The trick to achieve something is to PROGRESS

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi all,

This week I am going to redefine and live the word progress.

Here I am going to walk through the following:

  1. Defining the word progress as I currently relate to it.
  2. Redefining the word based on how I would like to live it practically.
  3. Giving specific practical examples of how to live the new definition of the word.



Currently I see progress as getting something accomplished, getting it done. The end stage of a project, task, chore, study, book, video, etc. So, basically progress is when I finish something completely. When I am at the end of a task, chore, book, with my studying, completed a software application, finished a digital painting, completed a 3D design, etc.

Then, progress is also this daunting emotion within me. I think of it as hard, difficult and challenging - almost non-achievable, because I see it like this very lengthy process between starting something and getting it completely done, such as for example:

  • starting a 3D character model/sculpt with a simple cube or sphere and then the whole sculpting, tweaking, modifying process until the character has taken shape, all the details have been placed, everything of it looks smooth and crisp and it is textured and ready for a beautiful render.

  • or, starting a mobile app with a simple project template and then having the app complete and production ready for people to download and it just works flawlessly and perfectly. No one or only a minimum amount of negative feedback is received where the app requires bug fixes or feature improvements, etc. but otherwise it is almost perfect and stable for everyone.

  • or, starting to open up a mind point in writing, self-forgiveness, etc. and being done with it, at the end stage where I have all the understanding of it, I have workable practical applications for it, and I have changed it in me.

The other thing is that with progress in my life I feel like I never really get anything done. Everything I start often never gets completed, never reaches that ‘end stage’ of being ‘done’ or ‘complete’.

There is also this stress in me when it comes to progress. I am stressing about progressing in work, in my career and building a status and more money for myself. I feel like I am not increasing my status or making much more money in the time period I think I should do it.

My Redefinition

Progress is making a step forward, getting a bit more done than the previous time - every time I do something, like daily, or hourly, or monthly, etc.. Be it in a project, a chore, a task, an undertaking or an application. It’s the process of building up or creating something BIT BY BIT. It is comparable to taking a single additional step towards getting something done, or creating something - be it in a project, a chore, task, undertaking or action. And it is done in every moment or opportunity I have during a day to get a bit more done, to add-to something in building up towards that moment of completed creation of whatever I am in the process of creating in me or my life.

Practical Examples of Living Progress

I am going to live progress the following way:

I remind myself that making progress or progressing in something is a PROCESS. It is NOT just the end goal, that state where something is already ‘complete’ and ‘done’. Progressing is the whole process from starting something and everything in between (every steps, moments) from start to finish.

Time for some practical and contextual examples. These ground the process more. They make it more tangible, comprehensible and replicable.

Contextual Example: Digital Painting

Making progress with a digital painting would be the whole process from where I start the painting to when it is complete in my eyes. So, progress is then everyday (or however often I work on it) that I do the paint strokes, add or remove previous strokes of the painting, color something in, change the color of something I already painted, add an extension to the painting, or erase or modify something I have already done in the painting. It’s those little every time steps I add to the painting process till I am satisfied with the result and I declare it complete in my eyes. So, here I ‘sit down’ daily and add a bit more to the painting, get a bit more work done in the painting than the day before.

Contextual Example: App Development

Making progress with creating a mobile application is the whole process of coding, adding or removing features. Every Time (like let’s say 4 times a week) that I work on the app development - progress is writing a line of code by a line of code, adding or removing features and code from previous times / sessions I worked on it. Taking that additional step towards completing the application, even just an alpha or beta version and not yet a production-ready version of the app. So, here I code another line or two of a feature, business logic, user interface or data-fetching than the previous day/session/time I worked on it.

Contextual Example: Learning Mathematics

Learning something new, such as for example learning mathematics. Making progress is not the leap between knowing nothing or relatively little to all of a sudden knowing everything about it. Making progress would be that I learn more and more, integrate more and more understanding through reading books, watching videos, following a teaching or course and so on and practicing the knowledge/word by doing the mathematical problems myself. Getting better and understanding more and more of the individual topic or topics that I am learning about and studying in the field of mathematics. Let’s say I practice math 3 times a week for each 2 hours. Every time I ‘sit down’ to practice math, read books, follow courses and do the math problems myself is me making progress, progressing in my understanding- and skill-acquisition process in mathematics. (or any other subject or skill I am learning and acquiring). So, here I make progress by every other day dedicating 1 hour where I learn more about, practice more math problems and the techniques, methods and way of thinking about how to solve them. Here I every other day continue my study and practice of Algebra, move through that, then do Trigonometry, Calculus, etc. Learning every other day bit by bit more and more until the understanding and methods and way of thinking about and looking at mathematical problems and solutions and models builds up and strengthens and expands in me.

Contextual Example: Self-Introspection and Support in Self-Change

With process applications, such as a mind construct or changing a point in me and my mind, like a pattern, design or program - Here I make progress by doing at least one more line, self-forgiveness or corrective application of the mind construct, one more self-forgiveness statement, one more paragraph of writing. Accumulating the writing, self-forgiveness, mind constructs, doing the real-time change one by one until I have walked through a point I am working on. So here, everyday I push myself to get at least one more line of self-forgiveness, or a multi-timeline of a mind construct, or a paragraph in writing done, or I apply that corrective application to change a point, pattern, design, program or experience I have been working on and that I experience again - living that correction today again. Bit by bit, step by step, consistently over time creating/building up towards completion/change.

You can learn more about the process of Redefining and Living Words and with that Redefining Yourself, Redefining who you are at:

Thank you!
Nebi :)

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