My 2020 New Year's Resolution

in #life5 years ago

As we embark on a brand new year, I hope everyone has carried with them the lessons from the past year. And as popular as it is especially to students, I will also be sharing my 2020 New Year's Resolution!

Let me start by stating the reason why I always have a new year's resolution when in fact most of us just stick to the plan for a few weeks and lucky enough if it lasts for the first quarter. Well, in my case, like many others, I tend to forget about my written promises for the brand new year, but what we have always overlooked is that we may certainly made a few of them as habits.

We are very familiar with the 21-day rule which was initially observed by a surgeon named Maxwell Maltz in 1950s. And based on his experiences he stated that if you consistently do something for 21 days, it eventually becomes a habit. But there is also one research that says differently wherein they examined 96 people in doing their chosen new habits. And based on that study, it was found out that on average it takes more than two months before a certain task to be automatic. These two experiments made me try it out myself and thus each year I make a New Year's Resolution. Each year attempting to hasten my abilities and provide a self-observation about how my new habits affected me.

Some said I am talking nonsense and just wasting my time but I think what's more wasteful is not trying at all. So here's my 2020 New Year's Resolution.

This photo was my one of my first attempts in photographing the stars. And if not because of last year's new year's resolution I wouldn't know if I could ever like astrophotography.

I made a bunch of not well-thought decisions in the last two quarters of the past year and so number one of this year's promise is to always make use of my planner!

I love planning, a lot. But some days just shock me as I left unprepared. My 2019 was full of surprises and I knew I had to do something, something concrete like listing down plans. Now, I am glad to announce that for the first four days of 2020, I seemed to be getting myself hooked in journals and planners. I just have to not miss a day. Hehehe Part of the plans I had already written on my 2020 planner is reading and finishing the books I supposed to finish.

Thanks to my boyfriend for giving me his planner by the way. Yeah, he kinda not liked planners as he have kept so many unopened planners from the past years.

These are the books I got for the holiday from my boyfriend. These are from Booksale which cost less than 2 dollars each, except for the Nicholas Spark's Two by Two which he bought for around 6 dollars.

So this book reading leads to my second resolution, to be able to finish 100 books in a year. I have always dreamed of having my own library and with 100 books this year, that would be good start. You say, it's pretty too much for a challenge? Well, normally I would finish off a Nicholas Spark's book for one and a half day with meal breaks in between. And since I want to do more from my time than just reading, I made an average calculation of finishing a book for three days. One book per three days is like 10 books a month and so I came up with 100 books for this year. Sparing of the supposed 20 more and have the extra time allocated for emergencies and hiatuses. Last year, I set the challenge to 50 books because I was kind of busy but I only finished around 20. Some books just left me hanging and empty. Some books would want me to concentrate on that genre only. From a person who has no favorite genres, staying on a certain theme bores me. And so this year's challenge has to be diverse. I and my partner are both into reading books, so I hope this will be a fun year of reading.

Since the challenge is up, I am thinking that my third resolution would be saving and never be an impulsive buyer.

There should be a STOP to me being an impulsive buyer online especially on shoes and dresses. I buy too much of what I thought I would need and never use almost more than half of them. What a waste of money! But since I am now committed on books, I better yet spend some money on Booksale for some good finds. National Bookstore can wait. Booksale is such a good store to find most underrated novels at a very good price. There are some really great finds but most of them cost a bit higher than the rest. Digging on good finds can sometimes be better. Knowing more authors than just from the New York's Bestsellers widens your choice and genre.

But I was wondering if my collection would be on a certain number then I'd probably have to hop on my fourth resolution - BE MORE SYSTEMATIC! There you go, a very strong emphasis on the last item on this year's resolution.

I am never a kind of "spick and span" lady. I am more organized in thoughts than in actual things. I have a chaotic way of arranging and remembering things where they were. But this does not mean that I do not clean. I do. But very rare, like a general cleaning. I always focused on food cleanliness that I overlooked the importance of a well-arranged room. Please do not picture it out as worse than I have in mind because it is totally not that bad. I just have a special placement of things in which they do not usually go together or grouped according to its usage. Like for example, you can find my books in all corners of the room. And I want it badly changed. So yesterday, I started cleaning my room and getting myself and my stuff used to its proper places. I tidied up my room and it felt amazing.

I guess that's all folks. Let me know your resolution for this year in the comment section below. Thanks for stopping by.

This has been @nikkabomb saying, " Either which of the 21 days or the 2 months experiment would make me change, I am up for the challenge."

Nikka Ganzan, the author

I was destined to be a successful civil engineer but my heart belongs to literature. And if I have learnt something from the past years of struggles, it is maybe this - "Sometimes a leap of faith is what you need in order to find happiness. Because if you are not to become a happy person, then what's the purpose of life then?".

I tried working in an industry with the use of my maximum skills in my chosen field and I was earning big (bigger than what I expected), yet I was not happy. In between those times, I found deeper and stronger interest in my first and second love - writing and photography.

And so here I am, in my little corner in the blockchain. I hope you had a good read and check out more here ---> @nikkabomb. Lovelots.

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