Diet for a Small Planet

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I've been meaning to write this for a friend of mine. For a couple of years now at least! I just haven't had the ability to pull all of my thoughts together on this until now. I've been thinking about it recently again too. But I would like for my friend (and others) to see and understand my thoughts. So here I am.

This idea of carnivorism and human diet. Coping with survival and our needs being met, and balancing that with responsible stewardship, compassion and love for our fellow creatures. At least, this is what I think its all about. First finding a grounded definition for finding peace and what works. My friend has told me that his personal motto is do no harm, so he chooses to be a vegetarian.

First, I think a good starting point is to look at the very big picture here. The balance of life on Earth.

I think it is important, as we are 'starting' a new reality with New Earth (and we still have not addressed most of the changes we need to make, so as not to start off on the wrong foot again ... this has been put off by people who think change will never happen and who even have an investment in that) to recognize what the natural pattern is for the blueprint. In truth, this place has a Great Spirit. I feel that it is the Spirit of animal, organic life. Maybe some of you have noticed it? At night sometimes if you are really quiet, you can see them, all of Spirit's manifestations, taking shape in the Moonlight and moving around, doing life. Trying not to notice us being here so much. They are very shy, I think.


I think of myself as a Naturalist. Also an Historian. A Shaman as well, probably and a Teacher too. I have an Aquarian Moon in the 9th house ... it indicates a well tended personal library of information and experience. I've seen Aquarius Moon people described in Astrology texts as walking encyclopedias of knowledge and information. This is how I got it all, mostly through psychic recovery but also from reading BOOKS.

Years ago I was working with dreams and past life experience from what I believe was Lemuria. I was a school teacher of young children, about third and fourth grade age students, as we would define them now. My education specialization, or 'degree' was in something like, Biology, specializing in certain dinosaur species!! Namely Stegosaurus. We lived and worked inside an island inside a huge wetland bog. The island was 'built' like you might imagine a spaceship, with windows all around it for the students inside it to observe the outside world safely. The top was an organic roof of some kind and the whole thing was nestled and camoflauged in such a way as to blend in as much as possible while maintaining a reasonable level of technology within. The access was through a tunnel/cave system underground and to one side, away from the water. I remember one memory of all of the student desks, similar to the ones on Earth, all pushed up to the windows in the classroom so the kids could watch everything going on outside during class time.

Anyway, because of my connections to these memories in my databanks, as well as having been a Homeschool mom ... I managed to piece out a reasonable balance in the overall system. One way to look at things, as my husband used to say, is that there is only one organism on Earth and it is DNA. So our studies of life and biology with my kids, we kind of pieced out parts of it as we went along. Related species, understanding balance, and how the whole of life fits together properly on our home planet, or how it was meant to. I think healing it all is about finding that connection, learning to adapt our human lifestyles and habits to more closely accommodate the natural and yes, God intended, reality here. Try to get along with Mother Nature, rather than fighting Her. She has in fact, worked out so much of it for us if only we would just go with the flow.

So, carnivores or not?

Here's the thing. We are way top heavy and out of balance, concerning the food chain. Top predators are too abundant. It takes a huge amount of resources and energy to sustain them. The whole system cannot sustain itself over time this way.

I was talking with my husband and son at the dinner table a few weeks ago. I have this theory. I've become an herbalist basically, from so much experience doing my own medicine and working diligently to heal my own health issues as part of my life purpose. So I probably know a lot of things that many healers are not aware of, just because of my unique perspective and life experiences! Which is why I am so driven to share what I know through writing.

I have worked extensively with clearing and detoxification in the course of my healing process. A very interesting observation I have made, is that ... one of the most effective dietary supplements you can use to detoxify, is a broad spectrum amino acid complex. Protein! Most abundantly found naturally in MEAT.

What I have learned is that the body often stores toxins, especially in the liver. Mostly because it is simply unable to move them out. They just hang around sticking to things and causing problems, always seeking some kind of completion. Many toxins find their way into the body and exist in an incomplete chemical state, which keeps them bound within it. Amino acids do something very interesting: they provide molecules needed for culmination and resolution of substances that otherwise just cycle around and around and stay trapped. Once this chemical completion is found, the body can clear them out. Look at it as, a totally different application of the term 'building blocks' for the body's use.

Anyway. My theory is that the more toxic our environment and our interaction with it (not just food), the more amino acids are required in our diets, just for our bodies to cope. I feel that this goes a LONG way in explaining just why the majority of people on Earth in many countries eat so much meat. I feel it is why people crave these foods so badly and are loath to give them up. Especially the ones with the most toxic menus, ie, the stereotypical American diet.

