Vegan Blueberry Pancakes: Breakfast Made Super Easy!

in #life6 years ago


When I finally woke this morning, Hayley announced she had made pancakes! Who am I to deny my senses?

Don't go buying premade pancake mixes! I've got a recipe that will feed you with wholesome nutrients and FIBRE!

First thing is first. Fibre is good for your colon. The more you poop and the softer it is, the better your chances you're not going to develop some nasty butt problem. Fibre is the answer here.

Unrefined plant foods are filled with fibre. The more you eat of those foods (subbing out the harmful animal products such as cholesterol-filled eggs, saturated fat-laden meats and hormone-laced dairy) the better your digestive health is likely to be.

If you're looking for a quick resource on the importance of fibre and resistant starch to gut health, head over to

The Easiest Pancakes. Ever.

What you'll need.

  • 1 1/2 cups of oats
  • 1 cup of non-dairy mylk - Hayley used soy (DON'T USE DAIRY. BLURRRGH!)
  • 1 overripe banana
  • 1 Tbs of non-dairy butter (Nuttelex works well!)

What else you'll need.

  • Maple syrup (My Canadian brothers and sisters, tap your tree for the BEST stuff!)
  • Fresh blueberries.

Get your high speed blender out!

  1. In a high speed blender, whizz up the oats into oat flour. It's not quite as fine as white flour, but it's a gazillion times more healthful.

  2. Cut the banana into pieces and microwave for a minute until it's soft. Mushy banana! Yay!

  3. Add the banana and the soy mylk to the oat flour that's still sitting in your super-blender. Blend until silky smooth, yo.

  4. At this stage you could add a few select spices that would go down a real treat for your body. I'm thinking maybe a half tsp of turmeric to orangify your pancakes and/or a tsp of cinnamon powder to add a subtle aromatic woody spice to your breakfast. If you do add any spices, blend them in for a further second or two.

  5. Turn your hotplate to a medium/high heat as you heat a frying pan. Add a bit of the dairy-free butter. When it sizzles, it's time to add some batter. Pour or spoon on some batter until you have a palm-sized pancake. Look for the development of bubbles through the batter to help you decide when it's ready to flip. Smaller pancakes will cook faster so each side shouldn't be more than a couple of minutes, if that.

  6. I did mention you'll need some extra ingredients to finish up. A handful of blueberries will ramp up up your antioxidants for the day and improve artery function along the way. You could leave it there, but some additional liquid sweetness always helps - today we chose maple syrup, but you could always try a drizzle of whole mango puree (blended mango with a little water added). The orange of the mango would contrast beautifully with the deep purple berries. Mmmmm!

  7. Plate up, tuck in, and get to planning that next delicious breakfast!


I still ate my oatmeal afterwards!

I am SO used to eating my regular cacao, banana and amla (Indian gooseberry) oatmeal that I ate my morning bowl right after the pancakes. Amla is incredibly high in antioxidants and 1 tsp every day is something I always have with my oatmeal. Essential eats, right there! Here's the antioxidant proof;



Late night smoothie time!

Well, despite my amazing breakfast this morning, it took me until this evening to drink my kale, veg and herb smoothie. It's my dirty brown smoothie, so I'll spare you the gross pics. Remember? It's what Hayley calls my 'dirt smoothie'. Looks icky, tastes great and is all about reducing all those nasty lifestyle diseases.

Here's to eating healthfully and living disease-free. See you tomorrow!

All the best,


All content is original.

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This article was not self-upvoted nor have I been paid to promote any products or services.


Vegan pancakes is the best!! Looks awesome Nick 😍

Yh they doo!

oooh yummy, I feel like eating pancakes now!Thank you for that super easy recipe, will try it out :)

Yum! Now I feel like pancakes.

Ummmm yummy I like pancakes


Wonderful written and those pancakes are LIFE!! Love all kind of oatmeal pancakes;) Thanks for sharing your day and recipe here!

Oh! You're sweet. Thanks for dropping by!!


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