life as we know it...

in #life7 years ago

hi steemians ... life is the biggest game and the people around us make this game very interesting. in India there is one thing that plays the most important role in our life {especially in a girls life} that is society, for example haww!!!! why are you wearing shorts what will people say?society2.jpg
why are you talking to guys, what will people think ? why are you going to clubs, have you started drinking? etc these are illogical questions and there is no answer to such questions its and even if you try to explain such things it wont make a difference than also you will be be judged and people will say this girl is shameless , manner less. yes there are all types of people but they are all same for girls. there are two types of people in this world the ones who care and the ones who don't and there is not much difference in both. the ones who care will stop you advice you to be careful wear decent clothes talk politely drink in your limits but prefer not to drink etc actually these people are those you say they are cool with your nature but yet they talk behind your back this girl never listens and there are some people who are actually not your well wisher but they pretend so well that anyone can believe their drama just to create an issue in your life the will talk in the society especially in front of your relatives this is the power of society. people have changed times are different but yet somewhere in their subconscious mind these people still pass judgements.
there is no limit to these peoples thinking, humans are the meanest, they don't even spare a dead person or a sick person. people will talk about who good you were once you are dead or once you fall sick they will show how much they feel for you that's not love its sympathy or guilt, sympathy because you are no more or you will be no more and guilt because just in case if they ever hurt you or have ever been rude to you. its crazy, i doubt if there is such thing called "unconditional love".Unconditional_Love.png
its a simple fact once the reason is gone love is gone too, i would not call it love... love if you like someone, don't judge. if you don't like someone ignore why to think about it.

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