Russia has reanimated the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

in #life8 years ago

In the evening on August 5 (in Friday "prime time") one of the leading Russian TV channels of REN-TV has shown the two-part documentary within the special Titanic project. However the tragedy of passengers of the ocean line boat which has sunk in 1912 is only a background for the story about "Masonic plot" which has pronounced anti-Semitic implication.


In this context the first of two movies — "Titanic is of special interest. The reporting from a next world". Actually, it is about a remake of film work which has been prepared for air on the eve of century of the tragedy of "Titanic", however editors of REN-TV do not focus on it attention of the audience.

In the former movie the announcer a steady voice reported that by the end 2012 (according to the forecast about "doomsday" according to a calendar of Indians of the Maya), "group 300" (they are Jewish freemasons and illuminates) will make global revolution therefore "the world government" will come to the power.

This government will try to deliver "the people" at the head of the leading powers of the world, will enter "common currency" and will begin to punish cruelly all who will not obey to the world dictatorship of "club 300".

These forecasts, certainly, are not mentioned in new version of the movie any more that does the materials containing in it "timeless" and actual at the moment.

According to authors of the documentary film epic, the tragedy of "Titanic" is the first megaact of terrorism after which other crimes of "Jewish freemasons" have followed.

Among them – diversion on the Chernobyl NPP (1986), collapse of the USSR (1991) and conscious blasting "Twin Towers" in New York (2001) in which have unfairly accused the Arab terrorists.

The purpose of these awful crimes — to intimidate people of good will and to turn them into the obedient herd doomed to submission or destruction.

"Russia the role of passengers of the third class on "Titanic" who were tired out for iron partitions is prepared and have doomed to death in the sinking ship" — it is said in the movie about crimes of Jews and their helpers.

Authors of the movie claim that "club 300" has been created in 1897 – in a year of carrying out the First Zionist congress which was financed by members of the same club.

On this congress allegedly the Protocols of the Elders of Zion — the Judeo-Masonic plan of redrawing of the world map have also been read.

Exposure of Zionist plot is saluted "the Russian intelligence agent" Yuli Glinka. She has tempted the lewd Jew Iosif Shapiro-Shost and has persuaded him to allow to read the secret plan of "Jewish freemasons" for one night.

This historical night the Russian Mata Hari has photographed the text of "Protocols". In 1903 secrets of "Zion wise men" have been published in Russia – the country which always was on a first line of fight against the Jewish and Zionist plot.

Obviously, she has to undertake this role and now.

As earlier I informed "Cursor", the president of Federation of the Jewish communities of Russia (FEOR-HABAD) Alexander Boroda is extremely concerned by the forthcoming restoration of the state control of teaching the Torah and the Jewish traditions in Russia.

It is about the recent proposal of the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Mikhail Starshinov (United Russia fraction) who has suggested to recover the state control of "quality of religious education and evangelical activities" — with reference to "positive experience of the USSR in this area".

It should be noted that all offers of similar level recognize from the Kremlin and that Starshinov's initiative will be approved, there are no doubts.

As they say in the press release of FEOR, according to the rabbi Boroda, the statement of the deputy Starshinov is the actual recovery of the Soviet "Recommendation on affairs of religions" with its total control over religious life.


Thanks I had no Idea the state was trying inject themselves back into religion
in Russia. is there any form of a volunteerist movement in Russia?

social movements except those which are supported by the Russian power are suppressed through pravokhranitelny and judicial systems

I upvote U

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