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RE: Falling down and getting back up: why the second part is the most important

in #life6 years ago

Please keep on getting back up. Life will not go away, but neither will your goals and dreams. I love reading these reflections of yours. And yes, I'm only one person. And I'm right next to you, dealing with frustration about the system, about the world. But I'm very glad I get to know you, through your writing, and i wish you all the best for your future plans--which do seem like a lot of plans.
My strategy right now is to start to focus more. And then focus some more. See what makes me happy, and what does not. Can't say it's already working. But it might.


Thank you for sharing that, @nobyeni. Focus is good. It's very difficult to achieve these days, especially for a person like you, since you are giving so much to others at The Writers' Block. I wish you all the best for your future plans too, my friend!

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