The one thing which Change your life.

in #life7 years ago

What is your “why”, your life purpose?

It´s not an easy question, but the answer that follows can be your strongest motivation. Nowadays, it´s relatively easy to get a solution for many problems. You can even ask Google for what you need! But everyone is always searching the “how to’s”. ˝How to get thinner, how to get richer, how to become a better person, how to get rid of depression, how to, how to, how to…˝

However, we rarely stop for a moment to think about the “why”, don’t we?

˝Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life, but it will surely add life to your years. ˝

The reason that drives you to do something – and I mean the real, truest, and deepest reason– is always the strongest emotion that you hold on to when you’re striving for a different outcome. When you’re down, looking up from the bottom of the deepest black pit, you need a light to guide you. Your “why” is your light. Find it!

Are you asking, “how to” find your “why”?

Well, that’s the task only you can accomplish. Do you think someone else knows you better than yourself? –I don´t think so but– OK, go ahead and ask them for a piece of advice.

Another thing you should do while searching for your ˝Why˝, you need to take a wider perspective on your life. Just as if you were looking at a landscape or one of those huge and beautiful historical paintings. At first glance, you don’t even know where to focus. But then, the longer you stare, the more everything falls to its place.

Are you still with me? Yes, good.

Every single fragment is there for a reason, and all of them together create a majestic masterpiece. Details matter, so go ahead and concentrate on them. The people or situations that put a smile on your face are the ones worth fighting for.

˝Your “why” should and will be the one thing that keeps you motivated, even when you are struggling with everyday life˝

To be able to change something, you must find a strong and emotional why.

˝Search for the things that keep you up at 2 am in the morning. In a matter like this, your gut feeling is one of the most reliable tools you have. ˝

Once you find your “why”, all the how to´s become quite easy. I’m not exaggerating, believe me! The “how to” will come to you easily, almost naturally after you find your starting point – your ˝Why˝. You’ll be surprised how things can change because of your positive attitude. As if a giant rock would roll off your shoulders.

Don´t be your own executor, become a storyteller, and tell the story of your life. People love to listen to good stories, and every good story has something to offer. Don´t hide behind a TV, computer games or long hours in the office.

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