Skydiving- Did it even happen?

in #life6 years ago

I would show you the during and after pictures from when I went skydiving, but I can’t.

I don’t have any after pictures because I died.

Parachute didn’t open.

Kidding, obviously.

The reason I don’t have any “during” pictures is because I’m crazy forgetful and I have NO idea where I put the flash drive they gave me with all the pics on them.

Which is a dang shame, because now I can’t post all these cool pics on social media showing
what a badass I am for posing mid air like that.

I could just go jump out of a plane again to get new pictures…

…but that’ll never happen.

Because to be honest, I didn’t particularly love the experience.

In fact, I hated the feeling of falling.

I never wanted to admit this.

I wanted people to see my badass pictures and say, “wow, you’re so badass!”

And then I could smile smugly, while feeling really superior to other people who WEREN’T badass
enough to jump out of a plane.

But thanks to my forgetfulness, I guess I have to feel inferior instead.

Or mediocre, at the very least.

So I have to be honest with you now, due to the lost pictures.

So I’ll just tell you the sad-legs truth.

My favorite part of skydiving was actually the before part.

I know that makes me a freak of nature, but it’s true.

I just remember laughing a lot with the flight instructors and other students to the point of my stomach hurting.

That’s always a good day.

I hated the falling part.

The feeling of falling makes my insides curl.

In fact, I LITERALLY curled my legs around the guy’s legs that I was tandem jumping with.

I’m sure he loved that 😁.

For some reason I yelled, “Just pretend we’re a spider!”

And then curled my legs around him, as if that’s what spiders do, or something.

I’ve never seen a spider do this.

But in my head during crisis mode, this is apparently how spiders act.

As if pretending we were a spider somehow made my behavior acceptable.

It didn’t.

My second favorite part of skydiving was after the parachute opened.

It was like my heart also opened to the possibility that I could stop acting like a scared siamese
twin spider and let my legs just relax.

I enjoyed the view for all of what seemed like 3 seconds, and all of the sudden…

…I was on the ground.

I really just wanted the parachute part to last the whole time.

The falling part lasted at least 30 minutes.

Or that’s what it felt like, anyway.

What was crazy was having conversations with the skydiving photographer mid air.

Like, how can we even hear each other?!


Welp, here’s the only proof of sorta not being a badass:

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Lol this is why I love ya @nomadicsoul :). We may seem different, with you traveling the world and me going nowhere.... but we are more alike than anyone would ever guess.

OMG!!!! :) I did it once.. so fun! I love that you are wearing sandals. :)

hahaha so funny that you mentioned that...because I noticed it right after posting and thought, "That's probably not what you're sposta wear" lol

Thank you for your ruthless honesty! LOL

I imagine I might feel very similar. I've thought about skydiving, but think I would much rather paraglide or something like that. Controlled falling from the start.

Yes!!! I really liked paragliding!

Wow... Skydiving.. one of bucket list

Posted using Partiko Android

I’ll be going again this year!!! Haven’t done it for almost 20 years and I’m pumped to go again!!! You wouldn’t try again???

Retarded spider...

Oh gosh you are so darn brave!

I am not certain my heart could handle it.
I can barely survive a roller coaster haha.

Maybe you just misplaced the flash drive somewhere in your luggage and you never know one day you might suddenly find it!

Posted using Partiko Android

Just by Imagining it i started to get stomach curling....and i belive laughing out loud is good way to keep all the goosebumps away.....most important you landed safely....👌...we get the nomadicsoul backk 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

I HATE the feeling of falling too!!! This is why I will NEVER sky dive. I can barely handle the drop on the Pirate’s of the Caribbean ride at Disney! 😂🤣 Kuddos to you for even going once!

Whaat how could you hate it? I've done the tandem jump two years ago and it was the beeest thing everrr

Posted using Partiko Android

What an exciting web of a tale you weave. You are such an engaging writer. One post hamburger modeling, another skydiving.

I bet that in your spider position, the freefall wasn't the only thing that lasted 30 seconds for your instructor.

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