The first phase of the Book of Reuben, called New Jerusalem

in #life6 years ago

Chapter 1:37-65

"The word of God comes from Heaven through an angel, while the devil wants to imitate the written word of God -and the result is religion. As you well know that since the beginning (the days of Eve) the devil tries to transmit his curse to man by imitating what God said. This is the main reason why Jesus Christ went to the cross : to redeem those who will believe, from the curse of the Law, and be able to receive Abraham's blessing and the promised Spirit through faith (Galatians 3:13-14).Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and all the prophets received a message for their generation from heaven through an angel, not from the written word of God. Paul and the other Apostles received the word of God for their generation and laid it's foundation on earth (1 Corinthians 3:10-11 and Ephesians 2:20 Confirm it).

You need to know this : all the prophet messengers received their preaching from heaven ,that is to say they received the word of life and the Lord Jesus Christ is that word, God the Creator himself. And whoever welcomes and believes the word of that prophet messenger welcomes God himself -(Matthew 10:40-42,Exodus 7:1 and Hebrews 13:8).God will never arouse a group of men, a religion or a school to bring or to restore the truth on earth, but a prophet messenger. Rejecting this prophet is to reject God himself since the prophet is the mouth, the spokesman of God, the vessel of God, bearer of a message from God. The prophet messenger is the attribute and the manifestation of the word of God for his generation. I, Reuben Son of Livingstone, preach the message, the word of God i receive from heaven. Whoever believes shall have eternal life, and shall be kings,and priests of the living God (1 Peter 2:1-10).

Kings and priests can be replaced -like Saul and Eli. But God does not do without or replace the prophet messenger. For a lion is born a lion, a Prophet messenger is born a Prophet and his way of life is predestined right from his mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:4-10).Let him refuse like Jonah, sin like Moses and Samson or deny God like Peter, still God will use him to fulfill His predestined purpose. And the prophet messenger is not among the ministries of Ephesians 4:11,yet Paul was a Prophet Messenger. Ephesians 4:11 is the priesthood in the church of God built on Paul. A Prophet messenger is not to have a big house where, every Sunday, Saturday or Friday, people gather there for worship and you call that building a church. Nothing like that even in the written word of God. But a prophet messenger has a message of life from heaven,and like Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Paul,that message must reach all nations of the world and in all languages of the Earth.

And when a Prophet messenger is sent, it is because there is no more truth on earth and his message is the only truth of his age. When Moses was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the message of Moses. When Elijah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by his message. When the Lord Jesus Christ was preaching to the Jews, no one could be saved unless by his message. He said, "No one comes to the Father unless by me. " And today,you cannot be saved unless by the message of Apostle Reuben Habaasa, a servant of God Most High. And if you are a seed of God you will believe this message (Romans 8:29-30). But seeds of the devil will stumble and fall (1Peter 2:8). For even before a Prophet messenger enters the scene, some biblical prophets announced them. Jesus Christ of Nazareth showed in Luke 4:14-21, that Isaiah 61:1-2 referred to him. John, the Baptist showed in Matthew 3:1-3,that Isaiah 40:3 referred to him. The Apostle Paul showed in Acts 13:47,that Isaiah 49:6 referred to him.

I, Reuben Son of Livingstone, am the voice in Revelation 21:3. I, Reuben Habaasa, together with the children God has given to me -those the word has given power and authority to be children of God -are the new creation in Isaiah 65:17-25. And Iam the Man in Revelation 19 with a name written on the thigh. " be continued.


Woff, woff!

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