What climbing up a hill in South-Africa taught me about struggling with experiences inside myself or problems in my life

in #life7 years ago

A climbing uphill experience

Three weeks ago I was in South Africa. I was invited by friends there to go with them to a Game Reserve to check on the fences around the reserve and see where the fence lines needed an upgrade or change, as well as removing poachers traps from the area. Measuring the fence line lead us to climb uphill. I joined my friends climbing uphill. It was a really hot day with the South African sun burning down on us and the land. I found climbing the hill really challenging. There were three instances where I was, inside myself, wanting to give up and just stay where I am: At the beginning, in the middle and very close to the end, like 50 meters before reaching the top of the hill. Then I allowed myself to breathe and continue at my own pace, climbing up the hill. Taking as many breaks as I need. My 'rule' was to not give up and give into the emotional and feeling reactions I was going through in relation to climbing up the hill. Did I curse a couple of time? Oh yeah, I surely did… but I didn’t allow myself to give up by giving into my emotional reactions, my emotional experiences of anger, desperation, fear, wanting to give up, and so on I was going through.

Challenges we face inside ourselves

During the process of climbing up the hill I had this realization that just like with climbing up the hill physically, experiencing it as struggling and challenging - so can things in our life, things that we go through inside ourselves, inside our minds and bodies, in relationships, friendships and at work be challenging. Supporting ourselves through challenging times can be tough. However we can do it. If we have the power and are willing to decide to stay in our problemes, to continue participating and staying in the emotional reactions, of let's say anger, frustration, annoyance, fear, anxiety, depression, self-diminishment, self-judgement and so on, then we sure as hell have also the reserves in our power inside ourselves to change that decision slightly to: Being solution oriented. Changing our focus From: I am going to give up on myself and I am going to give into this pattern and experience and problem in my life, To: I am going to support me with this pattern, this problem to bring my problems to a solution inside myself. I am, for example going to walk through my problem using writing. I am going to map out my problem in writing and who I am in relations to it. Then I am going to, in writing, script or map a solution, a different approach to the situation, to the problem. One that is going to be practical to bring this problem I am having or facing inside myself or my reality to a solution. 'Rule' is to not give up on self and finding a solution to our problems we face inside ourselves, our minds, our personal processes and in our life and reality.

(On the right you can see the fence line we were measuring and checking)

(At another part of the fence line. If I remember correctly it was like 2 or 3 kilometers we measured)

(The hill we were climbing. I know it doesn’t look too steep, but once you climb it up it really is. Especially the last 100-200 meters till the top was really steep.)

Thank you hill experience

So, thanks to the hill and the process of climbing it for bringing forth this realization in me that I can use to support me in moments of facing a challenge or struggle in my process, my mind, myself or my life to not end up allowing myself to give up due to my inner reactions to both things going on inside me or things happening and going on in my world and reality, but to focus on solutions and bringing the problems I have or face to solutions in me and my life.

Nebi :)

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