New Year Is Coming. Don't Lose Your Faith in Magic!

in #life7 years ago (edited)
Statistics shows that every year the number of people who do not experience the joy of celebrating the New Year grows. Shopping trips looking for gifts, buying all the right products, the closure of pending tasks at work all this kills the magic of the holiday. And when comes the coveted date, we can't feel nothing but fatigue and frustration about the fact that the miracle did not happen. A comparison of our childhood memories with today's realities, also does not add optimism.

The problem is that we do not know what we want. When we were kids every year we knew exactly what gift will make us happy: pet, bike, game console, princess dress. We did not part with new gifts until the next new year! Adults have created for us an atmosphere of magic, support the belief in Santa and the good elves, and the feeling of the coming of the great sacrament. Now we are the adults...


We have forgotten how to enjoy the little things, and hope that magic will come by itself. But, even as a child, magic had to be earned. So, just stop for a moment. Remember your loved ones and relatives, they have you, they love you, you have a house, you have food and water. You can choose where and with whom to celebrate the New Year. You can congratulate the whole planet and the whole planet can congratulate you.

We live in a vast, amazing, beautiful and diverse world, which we make even better with the help of our thoughts, not to mention our deeds. Just add a little faith and effort to keep the magic in your heart tonight. After all, we are entering a new year with new opportunities.

Happy New Year!


Happy New year in advance to you.. hope you've gotten your fire works ready? Its just few hours to 2018 here

Happy New Year!

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