What Are You Good At Doing?!

in #life6 years ago

I used to think I wasn’t good at anything (except for procrastinating and eating chocolate), because I have so many interests that I would try new thing after new thing without every really getting good at any of them.

But I’ve realized that everyone is good at something. Some things come so naturally to some people that we don’t even think of it as a talent!

We just assume that everyone can do what we do!
But it’s not true!

Everyone has a different journey, so we end up picking different skills and knowledge along the way.

I was reminded of this the other day when I created a Trello board to help organize the planning for a charity event we’re holding in Bali for the recent earthquake victims.

Several girls messaged me and said it was a game-changer, life-saver, and one girl went so far as to say “I’m so impressed. You’re my hero for the day.”

I thought “Whaaaat? You’re kidding me. Trello is easy! I didn’t do anything! A 3-year-old monkey toddler could do it!”

But that’s when I remembered that I was minimizing my skills/ability to do things. It’s easy for me sometimes to map out the big picture and strategize. I know how to put the pieces together in an organized way.

Which is weird, because I’m pretty sure the inside of my brain looks like this:

So, what’s something you know how to do that you take for granted, but could actually be a skill?

I’m asking because I want you to think positive things about yourself. I want you to know that you add value to the world in some way.

The world can get gloomy sometimes, and it’s a good reminder to focus on the good things.

Another thing that made me think of it was the dancing event I went to on Saturday!

The next day, one of my friends said “You were my favorite dancer! You got EVERYONE who wasn’t dancing around you to start dancing. Everyone had a smile on their face. You made even the people who were working dance and smile.”

Maybe that’s not a skill. But it isn’t something that everyone can do naturally. And I’ve never considered it something to think of as a positive, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized it is something about me that makes me unique and it’s okay to be grateful that it’s a trait I have.

I remember even in high school at one of my friend’s dance parties, her mom asked me to help try to get the party started.

No one was dancing and my friend was totally miserable that her party was a total flop.

It never occurred to me until my friend made that comment the other night that my friend’s mom asked ME to get the party started. Not someone else.

Me specifically.

It never occurred to me why.

It never occurred to me that it’s because I have an ability to just do what I want without caring what other people think. If I want to dance, then I’ll dance! Even if I’m the only one doing it in a crowded room.

And if I want to help my friend feel better, then of course I’ll dance by myself like an idiot and pull people on the dance floor one-by-one until I’m no longer the only idiot on the floor.

I guess my friend’s mom knew that about me before I did.

I’m not saying these things just so I can say good things about myself.

I’m saying it to get you to think more about things that you like about YOURSELF.

Just on the off-chance that you happen to be like I was a long time ago.

I wasn’t growth-minded back then, and I didn’t think I was good at anything.

But now I think I have a much healthier mindset and I just want you to see how amazing you are.

So, dig deep. I KNOW you have some amazing qualities that you didn’t even think were that great. Some qualities that you probably just thought everyone else does naturally or knows how to do.

But trust me, they don’t!

So what’s something you’re good at? What’s a quality you have that you like about yourself?


Hi @nomadicsoul, Well, every human being has so much power that he can do anything, but yes depends on him how he uses it, and to eat, then everyone likes to have their own . Good information share

yeah we really can do anything! Glad you know this!

We must have twin brains, the interior of mine also looks like this!;) and also my room! LOL! You should be proud of yourself for being a life saver and positive motivator, you have to really love people to be capable of that not anyone does! :) I am good at sewing and contemplating and I like that I am a good being on earth :) Have a nice day!

aw I love this comment! Glad I found a brain twin! haha. I love your positive view of yourself, it's so great to see that kind of self confidence!

I'm pretty good at directions and almost have a map in my head. It's a gift I'm grateful for. It's not correct 100% of the time, but it's good enough to give me confidence in where I'm going or leading others to.

Wow I'm actually impressed by that because I'm so directionally challenged! Even my GPS is directionally challenged! I must have rubbed off on it lol

I’m really good at opening Mene boxes with unusual tools

I know! It's one of your MANY talents!

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