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RE: What Came First, The Sun Or The Earth?

in #life6 years ago

Your blog post is refreshing and i like your approach. You dont see much posted as far as Bible scriptures go. Let me you believe man or satellites have reached the moon?

Have you found proof enough to support that manmade objects have left Earth's atmosphere?

I aak these as genuine questions of curiosity. Thanks.


Hello @naltedtirt, No, I do not believe that man made it to the moon or those satellites. Well first we have to look at the firmament. Notice that the sun, moon and stars where placed in the firmament as mentioned in Genesis 1:14-19. Now let me ask you a question, is the firmament firm? Now we have to go to Job, as it is written, Hast thou with him spread out the sky, strong, as a molten looking glass? Job 37:18. So now we know that the firmament is strong as a molten looking glass. In my mind nothing that is created by man can break through God's firmament. So nobody and nothing ever made it to the moon.

Also about these satellites. You ever notice that in the neighborhood all of the satellite dishes are pointed the same way? What? I thought the satellites move around. Shouldn't those satellite dishes be moving around to catch the signal of these moving satellites? Has anyone even seen a satellite that dropped back to the earth? They always say they dropped in the ocean.

Also every time they put up a rocket why does it seem to fly straight up at first then it levels off and starts flying sideways? Are they afraid if they go too high that they will hit the firmament? Like I said, I don't know all the answers, but it is right that we keep on asking questions or else we will continue in the lies of the devil. Thank you@naltedtirt!

I think of all the lies the devil could tell....flat earth/round earth seems like the most innocent because in the whole scheme of things does the answer really matter? I prefer to believe in round Earth myself because I think a tiny sun and tiny space limit GOD and his power. If the Earth is flat I still believe. If it is round I still believe. The devil can lie to me either way and my belief is still there so the lie is pretty much ineffective.

You see the devil only has to have us doubt the scriptures. If he gets us to doubt one scripture then he can get us to doubt more scriptures. I believe that the firmament is a dome that houses the sun, moon and stars. The firmament also hold the waters from above the firmament. This is how during the time of the great flood where even the tallest mountains were covered. How was there enough water to cover even the tallest mountains? As it is written, In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11. So the windows of heaven that opened was the firmament that opened up so that the waters that were above the firmament fell down to the waters that were below the firmament, along with all the fountains of waters from the great deep broken up. This is how there was enough water to cover even the tallest of mountains.

Also something to think about is that above our atmosphere, they tell us that there is vacuum. Well, if we have a non-vaulted atmosphere, then would not the vacuum tear up our atmosphere? Then if we look at the scriptures, then the firmament vaults our atmosphere. Then above the firmament is water, not outer space. There is another scripture, Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that above the heavens. Psalm 148:4.

Thank you @naltedtirt!

My understanding is that when a satellite is in orbit the gravity of Earth keeps it in the same spot above the Earth. If it moved around the signal would only work for a short time.

I may be wrong but rockets typically go into Earth's orbit to begin with then use the gravity to sling shot around the Earth after the first orbit using the momentum to help propel the rocket with the assist from the engines.

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