Youth: an example of ambition and courage.

in #life7 years ago

It is clear that for the great majority of the people of this world, youth represents a brilliant time in every sense, whether in the physical or in the mental. And is that during this time is when more goals and ambitions have, since we have a whole life ahead and really the energy left over.

In the last months, during the protests of Venezuela, more than 70 people have died at the hands of the dictatorship that is lived in the country. For 19 years they have been ruling the same people, plunging the country into the worst crisis in its history, but 82 days ago a wave of protests rebelled against the regime of Nicolas Maduro, rebellion led by ... The young people of this country.

Many of them have not even lived a model of government other than the Chavista model, but today more than ever, the youth-led rebellion of the people is determined to take power once and for all from the regime that has kept the Venezuelans leading a miserable life.

Yesterday opposition political leaders announced that they would activate article 350 of the Venezuelan constitution, which dictates that one has the right to disregard any state entity that violates human rights, evidence exists and in large amounts of these crimes Committed by institutions and agencies that are at the command of Nicolás Maduro, is clearly a great step in search of the much desired freedom.

During these 82 days several things have taken place in the national and international political arena, since the general prosecutor of the republic, who had been a supporter of chavismo for 18 years, since the beginning of the wave of demonstrations decided to turn their backs on the regime and act in its Against, thus defending the constitution of the country violated many times by the regime (which curiously wrote the same chavismo in the year 1999). At the same time, it must be said that it was possible to gain support from the international community, countries that were really surprised to turn their backs on Chavismo, such as Uruguay and Guatemala.

However, nothing I have mentioned could have been achieved except for the inexhaustible will and courage of the Venezuelan youth to face face to face almost every day to a regime, knowing that on the other side bullets will come very possibly. Of the more than 70 killed during these 82 days of protests, most of them are people under 26 years old, it is clear that those who risk their lives in this fight are young people, but they are still there.

All that is achieved politically in Venezuela will be the result of this gallantry.

But what causes young people to risk that way, even knowing how dangerous it can be to fight the regime? Easy, it is the desire that youth has to get ahead, to live a true prosperous life where the only limitation that has a person within the country is that of itself and not that placed by a bureaucrat while illicitly enriched. Youth is the one in the street because of the ambitions and goals that each of them has within their own country, ambitions that are diminished due to the political, economic and social conditions of Venezuela today. Reasons to protest were already, only missing the brave ones that made him face the dictatorship.

I am a faithful believer that this regime has only a few days remaining in power, and is that they made the worst mistake of their lives: to underestimate the strength, the will, the morale and the ambitions of the youth. Today it is demonstrated (once again) that Venezuela is not a country of slaves.



Thanks @mynameisricky
An ambitious attitude can lead anyone to triumph and satisfaction, regardless of what is put in front of them. To have the will, the dream and the courage to be on top of the world will get you a lot farther in life than any skill you can possibly possess.

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