parte 182 ¿se puede llamar "familia" a una casa sin padre?11/11/2018-part 182 can you call "family" a home without a father? 11/11/2018

in #life6 years ago

la familia es intacta, la familia existe por que comenzó como familia. cuando un padre o una madre se va de la familia o muere la familia es la familia. hay palabra en la biblia que completa lo que es familia en la ausencia del padre se introduce como el padre de los huérfanos vayamos a salmos 68:5 padre de los huérfanos y defensor de las viudas es Dios en su santa morada. aquí podemos ver en el versículo que el es el mas poderoso y mas importante padre de familia de acuerdo con la palabra de Dios. cuando la familia es temerosa a Dios Dios cuida a esa familia.


the family is intact, the family exists because it started as a family. When a father or mother leaves the family or dies the family is the family. there is a word in the bible that completes what is family in the absence of the father is introduced as the father of the orphans we go to psalms 68: 5 father of the orphans and defender of the widows is God in his holy dwelling. Here we can see in the verse that he is the most powerful and most important father of a family according to the word of God. When the family is afraid of God, God takes care of that family.

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