Looking Back and Moving Forward: Plus A Few More Words to Make This Title Long

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I said I'd leave for awhile. Didn't go.

Couldn't go.

Before all this, all of you, and everything else here,

I still did what I do.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Looking Back.jpeg
Looking Back

I Guess I Should Say Something

But what?

Do I talk about how much work went into this post?
Many hours.

How am I doing today?

Do I have writer's block?

What's the point of this post?
I'm an artist, I'm sharing my latest creation.

What does it mean?
That shall remain a mystery.

Why am I so strange?
Me? Google thinks the art is a picture of cats yawning.

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Who's strange now?

I Often Check

I want to know what Google sees in my work.

The other day I was doing my usual reverse search on this image:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Happy Duck Loves Morning.jpeg
Happy Duck Loves Morning

Google never seems to know what I'm up to. That's a good sign. It tells me my work is unique. There's nothing else out there like my art.

Often, I get some eerie results when Google throws it's 'visually similar' set of images at me. That Happy Duck gave me this to look at:

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Actual screenshot of how insane Google is.

That Stuff Looks Nothing Like Ducks

Do a reverse image search yourself.

Some of the creepiest photos I've ever seen in existence are in that lineup. Apparently Google is attempting to match colors and shapes. I had no idea my Happy Duck had so much darkness hidden within.

Or, maybe I did.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"The mystery shall remain mysterious."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.


"Aurora", it says. It's not very good with the abstract, it seems. It's clearly a duck; I compared it with my photos.

So, still here, are you? Nopathslefttochoose?

Still here, but not spending as much time behind the screen.

Looking back is so different from your other works and in the same time very beautiful! I believe it looks different because this time you prefered more bright colors and white! Nice work!!!

Well, it was the first time I ever painted a yawning cat, so maybe that's why it looks different.

I've been experimenting lately. Sometimes I get bored. Changing things up helps get rid of that.

Some changes are sometimes indeed necessary as everything in life would be so flat. I like your new experimental phase!

Perhaps you value google's opinion a little to highly?

I think I enjoy witnessing Google be incorrect about everything, 100% of the time.

"Google never seems to know what I'm up to. That's a good sign. It tells me my work is unique."

Still, I think that your vanity craves a little google recognition, no? Like maybe articles about "the artist himself" trending high in google searches?

When searching The Writer/Artist Himself, the second hit under the image tab is my work. LOL!
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When searching NoNamesLeftToUse, under the images, you'll see only my work at the top. That's because I add my username to the name portion of the image file, then upload it here. I wrote a post explaining this stuff, but I can't remember which one it is.

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I can't depend on those SEO tricks we all hear about though. Having my posts at the top of Google doesn't help much. You'd have to know about Haffanower before searching it to see how it's at the top.

Nice one @onceuponatime

You worth more than they think


Now I've got the theme song to "Darkwing Duck" in my head.. I took a vacation from all social media for a week for the first time since I started sharing my art on social media. Felt good, but, now I have a week of catching up to messages, e-mails etc.. to do across multiple platforms lol

I forget the sound of that song. I don't want to look it up either because then it'll be stuck in my head.

My break involves shorter, simpler posts and a delay when it comes to me responding. Hopefully nobody minds.

I didn't realize we could do that lookup. Google is very dark. Your art is mysterious today and definitely not a cat yawning, but a creature google has never seen...

It associates most of my red work with demons and that dark side. It's kind of annoying. Google likes to use stereotypes, I guess.

So will you change your palette? You could experiment to see what Google does with hot pink devils.

What's weird is how much despair Google sensed in a piece called Happy Duck Loves Morning... and yet on this piece which seems a bit more melancholy... cute cat pictures? I think it must be mostly colour-based what it comes up with.

The other day I was chatting with some folks (you know the place) who were trying to convince me that AI is soon going to outpace us and make our meatsack brains obsolete.

Yeah, OK. ^_^

We'll still be able to come up with ways to outsmart AI. We'll know it's capabilities in advance. If a boxer knew which punch was coming in advance, they'd win every time.

Google is smoking crack or something because that is clearly the face of an elderly woman being cured on a slab of salty marble.

They used to leave bodies in salt to remove the moisture before mummification.

That's why they're so tasty but I prefer my mummies teriyaki style.

I must say this post is actually very unique. At first, I was thinking "where is this going? then I thought "Maybe nowhere"!

I like the way you have presented the whole thing. Also, your name is pretty interesting and funny "nonameslefttouse" and lastly my attention was drawn to the logo and the tag line and I loved them both! Very creative!

Can't go nowhere without getting somewhere in between, whatever that means.

I don't think you'll find too much 'normal' around this blog of mine.

Hehehehe, you are so funny @nonameslefttouse I have missed reading your hilarious but thought filled post and I also miss you. That first image doesn't look like a cat and I don't know what it is. Can you tell me?

However the happy duck yeah I can tell it's a duck and it sure looks happy. You are unique so Google will have to do a lot of work to understand where you are coming from. Hope you are good?

Have a nice day too dear

The human mind is a requirement when it comes to being able to 'see' what's actually inside my work. Technology can only see the clouds, for example. The human mind converts the clouds into shapes and patterns we recognize as other things, if we let it.

Yes you are absolutely right. It is unfathomable what the human mind can create. You are such a great personality.

Never trust AI when it comes to art :P

There was a recent image I checked and the results came back as 'art'. So that day Google was right, kind of.

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