Find out how changing this world really works

in #life7 years ago

Working with animals, especially dogs and cats, has supported me with becoming more grounded within myself. Seeing these two cats lay next to me to the left on the bed, right now as I write this, I ponder and question how we could have accepted and allowed ourselves to harm life, in any form it presents itself in.


Let’s switch places, Let’s have it be done unto you and me

Bringing this point back to self: Would we want to be killed or beaten and abused? Would we, willingly, switch places with the bull being pierced with multiple swords in a bullfight? Would we, willingly, switch place with the shark whose fins are being chopped off for shark fin soup and the rest of the alive shark body being thrown back into the sea to drown and die a horrible death? Would we, willingly, switch places with the cow being hung upside down in a fucked up slaughter house and it's throat being cut open to bleed to death while having shackles around its back legs, enforcing a upside-down hanging cow from the ceiling of the slaughter house? Would we, willingly, switch places with that snake being skinned alive, boiled alive and chopped up in slices while the body of it is still alive and twitches, to be served as a delicacy in some fucked up cultural ritual? Would we, willingly, switch places with that rhino being made drowsy and it's horn being sawed, or rather hacked off, to only wake up again later and bleed to death an agonisingly painful death?

If we accept it to be done, it’s as if we, ourselves, are doing it; let’s not talk ourselves out of it

If our answer is No, we wouldn't want to, willingly, switch places with such actions, such life-dishonoring actions being done unto us, then there is a problem. Why do we do it to others then? Why do we accept and allow it to be done to others in this world? Look at this: We could be that other being in another life, no? Accepting and allowing it in the world, to be done by others, is the same, in essence, as doing it ourselves. Time to reflect what we accept and allow in ourselves and our world. Time to realize that we, in what we accept and allow in us: Our emotions, feelings, thoughts, patterns and behavior we participate in, the nature of conversations we tolerate with others and so on, is the problem.

The key to lasting change, and key point to take with you

If we don't change who we are, as beings, in what we and how we live, daily and what we accept in our minds (thoughts, inner talks, emotions and feelings, etc.) - and change that to always live by principle of honoring and respecting all life as equality, placing life and the wellness of all life, in all it's different and unique forms, at the highest place in ourselves and doing unto others as we would like to be done unto us - then nothing we change or try to change on the outside only (through technology, structural changes, politics, laws, etc.) will change the problems in this world for real. They will be recreated. Because it is our, each and everyone's accepted and agreed-on human nature we tolerate, accept, allow and live-out that creates the problem from the within into the outwards: into the world.

Change yourself, and one by one, doing so, we change the whole world. From the small to the big.

For more support and practical tools on how to change ourselves, you can peek into this free online course.

Also, you can learn more about a process of Redefining and Living Words and with that Redefining Yourself, Redefining who you are at:

Thank you,
Nebi :)


Totally and completely agree... Awesome post. Uvoted and Resteemed.

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