You already use the fundamental tool of creation everyday

in #life7 years ago


Let us explore words.

Did you ever sit down with yourself and made some time to become intimate with the words you use and hear daily?

If you answered no then I ask why not? I have an answer for that: We are not taught the importance of words. Why? Maybe because noone has ever realized it or if there have been people throughout history the possibility is that their voices were drowned by our human nature of being more prone to reject a challenging new topic or idea than to step beyond our comfort zones and expand ourselves readily.

Observe your word and how you live - are you not living words? We are. We are constantly living words. We are 24/7/365 'word-livers'. Are we not living the words anxiety and fear when we are stressed? Are we not living the word giving-up when we decide to throw in the towel on that new hobby we tried to pursue but faced challenges? We are always living words.

Then another crazy idea: How about we turn words into gems of support, to rather grow and expand ourselves, become better versions of who we are, daily? We could surely do that. We can take words and redefine them, be creative with this whole process of deciding how it is we would like to experience and live a word in our everyday life.

Also have a look at this: We are always given the definition of words by someone outside ourselves, be it family, the education system, the government, the world system, media and we accept it readily without even having a single doubting and questioning thought most of the time about the definition and how we experience our words daily. Since when is it okay and cool to leave out the most important person in your life, You Your-Self, when it comes to the question and decision about how you would like to experience and live a word so it is supportive in your process of building yourself and your life on this planet?

We are certainly creators of ourselves and our life directly or indirectly, but we do hold the power within us - the power of decision and the power of living and applying our decisions in the way we live, what we accept and allow to be part of who we are and our lives. Words are our gateway to either a life and self of greatness or a not so optimal life and self of misery, emotional burdens and self-defeat. We truly decide.

Words are power and it is reflected everywhere: The ability to read, the ability to convey ideas, thoughts and experiences to others, performing various professions, etc. - they all require words.

Who we are and how we live is based on words: Confidence, trust, courage, perseverance, commitment, love, excitement, joy, happiness, anxious, frightened, stressed, disappointed, ridiculed and the list goes on.


Let us create ourselves and our life based on words and definitions that enable us to grow, expand, become more and live a richer life both within and without. I am ready to set myself free from the burden and oppression of unsupportive words, their definitions and my accepted experience of them that stunt the growth of myself and my life and instead explore, create and live words that help me create more and better things within myself and in my life.

Thank you and Steem-On :)


I am really starting to make this connection more and more with words and learning how to re-define and live them. It really is quite a key to self-change, actual real living self-change. Thanks for this article @nebi, I will look out for more to come!

Kim, super! Yes, you only really start to see and 'experience' the value and impact of redefining and living words once you try it yourself for about 2 weeks consistently - a whole new world of possibilities opens up :)

Thanks for your comment!

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