Back in the Daze: The Time I Got Ran Over By My Own Car

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When I was young and knew everything about anything,

I did stupid things.

Can you relate to that?


I Am the Speed Bump

Watch me die.

I miss those days. The carefree attitude and those friends who just wanted to have fun.

We would buy 40's of Colt 45. We called it beer. Cheap beer. Cheap beer that could give you one hell of a buzz in a matter of minutes. We would even keep the brown paper bag and wrap it tightly around the bottle.

That was the only way we could be gangsta, you see. When you watch and listen to enough 90's gangsta rap, you want to be those guys. Of course, we didn't talk like them. There were a few words in those songs that people who look like me simply aren't allowed to say. That made sing-alongs difficult, but we managed. I even got to sit in a '64 Impala once. That was probably one of my best days ever.

My G-Ride was a Mazda

It had four doors, it was blue, and I owned it so technically it wasn't a g-ride.

Being two years away from legal drinking age meant having access to this liquor was actually quite easy. All we had to do was get at friend who looked like he was nineteen, and we were good to go. Some days we decided I looked the oldest, other days it was my friend J. Dave had the best beard though so we made sure to keep him around, just in case.

So, in I go and out I come with ten of these bottles and a big smile on my face. There was nothing more satisfying than conning a liquor store clerk into thinking you're allowed to be doing what you're doing.

Of course, once we had the bottles we knew it was time to get the hell out of town. Perfect driving all the way. All it would take is one cop who knows what a brown paper bag smells like to ruin our evening and we knew that.

That's just my school lunch, officer.

"Step out of the vehicle, now!"

We knew where the best hiding spots were. We could sit for hours with the music cranked and nobody would ever bother us.

Old gravel pits at the end of sketchy back roads were prime real estate for happy teenage drinking fun time.

Some people were nice and they'd drop off old refrigerators and furniture for us to destroy and light on fire. When we ran out of things to wreck, we could always throw rocks and smash bottles. Yes, life before Ipods was intense and worth living.

The Sun Goes Down

And the Marilyn Manson tape needs to be flipped.

Time to go, but I'm too drunk to drive.

J was always the best at pretending to be sober so I handed him the keys and away we went. Into the darkness that is the back road out, with the headlights off, so the farmer doesn't see and chase us with his tractor again.

From back roads to back streets. We knew we needed to keep a low profile. Those gangsta rap tapes taught us everything we'd ever need to know. We were the warriors of this urban jungle that was small city Saskatchewan.

Parking in front of the apartments where many of the inhabitants probably have warrants or drugs was wise because we knew they wouldn't call the cops on us.

Life gets a bit boring though, once the beer is gone, and it's almost time to go home so people start acting like jerks and think it's funny. J decided to grab my awesome hat and throw it out of the moonroof. It landed on the windshield directly in front me. They all laughed and of course I wasn't angry but I did want my damn hat back. I knew if I got out of the car, J would drive away. He had played this little game with me before so I wasn't taking any chances. I decided to open the door, stand on the ledge, reach for my hat; right then and there, J decided to start the car and drive, just to mess with me. I couldn't reach my hat and I was holding on to the car with all of my strength, J speeds up.

I Slipped

It all happened so fast.

I hit the pavement. The impact forced my body to go under the car. The back tire went right over my limp left arm, shoulders and upper back, narrowly missing my neck. I heard what I would sound like if I was a speed bump and Cara's screams at the same time. I was then dazed, winded, saw stars; passed out.

I came to, still dazed, I focused, my friends were gathered around me, except for J; he was off hitting his head on a power pole and calling himself stupid.

I got up, nothing was broken, I had a bit of road rash and a few cuts, I was bleeding; but I felt no pain, at all, nothing. It was like nothing happened. I literally bounced up and started laughing, "Holy fuck, you guys, I just got ran over by my own fucking car!"

Everyone was shocked. I was half dead one second and right back to my normal self shortly after.

I Needed a Few Bandages Though

Couldn't go to the hospital because they would call my parents.

I walked into the nearest convenience store only to find out they would not allow me to use their washroom, "looking like that," nor would they let me use their first aid kit.

That behavior of theirs was quite inconvenient and I made sure to let them know by grabbing a handful of magazines and throwing them up into the air behind me. I did not see that gentleman standing there so I made sure to get out before he could strangle me.

Still covered in blood, I decided to go to McDonald's, of all places.

I took a beeline straight to their washroom only to see an old man with a mop and a sign that said I wasn't allowed to be there either.

So, I stood in line, waited for people to order their future heart problems, asked for a large cup of water with plenty of ice, grabbed a handful of their crappy paper napkins, and headed back outside to clean myself up in the parking lot. I don't think anyone who saw me was able to eat their food but I didn't care, this was an emergency.

Genius over here poured the ice into a plastic bag so I could use it to keep the swelling down; done deal. Aside from a ripped shirt and bruised ego, I was feeling good!

True Story

Not much else I can say.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Today's lesson: Wear your seat belt. Something like that."
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
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You were very lucky, you got hurt so little, after your car ran you partially over. I can imagine how fast you got up and start laughing. Perhaps you were still in shock. Even better when you still covered in blood entered the restaurant. They must had felt like they saw a zombie.

I miss those days. The carefree attitude and those friends who just wanted to have fun.

