I Don't Give a Fuck About Your 'I Quit Post'

in #life5 years ago

I don't give a fuck about your I quit post.
"I'm done and now I'll boast!"
Message heard from coast to coast.
You're just a fucking ghost.
Showed up here; want the most?
Just get in line and earn your dime.
This shit, it will take time.
No such thing as instant fine wine.
Come down from your cloud nine.
I don't give a fuck about your I quit post.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Finito.jpeg

Those posts are annoying.

And then they come back.

Then, a month later, it's another goddamn I quit post!

I don't know about you folks but I certainly don't spend time on Youtube just to watch the content producers tell me they're going to quit. I don't hang out by the magazines and start flipping pages, looking for that article about the writer who doesn't like their job anymore; as I'm waiting in line to pay for my gloves, duct tape, rope, hatchet, garbage bags, and shovel. I haven't seen the movie where all the actors stop acting mid-scene and start throwing a tantrum!

What, in the actual fuck, are you doing with your life, when all you can do, is bitch about how much you're failing!

Am I being too harsh or are the harsh words and attitude problems in your goddamn I quit post contagious?
Fact: That drama stuff rubs off on people. It's a disease that spreads.

And then those little maggots who gather around to projectile vomit their negative vibes all up under the goddamn I quit post; what's up with them! Leaching on to every I quit post, following the Quitter Band around from town to town as if they're doing the nationwide Entitlement Issues Tour. Sticking to the same script about how the whole world is against them, putting the quitter up on a pedestal, then moving on to the next show.

Some folks just love to hate the place and it's easy to see who because they wear the skirts and carry the pompoms. Tear leaders.

I'm just messing around.


Yeah, sure. I can find reasons to complain just like the next human. I have problems in my life, too. Even though I can be one of the most ridiculous content producer types in all the land some days, behind the scenes I'm still just some dude living a life somewhere; and I prefer to maintain at least some degree of professionalism when it comes to my content.

Professionalism means I won't fly off the handle, blow up on everyone, and quit my self employed job as content producer. I'm doing this because I want to do it and I deal with the shit because the shit comes with the territory. Shit is fertilizer. Shit helps things grow.

I am secretly hiding advice within this post.


I'm only human. When I get to the point my stress can no longer be managed rationally, I go for a long walk. I take a break. I take the time to think about the thoughts that lead to what I'll do next.

There's nothing wrong with taking a break.

Not long ago, I took a long walk away from most of the things that were stressing me out. I left, quietly.

Spent nearly four months in the middle of nowhere. Didn't even have an internet connection or phone service. Distanced myself from most of the people I knew. Didn't want to make everyone else sick.

I gave myself the opportunity to experience a complete disconnection from all of those invisible monsters who were no longer hiding in my closet. Had I not done that, I could have easily lost my mind, naturally.

One major hurdle was starting out 2018 feeling like I had life on track. Was both wealthy mentally and monetarily; was looking forward to accomplishing my goals and enjoying the life I had planned for myself.

By the end of the year, that was gone. The hardest year of my life, mentally. If I could project how I was truly feeling on the inside directly into your mind so you could feel it all at once, you'd fall on your ass and wonder who the hell just punched you.
A vintage 1986 Mike Tyson uppercut.

I know of many more out there who could also land the same shot with such ferocious intensity.
I am not alone; but I needed to be alone.

So I came back, as I planned to do from the start of my journey away. The world is round. Walk far enough and you'll eventually arrive back home. Life comes full circle.

I arrived back home.

During a shitstorm.

Some folks around here, and there; they're getting blown away. Some leave silently, which is wise, because it's always best to do what you think is right, for you. Others are acting like a disease.

A disease I am immune to.

No matter how hard one tries, directly or indirectly; they cannot bring me down. I'm in charge and if I want to feel shitty, or if the whole world wants to act like I don't belong here; it's for me to decide what my next move is. It's up to me to react how I want to react.

As much as I can't stand the disease of negative vibes. As much as I don't like to see people become unhinged, explode, and cover everyone else with their juices of I can't take it anymore...

I realize now, they're just having a bad day, and need to go for a walk.

It's easy to feel strong when exposed to another's weakness. I don't think I can actually gain strength from that though. I think the strength is gained when you see that individual come back after having a meltdown, accepting they're only human and we can only take so much before we snap, and acknowledging the strength it would take to want to go another round after getting knocked the fuck out.


The Writer/Artist Himself...

I call this one, Doesn't Forgive. Doesn't Forget.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Doesnt Forgive Doesnt Forget.png

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Status update: Currently making attempts to charge voting power. I went overboard."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


I hate them but as you say what I hate almost worse is the line of dickfaces underneath in the comment section spewing even more negativity.

