Camp Your Way. Five Reasons You Should Enjoy the Stars and the Fresh Air.

in #life7 years ago

Have you entertained the thought of staying in the wilderness overnight? Does the whole process sound daunting and a bit scary but liberating at the same time?

I’m not a camping guru.

You may have noticed I haven’t written much about camping on Steemit. With so many topics pulling on my trouser leg for attention, it makes it so hard to give attention to all of the interests I have. However, I'm not a novice.

As a child, I went camping with Dad. It wasn’t every month, but he taught me a few things along the way. After so long not camping, I felt excited and a bit nervous all over again. These were my feelings in my early twenties when I just wanted to ‘up and leave’ for a night. I just wanted to leave my comfort zone and camp without parents. I ended up travelling down from Newcastle, NSW to a little campground in Morton National Park (mentioned here).

It wasn’t some trek across the Andes, nor was it incredibly life-changing. However, you just never know what might be waiting for you.

Camp your way.

I’m not new to camping, but I have my own style. I like to do minimalist in terms of expensive gear, but I really do enjoy gadgets. I would prefer to cook on my Trangia alcohol stove than to build a bonfire. I’d rather lay listening to the sounds of a running creek than talking with a group of people around an open fire.

In terms of the camping experience, I find that there is a lot to be said for enjoying what you already have. Even if it means you’re not crossing the country. I really do enjoy reading stories of people traversing waterways in four-wheel-drive vehicles and those trekking across vast exotic landscapes, but for those starting out or wanting to simplify their experience, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it local.

I recently watched a young guy on Youtube camping in a blizzard. It was in his backyard. That’s cool. He was testing his new gear before going away on anything more adventurous. And even if you’re not testing gear, there’s something pretty cool about just spending all night out from the cozy cuddles of the bricks and mortar. That’s what all us campers have in common – we’re not in the safe confines of our houses anymore.

With all that fluff and frothy-wash out of the way, I thought I’d put together a short list of reasons why one may want to go camping.

Five reasons to go camping.

Spend quality time with family

When you’re away from electronic devices, or just electricity in general, you get to quickly start observing natural things around you. Kids inevitably pick up sticks and rocks and throw them about the place. If you’re in a beach environment known to have had fossil finds, you may throw down a rock to reveal an ancient fossilised ammonite. This is pretty amazing – glimpsing down at millions of years in the past. Walking through the camp grounds will give you opportunities to talk with your children about the smells and how they feel about being in a different place without power! All of these conversations and experiences strengthen the bonds within families – especially if everyone is there together.

Peace and tranquillity

Unless you’ve been unfortunate enough to travel to a campsite filled with completely inconsiderate people, you’re likely to find the whole experience pretty tranquil. Consider what you enjoy or want to experience more of – are you into the beach and ocean sounds or prefer the smell of pine or eucalypt forests? If you live in Australia and haven’t been to Coolendel or Kangaroo Valley, you’re really missing out on a very special encounter with wombats and other native animals. It’s a truly special experience to wake up surrounded by kangaroos and wombats chewing around you.

Time away from technology

The pressure of emails and the dependence we have on social media and internet connectivity can be overwhelming. Taking the time to turn off the phone and detach yourself from the interwebs will give you a taste of what disconnection really means.

I’ve heard it can drive people mental and start anxiety attacks (more of a sign of their own unnatural dependence on these things), but when you just accept there isn’t any service, it’s a good feeling to just let go of it. If you are someone who gets anxious about not being able to connect to the internet, it may be a sign of a problem and would be worth speaking with your family medical professional.

Sub out the internet for a Biolite campstove. This kind of technology is worth bringing along.

Gain an appreciation for wild places and the natural environment

It doesn’t surprise me to find out some of the world’s greatest minds began their lives as little campers. There is a student at the school I teach at who has a passion for insects. She knows about their life cycles, mating rituals, patterns and colours and feeding habits. This kind of passion can be nurtured or found through the valuable experience of camping.

When you take the time to research the site you’re going to and if you plan on doing some hiking while you’re away, you’ll find a peaceful immersion that comes with being in a wild place. Wild is a very contentious subject in Australia, seeing as though many people associate wild as being free from human disturbance and interaction. In fact, 60 000 years of human occupation occurred on the land that was once labelled terra nullius. Australia wasn’t wild then, although there is room to argue it is becoming more wild now than it has ever been with so many people losing touch with natural places.

To go outdoors and cull pest populations

Of all the hunters I’ve heard talking about their motivation, there is much urgency in their voice, yes. Hunters wish to restore balance to the land and rid the mountains, grasslands and rivers of competitive introduced species. I’d argue that their contributions are so tiny as to be deemed insignificant – except for the lives that have been lost. I’d hate to think my own, single, personal life was not considered before I was shot at with a high-powered rifle.

Interestingly, one of the targets in the spotlight of hunters isn’t an introduced species. It has been on the continent of Australia for millions of years in various evolutionary incarnations. I’m talking about the kangaroo.

For those interested, a recent film has been produced called ‘Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story’. The ABC has written up a piece on it here.

Trailer for ‘Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story’

Time to share your experiences!

Have you been camping at the lake with friends? Are you a marshmallow roaster or prefer choc-bananas in aluminium foil over the fire?

Holler in the comments!

All the best,


All content is original.

Disclosure: This article was not a paid promotion and was not self-upvoted. Nor were there any affiliate links.

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What a great performance! @nickmorphew 。◕‿◕。

Awesome post man! Camping is great, so fun and beneficial, and like you said, doing it in your own way is key:) looking out over the stars in peace is something very special and sort of feels necessary for the mind and body!

I’d love to camp in the Australian outback one day and look at the stars, I’ve heard it’s incredible.

In a few years, me and my friend are going to spend a month hiking and camping in Sweden, following a water source east to west - going to need some more experience before that! :)
peace bro :D

Peace indeed! That sounds like an epic trip. Nothing like smelling the fresh air outside the cities.

Freaking amazing.

Ill have more in the pipeline.. maybe a run down of some of the geat we are taking.

Peace bro!

camping is on my bucket list, and for these very same reasons... that campstove is pretty rad.

love camping and i'm glad you're writing about it to make it accessible to so many more people! <3 great post :D

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