谷歌點名「情」:舊物情 Old Stuff

in #life7 years ago (edited)




紀念品。我有好些看演唱會和美術展的紀念品。演唱會手燈、吊飾、記事本、環保袋等等,買的時候也稍稍考慮過實際用途,所以也在不停的消化當中。美術展紀念品也很頭痛,它好像不太佔地方,但大多實在太美美的不捨得用,哪怕只是個文件夾... 發現這個問題後,現在也只是買幾張明信片做紀念。




雖過七夕但情人的禮物不能不聊,不過只有前度的。我重實用,沒用的都不會存起來,照片或者卡片都通通送出門,免傷心。照片和用心做的小禮物拿上手一刻心情十分微妙。看著曾經心愛過的人花心血做的手工,但那人已經沒有在意自己喇,還留著覺得自己像個傻瓜,所以一丟換個痛快! 這裡有人會儲存前度的照片和小手工之類的嗎?倒想聽聽他們的故事。



最後也謝謝 @jubi 繼續舉辦Google點名比賽,能看到大家不同的愛和情的故事真的很有趣呢~

Old Stuff

If I tell you I am tidying up my stuff recently, it should be lying. It is because I am always tidying up things. I have too much things, old things. Few years ago, there was trendy word, Danshari. It was a Japanese word means to refuse, dispose and separate. Everyday I saw Facebook feed about Danshari and I also started my Danshari. I couldn’t say all of my stuff are clutters, but in fact I don’t need that much, like cloth. Cloth is the easiest thing to do Danshari. Those out-dated and not fit any more, I packed and passed to voluntary organization. Besides, old magazines and old technical notes were put recycle.

This is just a appetizer.

Souvenir. I have many concerts and exhibitions goods. For concert goods, e.g. light pointer, notebook, tote bag, etc. I tend to buy those can be used in daily life and actually using it. But for the exhibitions souvenirs, they are too beautiful, even a folder… I forced myself to use them too carefully. When I realized this, I only buy postcard now.

Book, magazine and CD. Although books are never too much, it takes places. I am unwilling to throw illustration magazine away. I read them frequently and sometimes for reference. Therefore, can’t help, just keep. CD is a bit troublesome, I don’t have a player now, even notebook. My most favourite idol group doesn’t list on ITUNES, feel wordless…

The top rank to me should be present/gift. Nowadays, thanks to LCC and low budget travel trend, there should be one active in your every life is traveling. And bring you back a souvenir. In the past, people chose something “special”, but sometimes too special. Should I hang a souvenir saucer or use it with tea cup, and I just know I can’t throw it away. (Of course, it is thankful of being shared the happiness of the trip.) Therefore, my ex-colleagues had a smart and funny mutual understanding that only buy simple snakes. I think it is the reason that I see many times of the same cake which can be brought in Japan’s airports.

Toys and dolls are difficult to Danshari. I will really fill part of my life is lost. I believe those dolls are with spirits. Okay, just let them stay in the box and look at me in dark.. I will suffer it. And some figures brought by myself, also difficult to deal with… I hope I was Louis Koo, a Hong Kong actor who has a warehouse for his figures.

Yesterday was the Chinese Valentine’s Day, I don’t have bf, only ex’s gifts. I am very practical personality. For those ex’s presents, I only keep what I can use and all photos and cards would be thrown away. It is weird to keep and isn’t it so sad/angry to see them again and again? I know some people will keep as they are part of their “life”, if yes, I would like to hear your story.

Finally, some treasurable and valuable things that I will never throw away, e.g. commemorative bank notes. I also had a collection of stamps. My parents received overseas letters at works and gave me those envelopes. I was born with no digital camera age, so there were albums of my childhood. It is nonsense to recycle them!

All these old things contain memories. Many a little makes a …. mess. If there is an attic, who needs a Danshari. (haha) So, keep clam and categorize. Even though I can’t achieve the Zen level in Danshari, I can still release more space and make a refresh.

Again, thank you @jubi organizing the Google SEO contest, it is interesting to see you guys’ love and affection stories here :P







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