Comic Books and Making New Connections. [Sharing Your Daily Story] (29 May 2018)

in #life6 years ago (edited)


You're not your Steemit handle, there's more to life than crypto and sharing your daily stories as a way to connect with people on a global (decentralised) way. It's okay to share what you had for breakfast.

I've been getting my comics groove on recently. But first, a little trip back in time..

In 1997, I was paying $3.50 (occasionally $2.50) for every Spider-Man comic I could find. This was my entry point to New York City. I had access to Spider-Man and heroes with strength and fortitude that seemed absent from my world. I was using it as a means to escape parts of my life which was pitted with social insecurity and bullying.

The availability of stories was abundant, but I always wished I could hear more from Spidey. He was my friend. I felt like we were pals.

The comics I knew about were the X-Men, the Fantastic 4 and of course, Spidey. I wished the artists could draw faster and the writers could generate stories like lightning. Each month may as well have been twelve.

My shopping routine wasn't monthly.

I didn't shop at a comic book store. I shopped at newsagents back when newsagents were the go-to for comics for any 13 year old kid. The range seemed huge. There were at least five Spider-Man titles a few X-Men and of course, the DC range, that just didn't do much for me at the time.

Recently, I asked a question of my local comic shop. (See Old Man Logan #37).

"Any specials or deals?"

Thankfully, there were. It gave me access to Daredevil issues I was trying to get my hands on (I'm loving Muse) and a couple of back issues of Old Man Logan.

Cheap access to content is important and gives consumers the opportunity to try out a new title that would otherwise go unnoticed or rejected simply because of one's financial restrictions.

Sometimes, it can provide that helpline to a teen or young person trying to make sense of their world. Growing up is so hard. So hard.

And looking for role models in the pages of comics is alright. In fact, although I have no study to back this up, I feel like these coloured pages have stabilised the mental health of so many people.

I'm just here to ponder. Not much else.

While I do a hellova lot of pondering and commentating during comic reviews, I felt like I needed to unload a bit more here. Now.

This year, I've been far more engaged with comics as an outlet or simply a point of interest in my life.

I understand that many of my growing list of follwers do not read comics and are here for other reasons - possibly for vegan recipes and travel blogging. I'd like us to embrace us for the multi-faceted little individuals we all are.

I grow tiresome of wannbe market analysts posting only about crypto.

Ultimately, post what you enjoy writing about. And if that's 100% of the time showing the world graphics of the latest ICO, good for you.

I would like to see something more that makes you more relatable to the "every person". We all have families, we all have problems, we have our interests and we all live our lives on a daily basis.

Right now, comics books are tickling my fancy. But because I had the foresight to know that veganism, comics, LEGO, teaching or whatever isn't one hundred percent of my personality, I stuck with a username that made more sense.

My actual name.

Technically, it's Nicholas. But I prefer Nick.

Were you rescued as a young person from depression or social anxiety by one of your hobbies?

What would you like to do and get involved in that you haven't really explored yet on Steemit?

And do you think that your username has prevented you from discussing other topics?

I want to throw out some invites again. These are either people who's opinion I really value and I'm making sure I hear from them as well as people I want to get to know a little better.


If you're not on the list, don't take it to heart! I knew you'd be stopping by. I value your input just as much and you know it.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.

All the best,


All content is original and belongs to @nickmorphew. [29 May 2018]

Disclosure: This article was not a paid promotion and was not self-upvoted. Nor were there any affiliate links.

I’m still looking for an artist to cover my work on my fantasy saga, Adventures in Elowyn Glade

You're still here? Fantastic! Take a trip down memory lane and take a read of.. my beard frustrations or the various stages of banana development.

Neither will disappoint.




I haven't heard about comics until I went to Belgium. There you can see dozens of comics in each bookstore. Of course, I saw some movies based on the comics but I didn't even realize that these were actually a thing.

Anyway, you are right, everybody should write about what they like and enjoy. I love cooking and traveling and this is what my account is about right now. But it doesn't mean it's gonna stay like this.

When I was a child I loved reading Disney books. I could spend all weekend in my room just reading and living my fantasy. Anytime my father came home drunk (which was every day) I hid myself under the bed, closed my eyes and pretended to be somewhere in a fairy tale. So having my hobby definitely helped me to fight my fear.

