Does gender identity disorder (GID) can be called for what it is?? A disorder?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Please don't misjudge me here, it's not a post for bashing, not at all. But i'm just wondering what the F*** is going on!!!

I Mean science is science or XY chromosomes or XX chromosomes are just a figment of our imagination. I guess science doesn't mean anything anymore.

"My pronouns are they/them/theirs, and that's a non-negotiable...they're so important because they are the smallest and easiest way that you can acknowledge somebody's identity." ❤️💛💚💙💜"

But definitely my favorite "Gender is a universe, a broad spectrum of stars and planets in the sky"

So those mentally disordered charlatan's snowflakes promoted by the people and the establishment who only wishes to destroy what's left of our culture, of our identity, of our civilization. Because they hate heteronormativity fundamentally?

It has nothing to do with the fact of wanting to protect a tiny minority. It more look to me these people want to spread their movement all over and impose their way of thinking by attacking civil rights......Gender theory from the Queer movement with a death drive and terror.

But it work!!!

Country where third-gender legal statut and recognition classification is available on personal basis under different appellation.

  • India, Third gender legal statut and recognition
  • Nepal, Third gender legal statut and recognition
  • New-Zealand, "X" means "indeterminate/unspecified"
  • Australia, "X" means "indeterminate/unspecified"
  • Canada, "X" means "indeterminate/unspecified"
  • U.S.A , As of now states of New-york, California and Oregon as state the third gender classification as been allowed on state documents like I.D card

Some right but no official recognition

  • Germany, They can obtain a deletion of their gender marker.
  • Pakistan, Pakistan's official government documents have third-gender option, but can't be receive on voluntary basis
  • Thailand, Transgender are socially present and recognize , but no gender change are authorized on official paper and no t third gender is recognize
  • United Kingdom, permitted access to the X marker on passports

According to the American psychological association

What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex is assigned at birth, refers to one’s biological status as either male or female, and is associated primarily with physical attributes such as chromosomes, hormone prevalence, and external and internal anatomy.

Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for boys and men or girls and women.

So here we are on 21st century crisis where the Cryptos disturb world finance basis, islam fundamentalist spread the terror in occident and queer fight against human being identity



It's happening because our food is being poisoned. Men are turning into women because of tofu and the high levels of estrogen.

Stay away from processed food. Try to eat organic fruif, vegetables and meat.

😂 😂 😂 that's a funny explanation!!!

And if you look into it, you might find out that it's true @nickskywalker.👌

There is a very interesting and close correlation between the high suicide rate of people with mental disorders and that of people who are transgender. The biggest problem is no one is allowed to talk about it on any other social media platform, you'd be labeled a bigot. When did censorship ever accomplish anything?

Great post, thanks!

Great reply video!!! So there is now over 50 gender identity??? WoW!!! I wonder witch one I should pick... 😆

That's why you need to push back. Don't let these lefty nutjobs get away with peddling this idiotic narrative.👍


Check this out!!!

Yep, she's a brainwashed nut job.

The world has gotten so politically correct and sensitive about things. Maybe it's a good thing, a phase we need to go through.

My theory is that this stuff comes out of the social study departments of universities. These post-modern teachers have been pushing this crap took years to get here but now their students are on tv, in politics...everywhere.

The worst is how they are giving new definitions to words such as gender being a social construct.

Good point!!! Education failed long ago...

I see where you're coming from but you also have to remember your only seeing a small sample of their community. Imagine if you were to only see ISIS on the news and had never met a real Muslim. You would naturally assume that all Muslims want to destroy the American way of life.

This is the same concept. There are thousands of those with GID who just live an otherwise normal life with no intention of impeding anyone else's rights or to even attempt to push their beliefs on others. Don't assume that all members of a specific community share the same goals or have the same motive.

I do live with a muslim and I do have to deal with a newborn queer, I have lesbian friends... It's the 1 or 2% that make noise like they were the truth i'm worry about!!!

To be honest the problem is not the promotion of any sexual abberation, but the political correctness that is blocking every rational discussion under a threat of being called homophobic. Im in good position because Im living in eastern europe where we can still say what we think. The whole western world is totally overtaken by cultural marxist, and the political correctnes as a new type of censorship.

Interesting!!! I like the way discussions turn out, a lot of opening from all of you. Same post on Fb and I would be bash by troll from all around.

I'm curious about the part where you talk about "attacking civil rights." Would you care to elaborate on that?

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