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in #life6 years ago (edited)

Id absolutely agree that a lot of inconvenient truth is forgotton in such arguments but I wasn't just pulling race to the fore. It was more a general comment on humanity today.
Pol pot slaughtered his own people of course.
There are 7.5 billion people on this tiny space rock.
There is far too many people who think they desrve a bigger share of the pie, too many with a superiority complex due to their religion and far too many sticking their nose into others personal lives.
Live and let live and stop being such judgemental muppets is all I ask of humanity!
Perhaps our main difference is I think religion are the true puppet masters rather than governments.
Religious wars are totally not race related . They are simply wars of indoctinated belief systems.


I agree entirely. Just relaying what I observe around me and wish it wasn't so. Where I live, anti Muslim statements are often equated with, and labeled, racism. I think this is done to bolster their case since religion is not a race, but racism is frowned upon more than religious intolerance so they mix the 2 to validate their groundless arguments.

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