I Survived the Fireworks Show

in #life6 years ago

Normally, I get to sit back and watch the fireworks.  This time, they asked me to help light them.

It's not the same as lighting cigarettes.


Always Read the Directions

Then apply common sense.

It was Canada Day yesterday.

Canada Day

Isn't that fun to say?

When I say Canada Day, it feels like my tongue is jumping on a trampoline.

The whole thing is just a good excuse to get drunk with friends and family.  Of course someone brings fireworks along as well.

I'm certain the friends and family enjoyed the fireballs but had more fun watching my uncle and I scramble around attempting to light these things with shitty barbecue lighters that would only work half of the time.

Click-click-click-click-click... "This damn thing isn't working!"

Mine worked.


We didn't have time to secure these miniature bombs properly.  Most of them stayed upright and shot their dragon breath into the sky.  Some started shooting sideways with a mind of their own that consisted of thoughts of taking me out.  I'm still pretty fast though and I guess dodging bullets is pretty funny because laughter was all I could hear as I was running for my life.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Looking Forward - Copy.jpeg
Looking Forward to a New Life

I don't think my uncle could hear the laughing though.  We walked in with a game plan.  "Okay, you light this one, and I'll light that one."  Sounds easy enough but due to our lighters being of the cheap and defective variety, he was still crouched down, clicking away, as the bomb I lit blew at least 130 decibels directly into his left ear.

You know how at the beginning of the movie Saving Private Ryan, everyone was fighting for their lives?  Pew! Pew! Pew-pew-pew!  Then a big disorientating explosion causes the movie to go silent for a few seconds, right?

Yeah.  That was my uncle.

I was laughing at that part, then asked how his ears felt and he said, "What?!"

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Watching the World End

Good Times

Good memories for later.

I didn't get a chance to take any pictures, of course.  I don't have a decent camera anyway.  It's for the best though.  Some things in life are better left as an experience, then locked away within my own data storage unit known as brain.  I made sure to pay attention.

I've been quite busy with life and living over the past week or so.  That'll continue now for a few more weeks.

The art I've included here today was shared because they were both produced around this time of year, last year.  Some more memories.

Around this time, last year, I ended up taking some time off from this blog, then life happened and I wasn't able to get back into the groove until December.

This year, though I might not have enough free time to post daily, and I might end up missing a few of your posts or the comments you leave here; I'll still make an effort to check in and produce something new as often as I can.  Many of you will still see my stamp of approval in the form of a vote on some of your posts as well.

I'm not going anywhere; but I am here, there, and everywhere.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Life's good, my friends."

Images © 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


This was really funny. And you're right about saying "Canada Day" - it's terrible. Can't we have a different name for it? Like, can you imagine "America Day?"

Yeah, the people behind this stuff didn't have much of an imagination. It used to be called Dominion Day. They should have called it Party Day. This year, I think most people called it 'The Long Weekend'.

then asked how his ears felt and he said, "What?!"

Hahahaha, I'm laughing my ass out. Remind me of a similar experience with my cousin. He wanted to prank me as a turn a corner, but I was scared and quickly took to the defence by swinging the local lantern at whoever it was only to discover it was just my cousin.

When we got home, they ask him how he feels, he keep saying 'what' 'what'

A blown eardrum brings the family closer together, because otherwise they can't hear you if they're far away. LOL! That could be a Hallmark card.

Ah yes, many fourth of July firework/fire/burn memories XD

Think I'll sit this year out though, not feeling particularly festive.

I wasn't in much of a mood for partying either but once everyone showed up and the drinks happened, well, I made up for some lost time.

Speaking of time. It's almost beer o'clock! (That's how it's been here where I am for the past four days...)

I'm enjoying it.

Haha I don't really drink, just not particularly fond of being inebriated in anyway... But maybe a glass of wine or two wouldn't hurt hmm

I don't enjoy being slurred speech and stumbling drunk. When I drink now, I drink enough, and slow enough, just to keep a permanent grin stuck on my face. My days of getting shit-faced are long gone, even though it's fair to say I've been drunk for at least four days straight LOL!

Haha I've gotten a little buzzed a couple of times early in the year, enough to not have a panic attack in a crowded bar and Posen up just slightly, but not enough that I'd have any trouble passing any sort of sobriety test (except the ABCs backwards I can never do that one) last time I was drunk was about two years ago maybe

A sobriety test in Canada is, "Blow into this, please." Even the slightest detection of anything means, "You're drunk."

That's why everyone brought campers or airbeds.

Oh my, .08 is the legal limit in New York, and they generally only make you do the breathalyzer if they don't believe you when you say "I only had two beers officer!"

I had to re-read this, firstly because I thought I might have missed the part where you said this was a memory of your childhood- HAHAHA, secondly because I started laughing so hard at "pew pew pew" that I couldn't really see the words after that-- I'm thinking that I might finally get a chance to watch an egg fry on the sidewalk, and it will look a lot like my brain right now....

If you happen to see my post today, you might be proud. I'm proud that anything at all coherent managed to make it's way from my fingertips- um, well, I may be using coherent in the loosest sense of the word lol

This was a memory from yesterday, I think? My brain has been elsewhere as well.

Your post today kind of reminded me of my rambles. Life posts that tell the story about nothing, yet highly enjoyable.

Sounds like a blast was had by you and your uncle- so good to know that I'm not the only adult who is bad at being it, haha!

Dude. That is a compliment of the highest order. EDIT: I meant what you said, not what i said, lol

Happy Canada day from a fellow Canuck! Way too hot here to go out though haha!

C eh N eh D eh. That spells Canada, eh.

Enjoy the heat while it lasts. Soon enough it'll be -30 again!

Ewww, you're Canadian.

Don't look at me! My parents put me here. Blame them!

But but but........my poor pants........more kool-aid, PLEASE!

I will always know that finding a post from you, will release a bit of a giggle and or smile. Something to look forward too. Plus I love your color vibes that come about in the artwork. :) Glad you were unscathed.

I survived to tell another story from a different day. That one, whatever is, will probably be somewhat funny as well. There was some drama too, but I don't like bringing that stuff up. We only have so much time here, I like to have fun.

Couldn't agree with you more. :)

I love that firework smell in the air this time of year. And I'm completely terrified of lighting them for the reasons you've outlined here. I man the fear department during the entertainment: comforting toddlers and scared dogs.

Canada Day does have nice ring to it. I'm glad you've kept your ear drums and fingers. I wish the same for us in a few days.

The fire department here was a bucket of water my brother brought along.

Next time, I'm using a propane torch that stays lit. No more messing around!

I was talking about the "fear" department. It's a term I just invented. We have a hose, but it has a frequently patched hole, so your bucket may work better.

HA! I read fire department. Stupid brain!

We lit them all next to a pond and marsh, out in the middle of nowhere. The only thing afraid were the birds wondering why it's morning, then night again, then morning, then night again.

We had a big party/jam all day Saturday so I hid indoors yesterday. I could still hear the big Canada Day ka-booms in the distance. We tied another heat record too.

I picture your second drawing as 3 guys with one getting a firecracker in the head.

The weather here hasn't been record breaking at all. No mosquitoes though!

If you miss them, I can send you some. lol

Normally, I get to sit back and watch the fireworks. This time, they asked me to help light them.

You have a great memory to remember and talk about in the future. Lots of laugh will be involved. I hope uncle gets his hearing back lol. Hey, we have fireworks on 4th of July, perhaps you would like to consider to stop by and fire it up.

Hahaha, good luck with that. :)

I'm only a couple hour away from the border and I know how my American neighbors to the south like to make things go boom, so maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll get to see the south glowing in a couple of days.

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