Man, if you hate something so much then fucking take it out your life, I always think

If there's a problem, those ones definitely are the problem. Someone has a bad day and in comes the choir of haters. Rather than trying to help lift whomever out of hard times, they're right there smiling away with their I told ya so's and sometimes delusional conspiracy theories. You can tell they're only pushing their agenda. If they truly hated it, they would leave. They don't hate it and find enjoyment in others suffering.

Yeah, that's about right. At first I was astonished that there even was a choir of haters then kept seeing them again and again. Reminds me of that Stephen King sorry story about the rubberneckers around car accidents

That singing only makes them a legit target for the verbal dumpage, so whatever, we can throw tomatoes. You just said tomahtoes, didn't you. Why?!?!

Didn't you say Tomaytoes!?

When I was a kid, back before I knew how to speak English but spoke it anyway, I thought it was Tommy Toes. Seriously. That's how screwed up I was.

Did you have a friend called Tommy?

No but envisioned a red dude with round toes and people picking them.

Steem, as life, will go on and wait for nobody so the revolving door is just a part of it. I haven’t understood the approach of the goodbyes but Steem can be whatever people want it to be so just another example of human nature in action.

Posted using Partiko iOS

So very true.

Normally I have something to add in response but you've said all that needs to be said in this instance.

What, in the actual fuck, are you doing with your life, when all you can do, is bitch about how much you're failing!

Attention seekers looking for sympathy. The internet is full of this behavior and encourages it in many ways and it is like a disease that sucks people into the vortex of self-pity.

A lot of it is bogus, online. The behavior dates back to the beginning of time though. Strange how in public, someone faking the reason why they're on the street begging for change; nobody cares. Hand over some change, keep walking. If they started yelling about problems in public, they'd be ignored, receive no money, and maybe get arrested.

Strange how in public, someone faking the reason why they're on the street begging for change; nobody cares. Hand over some change, keep walking.

Walk away and feel like they made a difference, or guilty for not helping. Or less guilty for giving money than actually helping. Or giving money to avoid the guilt altogether.

Do people who are begging for change ever get sympathy sex?

Maybe from a banana.

Speaking of fruit. I think I broke palnet.

Banana sex, is the best sex I hear.

As long as you prepare you banana properly (said a friend I know).

I cannot agree more - it does seem that some people just feel happy when they are miserable and feel sorry for themselves - all good and well but leave others alone. Read the same type of topic in a post the other day but this one is so much better than the very prim and proper ones. Straight to the point.

I prefer to write in raw form. I don't have the luxury of a backspace key when I talk in life, and I've yet to discover what the benefits are in censoring myself. This isn't a job interview.

LOL, I just recommend everyone that has trouble letting go of things that no longer make them happy go watch Frozen until they get it.
Let it gooooo, let it goooooo!

I'm probably the only one left on the planet who hasn't seen Frozen. Letting it go though, it's not that hard. It's not like this place is cigarettes.

You earned my tiny upvote a song and you already had my respect.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's some fancy dancin'. Snazzy clothes. Ain't nothing going to break that style.

You just witnessed the apex of the homosapien it's been a steady decline ever since..

Posted using Partiko Android

Spent nearly four months in the middle of nowhere. Didn't even have an internet connection or phone service. Distanced myself from most of the people I knew. Didn't want to make everyone else sick.

Ah C'mon @nonameslefttouse. Tell the truth!! You are just a bipolar errant old hermit wearing a long frayed robe & holding a large crosier hitchhiking across the roads. :p

Sometimes I go by canoe.

Oh yeah haha. I forgot crosiers are also useful to paddle. }:)

Great! I don't understand why people don't just stop posting, either. If you don't want to post, don't post. Seems like the most logical way to do it in my book.

But what I've learned in my years, is that logic is not something many people have.

They say common sense isn't so common these days. In the heat of the moment though, sometimes we do some stupid things. So much easier to come back and settle in when the bridges to the community are still intact.

Dramatic exit crap aside; I like that painting. We have chihuahua's, when we first got them they were very very small, (still are). For being so young they could fly around like there was no tomorrow. They learned to climb the stairs where we used to live. One a hundred mile an hour run for one brought the other to investigate, and BOOM head on. My little chihuahua screamed in complete and total agony, it is a sound I will never ever forget. The fallen eye part and to the matching left part to the darkness, and the smoke and ghost scream reminded me of that incident.

They both ended up being fine, and it did not slow them down at all. Out of pain or adversity we learn and we grow. A really cool picture.

Every now and again my artwork will bring these little stories out of people. I always enjoy hearing them. Thanks for taking a close look and seeing much of what is there. I kinda chuckled at the thought of a high speed chihuahua crash; but only because they turned out fine.

I've never understood the dramatic exit. So far, my Steemit friends have just left quietly and someone else replaces them, but it's great when they return too.

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