Enjoying Watermelon On Acid: Thinking About Taking That Long Walk

in #life6 years ago

I think it was four years ago.  Feels more like twelve.
One more week in that city and I'd probably still be there, stuck on the streets.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Enjoying Watermelon On Acid.jpeg
Enjoying Watermelon On Acid


No place to go.

What does that have to do with Enjoying Watermelon On Acid?


That's just something I made in the present, while thinking about the past.

It's easy to assume things.  There's money in the wallet, so life must be good.

Sometimes I feel like flushing it all down the toilet, producing some art, sharing it here.  Will people vote?  So many around here with shitty attitudes seem to think the only reason people care about my presence here is because of that fucking money.

People voted when I had nothing but a vision to make something out of this.  How does the money make a difference?  I'm still the same guy.

I got somewhere so therefore I don't deserve to go further?  My life is complete?  All I have to do now is shit post and collect auto vote rewards?

That's what some people seem to think.

That makes me think.

About things I don't like to talk about.

Life must be good, right?  I probably ride jetskis all day with three young ladies on the back feeding me grapes off the vine.

I quit my career thing years ago.

I blew my savings on living.  Thousands.  I was living the retired life while most people my age were just starting out or still confused about where to begin.

I was unhappy and bored with life, so I quit the reason why my alarm clock called the shots.

All I did was chill until I got bored again.

Then I became a travelling furnace technician and duct cleaner dude just because a friend offered the job.  That was fun, easy, and all I did was chill.  I didn't have a home, didn't need one.  I lived in hotels that were paid for.  Didn't spend much money, didn't really need it; earned another pile.

After I fucked that job up out of boredom along with the desire to drink and smoke too much, I found myself in a new city.

I didn't plan that move, I just went.  I took my clothes, laptop, pillow, blankets, and a TV because I thought I'd watch it.  I wasn't worried because I was becoming a pro at hitting the reset button then coasting along while I figure everything out on the fly.

The job I was promised didn't exist the moment I arrived.  I planted my foot in the driveway, she said, "Hi! Oh, by the way, that job, it's probably not going to happen."  How convenient.  I had a feeling I fell for a line of bullshit though, so I wasn't upset.

I lived in the hood.  See those cops?  That stolen RV turned out to be a meth lab.

I was supposed to be helping a welder for twenty bucks an hour which I thought was a great way to get started on a new life, again.

At least they found a cheap bed at a garage sale.

So that was cool.

Finding work didn't take long.  Due to my expert negotiating skills, I became the highest paid dishwasher in downtown Edmonton.

Nearly twenty bucks an hour, plus a percentage of the tip pool.

Five star restaurant; a place for the wealthy and celebrity types, plus anyone else willing to spend money.  They fed me gourmet food; gave me huge cups of beer starting at around seven in the evening.  By midnight I'd be standing in front of a skyscraper, waiting for a bus, with a full stomach and intense beer buzz, as I fend off people asking if they could buy a cig for a buck.

It could have been worse.  Most of those folks I worked with did the hard drugs.  I kept to myself, collected my paycheck, tried to save money, went straight home every night.

The people I lived with were unstable, so I didn't buy furniture.  I didn't think it would be wise to buy things I'd need to lug around once they screw me over.

And they did.

I saw it coming.

Then I took a bus home for the holidays.  That was fun.  Arrived back in the city, called up the boss to ask when I'd be working again, he says, "I replaced you."

That pissed me off so I made sure to secure another month's pay severance deal with my expert negotiating skills.  Then I got evicted when the money ran out.

I had forty job applications on the go, and not one call.  Oil crashed and a lot of people lost jobs, so finding one at the time wasn't easy.

I packed my few things, talked to a relative, she let me stay in the spare room.  They started treating me poorly, thought I was there to be a freeloader, and that didn't sit well with me, because I was trying everything to get out of that jam.

I didn't have any money.

They wanted me out.

I'd spend my days walking.

I'd start with a dollar in my pocket, head to the busy street, look for people standing outside of their work, smoking cigarettes.  I knew they'd never accept the dollar when I'd ask to buy a cig for a buck.  First one was always free.  Then I'd convince them to sell me three or four of those cigs for the dollar.  They'd do it just to get rid of me, or to be nice.

I'd continue walking, asking random people for cigs, looking for more marks on smoke break.

As long as I had one lit, I'd be approached by people asking me if they could buy a cig for a buck.  Hopefully they weren't attempting to play the same game as me because the first one was always worth a buck when I was asked.  No freebies.

So that's how I'd make enough money for a breakfast coffee and a muffin.  It didn't take long.  I could easily convert one dollar into four cigs, then four cigs into four dollars, then use one of those dollars to buy four more cigs which I'd sell for a dollar each.  That was my hustle; I always had food, coffee, and cigarettes.

I knew it would work because any time I was downtown with a lit cig, I'd be so annoyed with the amount of people asking me if they could buy a cig for a buck, I felt like wearing a shirt that said, "Sorry, I got no smokes for sale."

I was lucky though.  My clothes were clean.  I was clean.  Nobody suspected I was up to something.