I am new to steemit and I'm exploring something new everyday so it's a tough question as I'm not even completely sure yet what everything steemit has to offer :)

When I created this account I thought it would only be about my cooking and making vegan travel guide so I used this name. Now I started a new Switzerland travel series where I present my favorite Swiss places. So my feed is now multi - themed :) I don't think that my name has prevented me to discuss any topics but I might be wrong and I'm just not aware that it had :)

Thank you for your article. It's nice to get to know people through their writing.

Thank you for sharing such an honest and personal story.

I am so saddened to hear that your father was an alcoholic and this contributed in such a traumatising way to your childhood. I can relate as my mother suffered at the hands of my late Pa. He was a man who showed great generosity to those outside the family and was so brutal to those in his care.

I very much appreciate your honest thoughts and consideration of your own account here on Steemit. I am excited to hear you came here to share your vegan journey and it's nice to know that it isn't holding you back from discussing other facets of your life.

You know, I'm glad I put this post together. I almost didn't in place of something more literature or art related.

All the best.

Thank you for coming back to me Nick.

When I was younger I was so ashamed of my family and I would never ever openly say that we had a problem. I was afraid I would be bullied at school. But now I realize that we need to spread the awareness and don't put the issue under the carpet.

My dad has changed after he lost everything. I (as the only one from the family) gave him another chance because at the end of the day thanks to him I'm here. But it doesn't mean I forgot. Forgiveness gave me a feeling that I can breath again :)

I am glad that you can understand what I mean from your own experience.

I am a sociable person so nothing holds me back from discussing different issues. Well, if I know something about the topic of course :) I would never get into discussion about e.g. crypto currency since I have no idea about it :)

Thank you again for your post!

Have a nice day,

Hey Nick! Can't say i've ever really been into comics, but i'm very much into the Marvel movies. I guess i've always been a bit more visual. My childhood was basically just me in the back garden, digging up worms every day. Often eating them too.. As a result I now love the outdoors.

Hi Yasmin,

What a childhood! You sound hilarious. I can just see a mouthful of wiggly worms and dirt smeared around your mouth. Ick!

It's funny you say you're a visual person, because comics are so geared towards the visual! I can often spend minutes gawking at a page with just a few words of text, because so much of the story is being told by the artwork in the frame.

What sort of Marvel movies appeal to you? Hayley loves all the Marvel movies except for Deadpool. She isn't a fan of the vulgarity. I saw both and loved them both. Suffice to say, I saw both of them alone. Ha.

I'd have to say, the Captain America movies appeal to me the most and provided that solid foundation to Civil War and of course to The Avengers. Cap is super cool. Chris Evans has come a very long was since Fantastic Four. Those movies were so awful.

Take care!

Hey Nick,

I wanna say ‘nice post’ but it’s really cliche. This is though. We are definitely all more than our usernames, and it’s nice to hear genuine stories.

I consider myself lucky to have had a good childhood, so I don’t have a hobby that I used to ‘escape’ as such. I think I was definitely attracted to hobbies that helped me discover myself though. I’ve always liked sports that require physical and mental co-ordination, but I’m not naturally gifted at them at all. I think that gaining some confidence in board sports when I was younger really helped me gain confidence as a person. I learnt a lot about how to measure and challenge my own abilities, and how not to judge myself by what others were doing.



I'm only getting into board sports now and it's great! And this is coming from someone who wasn't that confident as a child (I was a bit of a smart arse, though) having to develop some confidence over the years.

Thanks for sharing, Bec. I'd write more, but I'm super tired right now.

Looking forward to more of your journaling of life's experiences!

All the best,

Though I love comics, they weren't part of my childhood like superhero animated series and videogames were. I started readnig comic books as a teenager. My favorites were the 90s Spiderman animation, and the eponymous Playstation title and its sequel. Gosh, they're amazing.

About my steemit experience, well, I've been writing about comics mostly but I chose my name as a nickname because I didn't want to be attached to any particular "writing path." Besides I think my name works just fine for me.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Cheers for sharing your experience. We are all better for it.

The 90s animated series is where its at. I totally agree.

Take care.

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