Play Mahjong Operation Guide 打麻将宝典
Chinese New Year, people most like to play is mahjong and poker gambling games, especially in China's rural areas, young people get together, mahjong has become a recreational tool, who invented mahjong, I really did not go to study, from I remember a child,know the village people to the New Year, like gambling cards, decades later, or the same since ancient times, the Chinese New Year gambling has become a custom, playing mahjong or have many benefits, especially the elderly, can prevent Alzheimer's.
中国的新年,人们最喜欢玩的就是麻将和扑克牌赌博游戏,特别是在中国的乡村,年轻人相聚,麻将就成了娱乐的工具,麻将是谁发明的,我还真没去研究,从我小时候记事起,就知道村里人到了过年,就喜欢赌博打牌,几十年过去了,还是一样,自古至今,过年赌博成了一种风俗,至于筹码的大小,每场都不相同,从最小的一毛到几万都有, 许多人都认为小赌怡情,大赌伤身,打麻将还是有许多好处,特别是老年人,能预防老年痴呆.
In various parts of China, playing mahjong are not the same, this is probably the mahjong attractive place, I have a mahjong manual, if you want to learn, just look at the Operation Guide, you can understand how to play mahjong!
在中国各个地方, 打麻将的方法都不一样,这也许就是麻将吸引人的地方, 我这有一本麻将手册,如果你想学习,只需看图,就能理解如何玩麻将