Sometimes I'd hang out by nice cars near a bus stop.  The bus would empty, I'd pretend I lost my change to pay the parking meter, people always helped with a smile.  That backfired a few times though.  They'd hang around and wonder why I'm not putting the coin in the meter.  The cigarette game felt honest.  Asking for money felt dirty.

Finally swallowed my pride.

I couldn't live like that forever.  I suspected things would only get worse.

I had to call my dad.  He had no idea my life was falling apart.  I didn't want him to know.  That was a difficult conversation.  Of course he didn't have a problem putting everything down, driving a thousand miles, picking me up.  I'm glad he did.

So I hit bottom there.  I needed to know what that felt like anyway so I'm glad it happened.  It's interesting how, sometimes, no matter how good you are at figuring shit out, sometimes life just says, "Nope.  I'm in charge."

So, yeah.

My life isn't perfect.  Never was.

I didn't know I'd be losing a couple hundred thousand dollars this year.  I thought I was setting myself up to finally get out of a jam.  I was happy.  I'm still looking forward to it, so that's why I keep working.

I worked hard for what I have here; I'm sick of saying that.  I made the choice to leave it here.  Any of the added perks that come along with owning SP, I deserve.  Even if that means I make more than you when I push the button.  If you want the same thing, do it, it's there for the taking.  If you want to scrape pennies off the floor and talk to your robot friend slot machines, do that and be happy with what you get.  Everyone here is responsible for their own decisions.

It's not my fault some people here with money have it easy.  All of this hate and flak I've been on the receiving end of lately is really starting to snowball into something that is causing some serious stress in my life.  I'm not the villain here just because I have some money in the wallet.  All that money is, is me attempting to better my life.  It doesn't make sense to lump us all into a pile and assume we're all lazy rich fucks looking to be freeloaders.  That shit needs to stop.

I've tried to be as honest as possible with my approach to all of this.  I work hard and don't ask for a damn thing.  I spend more time on this blog than I do anything else in my life.  I care about the place and the people.  Everywhere I look, someone is badmouthing people like me, the ones with money in the wallet.  Would the place be better if everyone was broke?  I don't get it.

Sorry for the ranty random thoughts.  That's what was on my mind.  I could say more, a lot more, but who really cares?  I'll probably wake up tomorrow, browse the feeds, read the comments, and see more people grumbling, pointing fingers, and claiming the reason they can't earn is because of people like me, the ones with the votes that actually put free money beside your posts.

Blah. Whatever.

Looks like I ruined another art post again.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"We're all people first.  The wallet means nothing.  Numbers don't tell the whole story."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


In many of your personal posts you remind me of my husband so I can empathize with you and can easily picture your experiences in my head. Your story of hitting rock bottom in so many ways reminds me of my husband hitting rock bottom before he finally got his act together. Like you he had his "smart" hustles of getting a few bucks for food and other things. He lived on friends couches until they got tired of him. In the end had to be rescued from living on the streets by his father who feared he'd end up in jail. Thankfully, after that he grew up. It's not a fun road to travel down. But you made it out and you are working hard for a better future. I'm glad you got rescued and are in a better place in life. I'm glad that you found steemit and enjoy sharing your art and creativity here. I don't think you need to justify yourself to the jerks out there on this platform. People like to give other people who are successful shit for it but you know you work hard for your success so don't let jerks get to you. You have a lot of people who love having you here just because you are you. Embrace those people and ignore the haters.

I always tell myself to ignore the 1% bad and focus on the 99% good but when the 1% is what's right in front of me, it's hard to look away. My personality kind of forces me to face those things head on, not turn my back on it so I don't get stabbed, in a sense. I think they say don't poke the bear because of people like me... LOL! At least I can laugh about it.

Wait, you don't ride jetskis all day with three young ladies on the back feeding you grapes off the vine? Pssh, there goes all my respect for you. I would have said, "awesome artwork, I like how there are two (or maybe more?) crazy faces floating there like ghosts in the watermelon acid trip, it's super trippy, I know exactly zero other artists who could take watermelon and acid and turn those topics into such an outstanding piece of art like @nonameslefttouse just did," but I didn't, because you don't ride jetskis all day with three young ladies on the back feeding you grapes off the vine. I want my money back.

I have failed you, sensei. The shame of my insurmountable fears has come full circle and now I must die. How did I know — this would be a bad trip...

Man alive. I have been trying to read this all day but it's been mad busy.

Finally I have read it though and I am ready to go deliver my expert analysis..

Fuck em, fuck em all.

I think you voted on my latest meltdown. That means you saw it. It seems I can't go a day without something like that happening and like I said, it's snowballing. I hear two years worth of it any time I'm reminded of it. Then after he had the nerve to give me shit for using profanity and said something like, "If you can't handle a conversation, you shouldn't speak." I nearly blew a fuse, because that's another pet peeve of mine. I wrote about that a week ago. Don't assume I can't control myself just because I said fuck.

I did indeed see it. Although not to the end point. That is as we have discussed a pet peeve of mine too.

It's always the same, it always comes from people who post shit and instead of looking at themselves honestly in the mirror and assessing what they see they assume that is a loaded game and that anyone who is anyone got there by subterfuge.

