A Temple Fetches Water 黄河之水天上来

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Where does the water come from? The CCTV documentary gives a detailed of China's Yangtze River and the Yellow River, Why in the winter, the Yangtze River water becomes smaller, the reason is very simple, Because the source began to ice out.
水从哪里来,中国CCTV拍摄过一个记录片,问水,水从哪里来? 这部记录片详细的介绍了中国的长江以及黄河,以及水的发源地, 为什么到了冬季,长江的水流就变小了,原因很简单,因为源头开始冰封了.

There are many water sources near Lushan, there are Poyang Lake, the Yangtze River, in the vicinity there are many lakes, but the urban population of 1 million drinking water is from the Yangtze River, through the water treatment plant,The Yangtze River pollution is very serious, many factories of wastewater discharge, the city's domestic sewage is flowing into the Yangtze River, so over the years, I have a habit, all drinking water, water is taken from Lushan Mountain, water is very clean, can directly to drink, there are many spring water in the Lushan Mountain, today I went to the point of water, is a temple, Tifosi, come here to provide free towing trolley, To facilitate the transport of tourists, but the private car is not allowed to enter the temple, fetching water is a leisure sport, the foot of the mountain air, the environment is very good
我生活在庐山脚下,在庐山附近有许多水源,有鄱阳湖,有长江,在附近还有许多湖泊,但市区100万人口的饮用水源却是来自长江,经过自来水厂的加工处理,当我知道饮用水源来自长江,长江的污染很严重,许多工厂的废水排放,城市的生活污水都是流入长江,所以这么多年来,有了一个习惯,所有的饮用水,都是从庐山上取水,山上的水很干净,可以直接喝,在庐山上有许多泉水水源, 有些路程较远,需要搬运,有些则很方便,比如我今天去的这个取水点,是一座寺庙,铁佛寺, 来这里寺庙提供免费的拖运车,方便游客运输, 但私家车是不允许进入寺庙, 打水是一项休闲的运动,山脚下的空气,环境很好,难得这么清闲.

The water of the Yellow River is also from the sky, Lushan rainwater, the same from the sky, if the rain after the rock out of the water gap is also great, but for a long time did not rain, the water is very small, compared to tap water out from the rock The water is very clean.

There is an octagonal pavilion,The temple is still under construction, has become a tourist attraction at the foot of Lushan Mountain, to fetch water can also enjoy the scenery of the North Mountain, more images will be shown in the next article



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