What I am saying is, that if we reduce the excess toxicity of our 'corporatized' lifestyles and diets, people will crave high meat based protein diets far less. I think that as long as we continue to eat garbage food, this will remain an unsolvable issue. I suspect that our cultural diets would shift to more vegetarian menus all on their own, without having to pressure anyone into letting go of their favorite foods, if we just clean up our environment. Including the consumption of toxic food.

Back to Stegosaurus!
These life forms were the creatures that were meant to exist at the top of a more balanced food pyramid at a key point of development for life on Earth, than what we've had - pure carnivores. They were mostly plant eaters and scavengers but would occasionally eat meat when they came across it. Also, Ankylosaurs and even some Ceratopsian species fit this same model as the intended 'top predators.' At least, this is what the Earth's Consciousness has shared with me.




"Spaceship Earth."

Most of us have heard this term! It means that we are part of a closed system, which is why balance and efficiency are so important. Death will always be part of the equation although I feel that with evolutionary shifts among the human stewards (and these are happening!) it will be far less of an issue. So that means longer lifespans for many humans and less meat being consumed, although the need to dispose of death still remains an issue.

Balancing the food chain is pretty important to an efficiently functioning natural system. Since we are the ones that unbalance it in the first place as human beings, we are the ones who need to make conscious adjustment and long term plans, from an organized perspective ... if we want our living planet to thrive, and us with it. Most people have heard the argument that you can feed ten people for what you feed one cow. We need to start doing the math.


Here's where the judgment shifts though, where you thought I was going to say that we need to become a totally vegetarian planet at some point.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Something interesting that I have seen many times in 'Lightworker' circles very recently, is the idea that we are shifting to a new energy model within the human body! I believe this is true.

In fact, I believe as this shift is being made, the Human Stewards are reflecting it as a shift in the society matrix for the external energy sources we are using ... away from relying so heavily on fossil fuels! Moving us into a future where alternatives like solar power and the real free energy, as well as many lifestyle changes, will be meeting far more of our energy needs.

The key to this evolutionary shift to a new energy system within the human body, is in the customization of cell mitochondria, or mitochondrial DNA. Did you know that all cell mitochondria (these are the energy 'organs' or structures in a given cell) in ALL human beings comes down to the genetic pattern of a single individual?

The key is evolving cell mitochondria to more closely match the organism's unique DNA. Rather than having only one genetic pattern for these energy structures in cells in all humans. (Something I have wondered about - does this difference in DNA patterns within individuals contribute to the incidence of cancer? One very good argument in favor of making this evolutionary shift). Back to amino acids and carnivore diets. Quite possibly why we should not be so quick to abandon meat in our diets altogether.

The proper functioning of cell mitochondria relies heavily upon the presence of a single amino acid - L-Carnitine. Guess what? This one exists almost exclusively in MEAT. Many of the others can be found in plant protein sources, but not this one. Certain B vitamins are the same, difficult to find in plant sources. But I believe that everything has a reason, that there is a Grand Design. So maybe nature is telling us something.

Okay, changing course again.
This is what I was waiting for ... the most important pieces to understanding the balanced model.

The recycling of souls.

Keep in mind that we exist within a closed system. That means we transform and re-use EVERYTHING. Not just physical manifestations, but spiritual ones also. A necessary part of human growth and development.

I feel also that this is tied to my earlier points about toxicity in our environment and what it symbolizes in our spiritual life. As our planetary population seems to be reaching exponential growth it becomes even more important! Its getting hard to be in denial of the fact that 'immoral' and criminal behavior in humans is reaching critical levels.

Well, what if nature's answer to this problem is the recycling of human souls that fail to learn lessons of love and coexistence, by resurrecting them as animals for us to consume?

Hear me out on this. Its not only nature being efficient, but also nature forcing spiritual consequences on the guilty. Call it punishment in a sense or call it Karma.

Maybe the most guilty humans are the ones that wind up reincarnated in situations with the most suffering attached. So they can learn from this experience, and understand the suffering and pain they have caused others. Maybe it is not our place to condemn the way nature or God has found to deal with an entirely different scope of problems here, which is the overlooked importance of very primal lessons being learned and spiritual wisdom to be attained. Judge not, is what I am saying.