Even worse is that often trotted shite about us having it easier at the beginning. It was well back then. I nearly quit several times but we didn't we kept going, building up our stake.

It makes me laugh because I got someone to join earlier in the year and they kept getting hit by curie and I always thought wow they have it a bit easier now

I think the we had it easier but held a little weight earlier in the year when steem was worth several dollars and that meant that a low paying post hardly paid any steem. The cry then was all oh, early adopters had it so good and not to forget the if it ever come down below a dollar I am going to buy the shit out of it

But they haven't, they still bleat about the early adopters and most haven't bought any steem. Not that you have to of course but when you claim you will when certain conditions are met and then when they are fuck off because the payouts are so low then what do they expect.

Anyway, morning!

A new one I read today in the 50/50 debates went something like, "Steem was built for content creators. Early ppl from 2016 are now upset since their content is weak. So they think something is broken." @phoneinf (yup, I'm talking about you) is spreading that malarkey. Leaves out the part about people like us being here 2016, 2017, AND 2018; being there every step of the way. If we see problems with the place, it's because our content is weak, not because we see problems. Thrown under the bus, again. Everywhere I look, I see this kind of bullshit. It's nonstop.

I think I missed your beer post today. I'll be heading over there shortly.

It was average, you ain't missing much.

Yeah, we get a lot of content is weak nonsense. Usually from people who can't create content to save themselves :0D

I see a profile of a red face, and a green monster face. The two seem to be dueling. In the alternative, I first saw a red butterfly, but still the green monster.

Your story reminds me a bit of someone I knew that I lost back in April, except there was no turn around for him. He ended up dying of health problems complicated by heavy drug use. Not trying to be dreary, just thinking how hard it is to swallow pride and ask for help. Thank goodness you did.

I'm not sure about this place, and frankly I'm glad I have little to lose at this point. On the bright side, we are honing our skills and getting good brain exercise off the work of posting, and in regard to your followers, in using the imagination. I hope you find a resolution for your stress soon.

There's always faces in the watermelon when one enjoys it on acid, I've heard.

I knew of a few back then who didn't make it out. Once you're dirty, you can't get a job, so you're stuck. I knew I needed help and as stubborn as I can be at times, I'll still ask for help when I need it.

Stress is part of life. Even when I'm coasting along, there's still stress. I like to spit it out with words. Seems to help.

I think I've become an expert at ignoring the shittier, shadier, stupider side of humanity. Sometimes I even forget these people exist, which is an incredible feat when I think about it- Gucci Gang has 820 million views that right there is a HUGE reminder of the dumbassness of people. My daughter pointed that song out- she hates it so that's a relief- and interrupted the whole ignorant blissful state I was living in for a moment, the one where the world has far more good people than fuckheads. But maybe I can just acknowledge that the world is full of destroyers but continue to surround myself with creators that way I am not blindsided by the shitheels but they have little bearing on my life.

Anyway, one good rant and ramble deserves another, haha! Dude, you're awesome. And the thing is, I'm awesome, so you can be sure that my word on the matter is the one that counts!

I don't think I've heard the song. I shall refrain from googling.

The destroyers suck. I couldn't even own a sand castle for more than two days when I was a kid, because of them.

Everyone has a story eh, fine skills on the ciggy hustle - I would have been your fave Mark.

Perhaps the bad-mouthing with soften once understanding is gained. Or maybe it's just a case of ignoring and continuing to make a little here.

Maybe it'll stop and I have a few posts now I can point people to when they come at me. Beats arguing and repeating myself. Two years though. Badmouthing continues. Some leave, then they're replaced with new ones. It'll always be difficult to get everyone on the same page or at least able to rationalize the facts of the matter.

I'm going to be kind and put it down to jealousy and a lack of knowledge.

You know, I really don't use the ignore button enough :)

I should try the ignore button. I get feisty though. It's hard for me.

Haha I usually eat Kiwi with mescaline.

Don't let people get you down. I don't know why so many get all salty when they see that others have more than they do. You put in work here and that is why you have what you have. Everything takes effort. I used to know a drug dealer back in the day. I asked him how much money he made and it was a lot. Then, I found out he worked like 15 hours a day, every day and his earnings seemed like a lot less.

It doesn't bother me, like that. There's no point in bottling it up. I don't mind saying how I feel, then I feel better.

Yeah, dealers have a shitty life. One of my friends when I was a kid climbed the balconies of a apartment building at 4 am because the dude wasn't answering the door. He was sleeping, but those businesses never close.

According to the numbers here i am a no talent bum. Yay me!

I feel like a no talent bum when my posts don't trend.

I was going to say something appropriately philosophical here when a spider suddenly landed on me! Yuck! So... I hope things are going better for you now...

If i i make up my own tag that no one uses i can make trending!? for that tag. Oh boy the mental gymnastics i go to for entertainment

I do that with nearly every post now. Just make your own trending page and be the champ!

Thanks for sharing your experience with us! :) This whole story is a transmision for me... because it really reminds me of some parts of my character and way of living... especially in recent years... everything's tough somehow!
Life is really changing here (on this planet) and thanks god we can commune HERE!


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