Eight Stares to the Sky: No. That's Not a Typo

in #life7 years ago (edited)

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again
I did not make a typo!

Eight Stares to the Sky

Looking for Steps?

As all eight stare at the sky, I suppose you could climb on their noses. I'm not sure they would like that very much though. I'd refrain from such behavior, if I were you.

Luckily for me, I'm not you. Or maybe you're the lucky one.

Eight Stares.

Not eight stairs. Reading comprehension is important when it comes to things like this. If you can clearly see, as they do, then the clues don't matter.

If you're looking at the big red eight, you're close. Ignore the little beast wearing goggles though. He won't hurt you, unless you get too close.

Getting close might make all the difference though. We'll see, just as they do.


That's just another piece of tripped out, Oddball art produced by yours truly.

If all I did here today was confuse you, don't hesitate to leave a comment. I can explain. You should be able to see all eight though. I didn't hide these ones.

When I die, make sure my tombstone looks something like that. Even if you have to go with crayons and a chisel late at night, while everyone is sleeping, to get the job done. I won't mind.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Your host with the most peanut butter toast makes a late night post!"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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Does goggles make 9? Pretty slithery.

Goggles is the only one not staring at the sky. Good to see someone is alive out there. I thought the internet went down worldwide.

I didn't even think of stairs, until you mentioned them!
I see the stares. The one with the red nose looks like he's up to something... or is it she? It?

The stairs and the stares. They all go together in this picture. I honestly just felt like being completely strange. Thought I'd freak out some new members. As you can see, it worked! They didn't comment!

The one with the red nose is a silhouette of me(roughly, before the beard).

Aah, so up to no good is accurate.

Poor new members! I hope they don't think we're all crazy. Though there's nothing wrong with a little crazy. Maybe we should use you as a screening process...

Crazy=good. Once you stop questioning your own sanity, then you know you've gone crazy.

There are a lot of blogs here, ours included, that show new members the way. All they have to do is be themselves. It's not about writing essays, though it's good to have a few teachers around. It's a little bit of everything, right? Crazy included!

It is indeed! Honestly, just be yourself and do/write/create what makes you happy. Other things will follow :D

Yup. Don't force anything, just do you.

I don't know exactly what i'm looking at @nonameslefttouse, but there was some insane hidden skill being executed on that creation! As you were! :)

You're looking at a distraction while others are distracted. Eight others, to be exact.

Well, that helps a little bit :)

Focus on the darkness facing the light. You might see them if you do.

A big waxy tombstone. Not sure if it will last the test of time but still, what a statement!

One must always think outside of the box, even in death, if you know what I mean.

Where is everyone? Did the image predict how others would look away?

Hi there...we just woke up man, but I saw the eight AND the eight staring at the sky...

Well hello there. I didn't hide them very well. I just wanted everything to be confusing. I thought some word play would be a fun game today.

It's late here. I need to learn this timezone stuff. It bugs me when something I worked on for way too long gets missed.

We never miss your posts. I don't always comment but it is in my daily routine to go to your profile. Perhaps you should learn the time zones? I've started posting at different times to reach more followers.

I seem to be all over the place. I've been trying to put up two posts per day, plus work and live. Hard to find a structured system. I appreciate the fact so many still come and look. My brain is still wired to think how it used to be. If there weren't views in the first hour, it was nearly dead.

Awesome art,that's very beautiful .

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