Why crying is not bad : Crying allows you to express your deepest emotionssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 months ago

Crying is a normal response to sadness, pain, frustration, rage, and joy. It's interesting that only humans cry emotional tears.

Both men and women cry. Women cry 5.3 times per month and men 1.3 times, according to research.

Crying releases sadness and brings relief. Ovid

Crying is our basic mode of communication as babies. It means we're hungry, hurt, or need love. We cry with pain and delight as our brains get more complex.

As we age, sobbing changes. To better understand them, realise that our body creates three types of tears:

Reflex tears are generated by foreign objects, smoke, wind, or cutting an onion. Tears safeguard our sight.

The protein-rich antimicrobial basal tears keep the eyes moisturised and dust-free.


Mental tears: Acute pain, excitement, rage, despair, or other emotions cause these. As nonverbal communication, these tears may have a deeper function. They can be used to show empathy, provide emotional support, or advise someone they went too far in an argument.

Researchers are most interested in these tears since they help our health the most.

Many people avoid crying because they think it shows weakness, yet study shows that doing so reduces their benefits. Crying's main psychological benefits are:

Crying directly improves moods, according to a National Institutes of Health study. The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which relaxes the body, is activated by crying. It lowers physical stress.

Comforting someone crying is our initial instinct. The other's tears remind us of our own vulnerabilities, forming an emotional bond. Next, sobbing inspires empathy. Crying people also crave comfort. It allows people to ask for and receive support during tough times.

Emotional tears release endorphins and oxytocin, which boost our health. These medicines reduce pain and help you relax. Because of this, sobbing makes us grin or relax greatly.

Sadness and nervousness raise cortisol levels, the stress hormone. In excessive doses, this hormone weakens our defences, making us more susceptible to infections.

However, tears transmit part of this hormone and pollutants produced during strain, according to research. Lowering cortisol calms us and improves sleep.

Sometimes intense emotions, joyous or sad, overwhelm us and we cannot express them. Crying is seen as liberating and a method to express the unspoken.

Because crying reveals our weaknesses, it can also boost self-awareness. We comprehend our emotions and behaviour.

Crying reduces anxiety and negative emotions due to its profound calming effect. This strengthens us and helps us solve challenges.

bit by bit, the person relaxes, calms down, reduces emotional weight, and becomes more reasonable. The affected person can reduce their overwhelming feelings. Psychologist Raquel Molero.

Although crying is good for our physical and emotional health, many people, especially males, think it shows weakness. Men are instructed not to cry from childhood in many cultures because it makes them appear insecure or sensitive.

Holding back tears has several detrimental effects, say psychologists. If a guy doesn't cry when he needs to, he may become more aggressive, agitated, and angry.

Crying is courageous because it forces us to face our emotions and fears. No, being sensitive doesn't mean weak. This signifies being human.


The act of crying is a natural and essential part of the human experience, serving as a release for intense emotions and a means of communication. Regardless of gender, crying offers numerous psychological and physiological benefits, such as stress reduction, emotional bonding, and the release of mood-improving chemicals. Despite societal stigmas that may discourage crying, it's important to recognize its positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Embracing our vulnerability and allowing ourselves to cry when needed is an act of courage and self-awareness, demonstrating strength rather than weakness. It's a reminder that expressing our emotions openly is a fundamental aspect of being human.

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