Lower the windows, Randall, turn up the music, let someone else redo the bed.

in #life7 years ago

Here I am again talking about the TV series. Today I want to start this review starting from a impressive sentence.

What you see written in the title, told to one of the three protagonists.

This series "This is us" that is "These are us", does not have a  spectacular plot, no wars, spaceships, robots, poisons, murders and  betrayals, has a simple, common, almost banal story.

Nothing strange but it's still strong.

And it is in his way of describing the banal, everyday things, those  taken for granted in our experience that he creates in us a moved state  of mind.

Exactly this series is moving, simple but effective.

It tells the story of a family, going back and forth between the lives  of the protagonists the parents, Jack and Rebecca and the three  children, Katie, Kevin and Randall, oscillates between past and present.

When you see it you do not flatten the windows, but the defenses,  because in its simplicity this series hits straight to the heart or to  those points of us where hides the affection, the tenderness, the  sweetness and perhaps a touch of melancholy.

Turn  up the volume, you do not run the risk of deafening, there are no  hilarious twists or titanic clashes, only realistic dialogues, like a  little bit at home, you will feel catapulted at some moment into one of  your memories, that maybe you buried and that now come back with arrogance.

And  they will make the bed, the characters, like a blanket, there is  something in them that is part of each of us, in one of them you will  find, because they are like everyone, there are no superheroes and  terrible enemies, only people, with merits and defects.

I would call this series a bomb of emotionality, prepare the handkerchiefs because the teardrops are secured.

But let's talk for a moment with more care, Jack and Rebecca are the  protagonists, two young spouses, she is pregnant with three twins and he  is very happy.

Jack is the perfect husband / man, the only one in my opinion  unrealistic of the plot, even though later he too will become more  human.

Jack  does not miss anything to his wife, he is thoughtful, sweet, sensitive,  in love, he always wants to make love with her, fills her with gifts  and attentions, loves her children and takes care of them, she endures  with patience the hysterical crises of Rebecca, even those unmotivated and is also a generous and friendly man.

In short, a mythological being.

Rebecca loves him very obviously, how can  not love him? She is more human, however, and every now and then a few crises, doubts, some flaws let it leaked.

They are a magnificent couple and bring the other three protagonists  to the world, two with meat, one with love, Katie, Kevin and Randall.

Three different brothers but united by a deep feeling of affection and friendship.

Kevin  an actor, ambitious but frightened and insecure, he never believes in  himself enough and often needs the support of others to progress in his  career, his shoulder is his sister Katie, who suffers from obesity and  who often has neglected herself to run behind his brother, forgetting even how to love and why.

Then  there is Randall, my favorite, I do not deny it, a man in one piece, a  dazzling career, a great mind, a gracious family around him and an  emptiness inside that struggles to fill, a lack, stress and panic his  enemies that sometimes they block it.

He would like to have everything under control but sometimes life escapes his fingers.

And the three are supported, loved and sometimes hated, like all brothers. But together they seek balance.

This series is nothing more than their history, a story of ordinary  people, dealing with common dilemmas, common joys and common pains.

All told in a way out of the ordinary.

Image taken by : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_Us_(TV_series)


Your interpretation is amazing

Thank you it is a great tv show!

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