Introducing my eight year old child to Malcolm X

in #life7 years ago (edited)



My eldest daughter loves to read. I can always find her curled up in the corner somewhere in the house with her head buried in a book. She loves children's book and to escape into a world of her own. She especially loves to read at bedtime. Long after I've tucked her in and said goodnight I can find her reading, using her toy glow lantern to illuminate the pages.

This evening I caught her again, reading with limited lighting. She shares the room with her younger sister, they have a bunk bed. My eldest daughter usually sleeps on the top bunk. However on a hot London evening, like tonight we put down a mattress so both she and her sister can enjoy the the cooling effects of the electric fan.


She could have been mistaken for a juvenile convict, the way she laid, on a mattress on the floor, with her makeshift lamp lighting up the novel she was reading. It reminded me of the story of how Malcolm X's eyesight deteriorated and how he came wear those iconic glasses.

I was also reminded that I was yet to introduce my daughter to Malcolm X. This seemed an opportune moment to do so.


I told her about the importance of having good light when reading. She already needs to wear glasses and I explained that her eyesight will get worse if she continues to read in the dark.

I told her that there was a black leader, Malcolm X who wore glasses similar to hers. He did bad things when he was young and ended up going to prison.


However when he was in prison he turned his life around. He did it by reading books. Just like her. Because he was in prison, he had to read in the dark. He had good eyesight when he went to prison. However he read so much that he eyesight got bad. So bad that he needed glasses. He was well-known for the things he believed and said. He was easily recognised by his glasses. I'm sure he spent plenty of nights like her, reading in the darkness.


My daughter pointed out that if he was so bad that he needed to go to prison how did he become a leader? I told her that he turned his life around through learning and reading in prison. I told her, she too can achieve great things. But she doesn't need to go to prison to do it. She can start learning now as a child.

Also she doesn't need to spoil her eyesight either. If she wants to read at night she should switch on the light or lamp and let me know when she's finished. I'll switch it off for her. She smiled and agreed.


I left it there. We live in a different time from even when I was a child. My daughters live in multicultural London. They have friends with backgrounds from all corners of the globe, and intermingle with far less friction than when I was a child. This flavours what I teach them and when.

At some stage, when they are old enough to put it in it's proper context, I will teach them about the civil rights movement in America. The different ways people responded to oppression and segregation. I'll teach them about the philosophies of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey and many others. For now, I'll teach about the importance of looking after their health and eyesight. And plant the seeds of knowledge to come.



"We live in a different time"... As a parent myself, I see the same thing. It's very important for them to know the history and appreciate what it took to make things better now than they were before. It has been a historic struggle from many kinds of heroes and heroines. But like yours, my kids are in a very diverse environment also. And we have to realize that, as President Obama said a few years ago of his daughters and their friends, 'They're better than we were' (that's an imperfect paraphrase from my imperfect memory).

They need to know about all of it, as they reach the ages where it makes sense to introduce them to it, but when race doesn't even enter into their minds and their friends are all colors and nationalities and backgrounds, isn't that what Martin Luther King wanted when he had a dream? Plenty of racism and sexism and other discrimination remains, and there are places that haven't had the opportunity to learn tolerance firsthand, but in diverse places where people have learned to appreciate one another, these kids have the best approach.

Best regards from me, Your comment is very meaningful ... it is amazing when a wise one says so, may you always succeed.

As a parent myself and one who left childhood age some 20 plus years ago, I have come to understand that children will always be children. They develop a mind of their own and have a tendency to follow through whatever they make up their mind to do until they see a compelling need to consider other people's advice unless an undue pressure is used to stop them.

I believe that your daughter will adjust her reading habit on her own when the time comes. You have sowed a seed in her heart as a father, for now she just wants to do what her mind tells her. She will come back to do what you have told her much later in life.

"The Autobiography of Malcolm X" is one of the most inspiring books I've read so far.

Can also relate to my eyesight getting worse and worse because of reading under suboptimal conditions haha learned the lesson.

Cool post! Will be interesting to hear you report on your children's thoughts in a couple years :D I'm sure Steemit will be around

This is one of the things that I really like about steem it. It makes it so you can develop a body of work that is loaded into the Blockchain and can be revisited later for teaching purposes entertainment purposes political purposes financial purposes and the like. It is also a great place for storing photography spreadsheets articles. It's like a running wife record of your thoughts hopes dreams and aspirations I can be shared especially with younger family members later in life. It's kind of like riding a life book to the world that your children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren will be able to come back in time. It's like a time capsule.

I'm sure she'll have a Steemit account herself in a few years time... you'll be able to hear from her directly!

My children are six and eight and ask all the time if they can make YouTube videos. So that got me to thinking in this new world with the gift economy and social media platforms such as steem they would be able to generate an income and make a living. My thought was when If i start my kids now by the time they're 20 they will have a track record and a bunch of followers ! Which also will take them away from the broken structure of middle school, high school ,college ,debt ,house job as slave!!

We live in different times yes. But people still have the same sort of prejudices albeit maybe on different topics. I see history repeating itself over and over again. We are all oppressed still, albeit it is much more subtle now. Tyranny with a smile.
I think people like Malcolm x, if they would be transported through time, would find the causes to our problems as they had during their times. Their writings are timeless because of that.

What a great person was he. But like every great person, he got exploited by those who are in charge.

Great post, as a mom I know where you are coming from. I do my best to remind my son of his heritage and culture. Thanks for sharing

My father did the same thing with me in the early 70s when I was a young child.
But then Malcolm X was an much fresher peoples mind then. As immigrants from West Africa in London, there was obviously some racism. In the UK then, we would admire these great leaders such as Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, they were our heroes. These heroes were not taught in in schools, however I would teach me about these great leaders, explain their politics and the recite their great speeches. These days we are very lucky and blessed to have great multicultural society worldwide. These great men, should be remembered for their work to help create multicultural society.

That's so great you taught her the importance of books and turning your life around. Kids these days are always focused on video games, social media, and TV. They never read books anymore. But books are what everything was found upon and is the basis for knowledge everywhere. Giving her that lesson is something that'll last the rest of her life and one that she'll really appreciate later. Thanks for sharing :)

i myself am learning about malcolm-x and marcus garvey. also i am a bookhead and did not know that reading in the dark makes your eyesight worse. whoops lol

Great lesson!

"I told her that he turned his life around through learning and reading in prison."

If every parent would do this, the world would be a MUCH better place...

"And plant the seeds of knowledge to come."

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