I completely relate to this gangster mode. When I immigrated to US I bought my first car ever. It was a sport car Dodge Daytona. Of course in two months I destroyed it, in between I almost killed myself a few times. It was my life lesson and thanks to this, I’m still alive. Right after I destroyed my sport car I bought GEO. Definately not a sport. When it comes to drinking, oh boy. I could write a novel about it. When I took my friend multiple times to his home on my shoulder with few bush crushes lol. These are definitely good and funny memories.

If I could go back, I wouldn't change a damn thing.

I agree, me neither. Including my time in hospital, my after party mornings spent in the toilet, my broken nose, tooth...

What a story.

It seems anyone who's any amount of interesting always has some story about how they almost died. I've got one too!

One time, I was eating a mozzerella stick. I was seven years old, and I took a bit too big of a bite. I tried to swallow, but I hadn't chewed enough, and the cheese just stretched down my throat. So I started choking. Eventually I got it down though.

The end.

Yeah, I think yours is a bit more riveting. I tried, though.

Yep, the interesting people have the crazy near-death experiences.

Mine is a run-of-the-mill got too far out in the ocean to swim back kind of story. The only interesting part is the irony--before going out I had snubbed this younger kid that wanted to play with me on the beach, and it was her father that helped me back to shore.

The end.

I remember when I was quite young, not even five. I was at the lake and the neighbor's kid put me on his windsurf board, along with my older brother, and we all went out for a little ride. I can still see what the bottom of the board looked like when I think about it. I can still see my brother's face, how it looked through the water as I slowly sunk to the bottom. I guess I fell off. I don't remember being on the board but I remember being under it and in the water. I was scared of water until I was about seven years old after that little incident.

I actually have more stories. Quite a few. For all I know, I am dead and this is just how I spend my time in the afterlife.

Your memory is excellent, although I suppose traumatic experiences get hammered into it.

So we are both somewhat lucky, or in the same afterlife place. If the latter, I can't complain. I like your content.

I could have just said, "Yeah, I fell out of my car and it ran over me. I lived." That doesn't really make a good story though. I choked on a cracker once. I think some of it is still inside my lungs.

hehehhe, this resonated. My G ride was an Acura (complete with phoenix gold amps, 15" kickers, and lots of disgusting coolwater cologne soaked all over the seats for the ladies). I was lucky enough to work at a country club when I was in my teen years...lots of kegs everywhere, liquor closets galore...we partook to the extreme.

Never ran over myself though, sort of wishing I did though, could've got a nice story out of it.

We all have our stories. I could probably spend a month here just telling stories about that damn Mazda.

So true. Yeah, I could certainly tell a few stories about blowing out two Wankels on two different Rx7s...that was a turd of an engine IMHO

Ohhhh man your story was such a cool story. Though it wasn't cool for you on that situation. But one thing i really liked most from your story that you've managed at last somehow . You didn't called your parents. It's really good to take owns responsibilities .
Thanks for sharing your life experience : )

Hey, you're welcome. Thanks for reading. When I do write about messed up times from my past, I do always make sure to include the rising above part. I mean, I wouldn't be here if these things managed to defeat me.

Oh, that youth, when you think you are semi-god with unlimited powers. You are lucky! I had few bumps and bruises from my semi-god period and was lucky like yourself. Love your story, brings careless memories back.

This is the second time I wrote about nearly dying, this month. I guess I am lucky. Or maybe I'm just someone who needs to learn the hard way.

My G ride was my Honda Civic hatchback and it was pretty boss. We used to buy 40s of malt liquor also. Back then a Red Bull was a 40 oz of Schlitz Malt Liquor with the Red Bull on the front..... There was red bull and blue bull.

Having said that..... that car must have been incredibly light because if you get run over by a car you are laying on the street chances are you're going to be flattened like a pancake. I had a dog that happened to. He was not too happy for the few remaining minutes of his life.

Aren't you glad you're not a Reckless Youth anymore?

I am, though I do miss some of the fun times.

I can still be quite reckless, actually. I've learned a few things over the years but I'm still a fucking idiot sometimes. I'll hop on my dirt bike. It's a Honda CRF450. I'll hit the ditch and launch over side roads without even checking and no idea where I'll land. Stupid things like that.

Your friends kinda seem like dicks from reading some of your other posts.

At least you looked like a streetwise, battle-tested gangster by the end of the night, and you'd survived being ran over like a pro!

We were dicks to each other all the time. I hid his dog in their camper one time with a lot of water and food and made him look around the neighborhood for half of the day. I was trying to make him cry but he wouldn't... LOL

This was pure gold!
When we were children?
I spent the last 2 days stoned and drunk, saying non intelligent things and laughing for not reason.
But I always try to be with friends that are "supposed" to protect me from self harm!

I was probably the most reckless out of the bunch. My friends had their moments but I was fucking nuts. Every time I went out I'd be doing something crazy. Always rowdy, always loud. I'd do things for laughs though. That was always the main thing.

Oh yes, when you're from small towns or rural areas you understand gravel pits and corn fields. Brought back a lot of memories. LOL

I still go visit some of the old party spots when I have time. I'll usually just hop on the dirt bike, go, sit and chill for a bit. Think about things. It's a good way to go back in time.

Gotta be kidding...

Glad you lived to tell this story!


You probably should of drove instead of J.

This is my FAVORITE post of yours by far, had me rolling bro.

I remember those 40's.

Back in those same Daze I even bought the Colt 45 and Brass Monkey.

Remember the Beastie Boys?

Hell yeah I remember the Beastie Boys. That was a damn good song too.

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