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RE: Love in Action

in #life5 years ago (edited)

If you can't find anything to benefit yourself, why would others trust you to benefit them?
All I'm saying is, take care of your own needs first and then be in a situation to better take care of others.
Whatever path you choose, you will be successful and wonderful, but sometimes no path for a while is OK too. Sounds like you're putting pressure on yourself! What's your passion? If money is no issue simply do what you feel when you feel it!!
Take care Indigo and enjoy the rest of the weekend, always nice to catch your posts :-)

PS Did you claim your palnet tokens yet?


I don't understand your initial question. I don't need to benefit myself, so I'm not looking for such. I already have everything I need, so am looking for opportunities to continue benefiting others, even though I don't need to for money anymore. I'm wondering if the lack of money is the prime motivator for making the effort to get one's gifts out to people. Or in the absence of that, why not just lie in the hammock or stroll tree-lined streets most of the day?

But I am flirting with the idea of essentially doing just that and waiting for something to really move me from within. Perhaps I don't feel the propulsion to follow through on any significant service projects right now because there isn't one I should be doing yet. I'm only a couple years into retirement. That's not much downtime after 30 years of working. We shall see. Thanks for your comment.

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