Let's Talk - Child Labourer issue in the world- What can I do?

in #life7 years ago

Child labour - a bonded brick maker in Pakistan picture by UN.jpg

We all remember childhood as the best time of our life. It's never going to come back again but everyone is not that fortunate to enjoy their childhood. At very early age when they supposed to play with their little friends they become labourer. We call them Child labourer.

This post is dedicated to them.



Poverty is one of the main reason. In rural areas poor parents let their child work at minimal wage. Shame on those parents. They don't deserve to be called parents. They should work hard and earn money and take care of them. I have seen some lazy parents who doesn't go to work but they push their child to go and work.


This is the second big reason. It's not the child's illiteracy which is causing the problem. In fact it's their parents illiteracy which is the reason. their parents think education is a west of money you better go to work. We should first make them literate about this.


Sometimes the parents get good amount of money to sell their child and they do. This is inhuman even it hurts to talk about selling your child. They must be living demon.


There must be other reasons but overall it's in their parent's hand. The same hand they hold with so much belief that they will take care of if they fell when they started walking.


They become illiterate

This is the biggest thing happen with them. They started working as a labourer at a hotel or somewhere else and they are young and illiterate because of this they always struggle to find good works.
They constantly find themselves out of work and search for new work and they are always in depression. This depression make them fall in love with that brown color water called wine.

They struggle financially for the entire life

This is the saddest thing in their life when we drive a BMW. They are worry what to eat tonight. They can't even see in their wildest dream what we are living. They work hard but get very minimal wage. They are not literate to find a respected job. No body calls them "SIR" in their life time.
This financial problem leads them to debt, then it becomes there habit living in debt and finally they work whole life to clear those debt.

They become criminal

Because they are struggling financially and in depression of less work, debt and other difficulties in life and that red water of course work together to convert that person from a good soul to bad.

Then we get thief, Abuser, kidnapper, murder kind of animal in our society. all because of one of the reason "Child Labourer". I am not saying this is the only reason we get these kind of people but definitely this is one of them.



I believe It's in their parents hand but sadly most of them don't realize it. Before realize they don't even accept it that they are the reason of this situation and they should do something about it.

We can do

When their parents don't help then the second option is "WE". We have to do something about it.
There are some NGO, working on this sensitive issue. I am glad that they are doing this but is this sufficient ?
We can pay some donation to help them but what else we can do.

I Will do

This is the attitude we need to develop. "I" is better than "We". If there is no "I", there would never be a "we".

Because "WE" is a combination of a lot of "I".

We should say ourselves that on this beautiful day I will set a goal that I will save at least one innocent soul from that darkness. I will change one person's life forever.
If you think like this then there are millions of people can save millions of innocent soul if they help only one in their life time.
This all will start from me.

It can't be start form "WE". It must be "I".

Thank for reading,

With Love,