Happy Birthday Gran, Hello New Home and Halloween Drawing

in #life8 years ago

Good Morning Steemians,

I hope everyone is well.

My Grans Birthday and The New House

Today is my grans birthday and last night at 11pm I remembered I'd almost forgotten. It wound me up, I felt bad, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed in myself. I figured it out though, I said happy birthday this morning while we got our breakfast and coffee. I then shot out with no word and sorted a card for her, it was my only option.

When I arrived back from my morning quick shop there was no car on the drive, my grandparents had gone out, but where to.

I had to wait for a call before I could figured it out, while drivign home an agency called me about a php dev job that I may/am interested in.

After the call and sending them an email saying they are good to represent me I headed straight out to find my gran. The first and only place to went to was the new house.

I do not own this im it is off google labeled for reuse

That isn't a picture of the house, I don't have one, it'll do, it is a similar shape.

I'd had seen the house fro the outside but not the inside. On arrival the van with all our stuff was parked out side, the moving team going back and forward carrying our stuff into the house. I'd just seen my grandads car driving away a turn or two before so I doubted I would find my gran, at least I'd see inside.

I went inside looking forward to seeing my mum and dad, it had been about a week since I last saw them properly. To my suprise not only did I see my parent I acutally saw my gran. I did a quick lap of the new house to get used to the layout and to see my new room. I found my dad in the kitchen with my gran, and we were all pleasantly happy to see each other. I then went upstairs to see my new room where I found my mum how was also happy to see me and like wise, I gave her a hug and helped her put my desk in place and then went back to my car for the card.

I popped back into the house said happy birthday to my gran, gave her, her card, a hug, wish her the best of days and then said sorry to my mum, dad because I would be leaving to get some work done.

I've not actually started working yet. Its morning and I like to make a post on steemit at this time of day. I'll start after this.

The Halloween Drawing

Yesterday mornings I woul have liked to finish the halloween drawing I'd been working on but after see my dispatch emails I couldn't help but research some bits and bobs for the tech project I have. So I figured I'd take my drawings it with me to get it done late yesterday, but I had left everything back at my grans. So that didn't happen and I'm a little gutted.

The Vampire and His Grounded Child stage 1

Stage 1 as usual in blue pencil blocking out the characters and poses, I included a bit of a scene in this one. It is not copied off references it is a scene I imagined and then started and never finished. The vampire grounded his child with the rule: the child is allowed out on halloween and is grounded for the rest of the year.

Stage 2

This is as far as I got, a second pass with the blue pencil. I refined the characters and the close by scene. I'm really happy with the skeleton child and his grave. The vampire himself I'm not to sure about, I do like the body of the character but I stuggled with his feet and leg sticking out the bottom of his jacket and his entire head just feels a bit funky to me. With a bit more time I could have fixed it and moved onto every other stage before the final drawing.

I hope you like this incomplete drawing, I'll give myself a little more time to get it done next year and next seasonal drawing I do.

Until next time

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