Fun Fun Friday: How to Make LSD

in #life6 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again
and today

I teach you how to make LSD!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Friday Cover.jpeg

Isn't This Exciting!

I think it is!

Making LSD is some of the best fun you and your family can have on a rainy day, or even when it's sunny!

Be warned: In some places, making LSD is illegal.

I happen to live in one of those locations.

But I've been doing this my whole life and I don't see what the big deal is.

I've made LSD five times already, and I'm only talking about today!

Do you see me getting arrested and thrown into the slammer?  No!  You don't.  So don't be so paranoid.  Live a little!  It's only LSD.

There Are Three Main Ingredients

One cannot make LSD without these three crucial elements.

Would you be surprised to learn these three wondrous components can already be found right there in the comfort of your own home?

It's true!

Everywhere you look, without even knowing, you've been hodling the most magically mystifying makings of one of the most remarkable things known to humanity: LSD

Enough chitchat though.  You came here to learn about how to make LSD and now I'll show you how it's so simple, even your child can do it while you're off doing busy adult things in the other room with the door closed.


You'll need one of these:
Screenshot (395).png


One of these fancy things:
Screenshot (396).png

And Finally

The most important of all:
Screenshot (397).png

Warning: Be sure to always place the ingredients in the correct order, otherwise you will not achieve the desired effect.

Apply the Magic

To save time, I had my staff prepare this before the show.


NoNamesLeftToUse - LSD.jpeg

Wasn't that fun!?

I love doing LSD!

Some people, and even the internet, will tell you, "Don't do too much LSD."

I agree, because this one time, I met the strange man who lives inside the carpet.

What Lives in the Floor.jpeg

He spoke to me for three hours and I wasn't able to make sense out of any of it.  At least now I know where he lives, so I'm careful where I step.


This concludes our lesson.

Making LSD is one my favorite pastimes, and now it can be yours!

Stay tuned because on the next episode, I'll show you how to make:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Crack.jpeg

I can't wait either!

So until next time:
Have a nice day!

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Since this was a comedyopenmic entry, I'll nominate @therealpaul and @sift666."
"And yes, I know that post was corny as fuck. Whatever!"

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Woohaaa this is the most exciting thing I've done all week, no what do I say.. all month!!! Holy crap (not crack!) I always wanted to try this, and you taught me in 2 minutes.. See: I have done it too, guilty:


Congratulations! Now you can tell everyone, "I've done LSD!" They will applaud.

I did ! I instantly shared it in the Dutch server on discord.. and they must have thought I was on lsd first.. but they all liked your post :) This is a very nice beginning of com round 21 yours was the first I read so thanks for that.. Looking forward to the next tutorial.. Hope its something special and not this easy hehe

On a serious note: Thanks for doing that. I've been here nearly two years and it's not often my work gets passed around like that. Thanks again.

Haha! Best tutorial EVER, I'm tripping already! ;)

Paul's Mac broke down and he's having a helluva time steeming right now- I'll let him know about his nomination- Hope you win!

I tripped over an 'L' once. Some asshole painted 'SLOW' on the street and hid crack in there. Down I went...

I was very excited when I saw this title. I thought to myself, finally, some useful information has been posted to Steemit.

I then quickly thought to myself, what fun is LSD without PCP?


Wow! You sure do know how to make some good PCP!

I am a man of many talents, I keep trying to master Pink Himalayan Bath Salts but fail. It might take a group effort to master them.

That sounds like too much work. Pank Humaluey... yeah I can't do it.

I may have the recipe wrong, maybe it calls for ground Himalayan cat and there is no real salt at all.

Those go good with pepper.

Looks like some good shit. I'll take a gallon.


Would you be surprised to find out I already knew about everything they said in that video? LOL

Something seems to have gone wrong with mine...

Just needs an R, and it'd be picture perfect.

Man I thought you were kidding-- I can't believe you made it right there on the page. Oh man this is wild, I had things to do today, but now, oh wow. Did you see that? Oh wait... is that just the patterns on the carpet, or is that a tiny city down there, and that guy, oh man I gotta go.

dreemit told me I'd been nominated here, so I'm going to have to put together a bit or two, something stupendous.

Hey man! No pressure. Just don't step on the city. They attack with these weird little light streamer guns that look like fireflies without wings and it makes your arms itchy.

Guys, many of you've been asking what LSD means
Let's suck dicks

You're welcome.

Hoping the next one's as cracker as this, if not whmore.

Cocaine, I'll be leaving.

PS: High time you made a COM entry, we missed you.
Alright alright, I'm done with the puns
or am I.

Ha ha, this is fantastic 😂.

I made some LSD per your instructions and have been micro-dosing but aren't feeling any different! Have I done it right @nonameslefttouse? Here is a sneak-peak of what I've got:

Our family is growing..jpg

I've been taking one/day and no noticable effect, I just can't figure it out 😉Any help with where I've gone wrong would be massively appreciated.

Did you not read the fine print? I thought if I made the words really small, more people would notice and pay attention because you have lean in to see them. Do you see rainbows in your urine? You better go to the hospital. Don't tell them where you learned this stuff either. I wasn't here, you never saw me.

Awww man, I missed the fine print as the letters kept walking off the side of the screen when I tried to read them. That was only after I took the SLD tab though, hmmnnn maybe the formula has worked!

Your tutorial was so lit i dont even need another lesson to make crack.

I can teach you how to make weed without fertilizer!

i am yours sensei!

Don't bullshit him

The long day I’ve having I needed me this this pick me up of colorful text injected with interesting substances. Not sure why I’m now seeing a ghost that looks like it belonged to Bowser’s Castle floating around on this page but I’ll take it.

Have a great Friday and keep cooking on steemit . Just don’t do it in the swamps in Florida. The alligators are not big fans of this kind of thing. In fact they all now have cellphones and even report you! What a world we live in.

I hope those damn overgrown lizards don't call the cops! This took all morning and some of last night to achieve. Damn fun-wreckers these days!

Instead of getting something cool like mutant ninja turtles. We are just ended up with mutant overgrown lizards. Someone better call the lab and tell them they messed up this customer order! Perhaps if I just give them sunglasses they will not call the cops.

Get some donuts, just in case.

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