Fuck the Yankees!"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


Was this him?

This Man would have to disagree. The man in the image presented to This Man looks nothing like The Man in the Blue Jacket. Nearly the same build though. That looks like the Blue Jays Santa compared to the Blue Jays mess This Man had to deal with.

The story made me chuckle too! I love stories about what happens to This Man at the bus stop.

This Man doesn't mind sharing stories of when This Man lived in the wild. Sometimes This Man thinks people don't realize these are true stories. This Man insists there's a lot of life to live out there and many stories to share when one isn't worried about protecting a false image of perfection. This Man just got all philosophical on your ass. You'll have to pardon This Man. It's late.

Maybe this flightless bird is kidding herself but she thinks she can tell the difference between This Man's true stories and his flights of whimsy. Though of course one must always keep an open mind on these things.

And This Man already knows that this flightless bird appreciates his philosophical side as much as his whimsical side, so no pardoning is required.

Perfection, pfft!

This girl is enjoying the image This Man has put in her head, hee hee. I would say poor This Man but it would be disingenuine, because This Story would not exist if This Man had not been shouted at by a lunatic, LOL!

It was more than just your usual, everyday, crazy person psycho babble shouting. The Man in the Blue Jacket threw the entire statistics book at This Man. Most of the numbers were made up. Joe Carter did not hit 103 home runs that year. As a matter of fact, Joe Carter retired at least ten years earlier.

Hahaha, that's even better...maybe This Man should have bought him an updated statistics book ;)

OT (Nope, not starting that again LOL, decided it means off topic) bz comment to me in the new post, you'd have a much more entertaining response to it, do your thing!

Good to know about this guy.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by:

This Man

I like the Man in the Blue Jacket!

This Man is currently experiencing flashbacks brought on by a combination of the trauma This Man experienced that day and your meme.

Here's a nice cat picture to make you feel better!

This Man loves the pussy. Thank you.

This man got a little too close to the man in the Blue Jacket, who is very near the edge and spewed it all forth at him.Great story.
The responses rose to a crest and broke into intense wave of
humor at the here's a nice cat picture. Epic call and response. Thank you to all involved. Made my day : D

This Man would now like to thank you for coming along and enjoying this little story and everything else that transpired since then. This Man enjoys making the day. This Man truly appreciates your visit as well.

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