We are invited to find ultimate resolution and that is, the love of our fellow creatures, with the realization of how much we love our food and livestock animals. Finding FORGIVENESS of the guilty for past life sins or transgressions against others. We are invited to treat our food animals with respect and appreciation. We have a special relationship with them. Yes, I know this isn't happening fast enough for many people who advocate sane and ethical treatment of animals. But given what is happening on Earth -- so much 'negativity' and chaos going on with the human population, maybe there's a reason?


Then again, there are those who champion the system. My heroes. Have you ever heard of Temple Grandin?

Temple Grandin, Killing Them Softly at Slaughterhouses for Over 30 Years

If you didn't know about Temple Grandin ... I didn't. I became aware of her after dealing with issues in one of my children after we entered the public school system from homeschooling. She's a high performing autistic. (Autism is not what everyone thinks it is). She became a professor of agriculture at the Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Before that, she designed a humane system for butchering cows. Her ideas on this, from the movie about her, starring Claire Dames, are that we can run slaughterhouses in ways that ... aren't terrorizing of cows. No really. You need to see the movie.

Temple Grandin
A Humane Approach movie trailer

But after she developed her slaughterhouse design, complete with lovingly applied 'cow psychology' ... there was a revolution in the meat industry in the United States. I was homeschooling and after we watched this movie I remember looking it up and sharing in class ... something like, 80% of all slaughterhouses in the US embraced her system. I wonder if the FDA or the USDA also started to encourage it's practice.

I feel that we will be changing how we raise meat animals... foreseeing a future of love and investment and good care of our livestock and food animals. The whole and natural foods revolution is creating it. Where I live many people get their meat from small, private cattle operations where cows are raised in open grasslands and not crowded feedlots. It tastes better and its good for you. Everything you put into raising your cows, including food and hormones or vaccines and also lots of love, is what you get out of them in the quality of your food. People are remembering this. Also New Earth's land and ocean resources have changed and I have already been seeing an influx in fish and seafood here. This is taking the place of a lot of the land based meat sources in our diet from the past.

There's a whole 'nother side of Colorado! The inner and the outter. The inner being high altitude valleys nestled in the mountains behind the Front Range. These communities are way ahead of the game in terms of alternate power and sustainable agriculture. When I grew up Denver was still referred to by many as a 'cow town' for its history with cattle ranching and as Denver expanded and evolved, the high mountain towns hung on to this legacy. Salida raises bees ... most of them were transported seasonally to California and other states to pollinate crops. (Ha ha. The only place you will see alligators and crocodiles in the New World is the Colorado Gator place in the San Luis Valley and yes that's the Mysterious Valley from UFO literature). Geothermal energy is abundant in the high country in this state. Park, Fremont and Saguache Counties are leaders in solar off grid housing. Park County has an exclusively solar telephone power station, for land lines. Buena Vista used to be a leading source for iceberg lettuce since this crop likes colder weather conditions. This state is also home to many environmental agencies including solar research and development in Golden, Colorado. And don't forget ... Colorado is one of the first to legalize Marijuana in all of its forms including medical application and industrial hemp.

But I digress!

In conclusion (its late and I am almost ready for bed) and getting back to my main subject (animals as food sources ) ... my watchword is and has always been balance. And opening up our understanding and willingness to cooperate with naturally functioning systems that entities far wiser than us have created. I think all answers are available to those that wish to find them ... and can listen.

All disease and disparity exists because of imbalance. Cooperating with the mechanisms for change that we are provided with gets us there, to a more balanced state. Just like storms do. I do not encourage suffering, but I am saying that where nature is concerned, everything serves a purpose and everything happens the way it does for a reason. Human spiritual lessons are not being learned!! Nature finds a way. Have you noticed that for all the new age 'advancements' in thinking, many of the problems they address have gotten worse? (Yes I am referring to veganism and vegetarianism purely for spiritual reasons and the demonization of meat consumers). Maybe if there was more understanding in place, we would stop judging ourselves and everything else and just GET THERE, finally. To a more enlightened state. Where enlightenment and balance go hand in hand. Maybe the fact that we judge everything, including God and nature, is why we have been so stuck.

Just sayin' ...

Have a good night everyone.

LR 8/5/2018

New article!!
Diet For a Small Planet Part II (DAIRY)!!

Image credits: Google Images, of course.
NASA pic collected from Facebook

Hey - ! Isn't there a book by the same name?

Diet For a Small Planet

Mitochondrial Eve

What you need to know about better cow management. Farmer's Weekly
P.S. Cow photograph from the linked article

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