Steeming Kilos - A Weight Loss Journey. [Part 2]

in #life6 years ago

Steeming Kilos.jpg

Part 1

Welcome to part two of my weight loss journey. In case you missed my last entry, I have been working towards making healthier choices in my life, which in turn will then help me lose some weight and become healthier not only for me, but for my son. As of my last entry I had lost eight kilos and put on two over the holiday period so total of six lost. Now lets talk about this week.

Please enjoy a terrible photo of myself from Christmas 2016.

So, this week has been a challenge. I have been back at work and finding it harder to make those healthier choices. I have still been taking in my lunches which is great, but I have then been having those lunches with bread to try and make myself feel full. Not the best idea. Furthermore, there have been a couple of times this week where dinner got ruined due to a lack of attention/experimentation just didn't work out which then led to late night take away.

With all of these poor decisions I expected to get on the scales and have put on even more than the previous two kilos that I put on over Christmas and New Years. However to my surprise I had lost weight. More weight than I would have expected to lose. I am have now lost a total of 8.1KG. This means that since my last weigh in which was just over a week ago I have lost roughly 2.1KG.


I am pretty confused by this. I know that I made poor decisions this week and I was not particularly active so I don't know how I have lost weight. I have a feeling that it is mostly water weight and that as soon as I hydrate I will be at a place that will make me feel rather unhappy. Because of this I am not going anywhere near celebration mode.

Also mentioned in part one of my weight loss journey, I mentioned that I was using My Fitness Pal to keep track of what I was eating and the calories contained in the food that I consumed. I have not used this, this week. It wasn't a conscious decision not to use the app, I think it was more subconsciously I knew what I was doing was bad and I didn't want my phone to have a history of those poor choices. Well screw it, here you go blockchain, keep a history of the poor choices I made this week and let them be a stern reminder of what not to do.

I really like being congratulated on my weightloss. I like it so much, it's tragic. - Carrie Fisher

The next seven days I see as being extremely difficult. I have a relative coming in from interstate and when this happens we are always going out for the day which generally includes purchasing lunches and dinners. I know that there are healthy choices to be made however, when you go to the pub and you are faced with the choice between a chicken parmy (if you are from overseas and do not know what this is, you are missing out) or a salad it is pretty darn difficult. With that said I am going to continue trying. I need to remind myself that just like Steemit, this is not something where you can expect results over night. Weight loss is a journey that takes time. It is about reprogramming your brain and creating a new lifestyle.


Looking forward to the next installment. Thank you for reading.

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good luck on you weight loss program buddy! yeah i totally agree, results dont come overnight, so hang in there and keep at it.. see you around! :)

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