Accepting life as a journey rather than a destination

in #life3 years ago

Everyone has had moments of low self-esteem and self-doubt. Life flows with such effortlessly when we feel good about ourselves and our work, but when we have more questions about ourselves and our work, we find ourselves alone with a critical mind.

The message is clear: You are not good enough!

The perception that we don't fulfil others' expectations typically stems from the belief that we can't meet our own. We are not good enough.


In reality, our characteristics, shaped by external influences, are quite important in this situation. While some of us establish high goals and punish ourselves harshly for failing to achieve them, others choose a more foggy, passive view of life.

The awful part of this work is that if someone isn't good enough (!) What? Who knows? ) will effect many other parts of his life. Side effects include avoiding new social situations, trying new activities, and setting new goals that will bring joy or contribute to life. They may start out as avoiding all possible conflicts, but they can quickly grow into avoiding all life and living. As a result, a vicious spiral has begun, becoming more introverted and increasing feelings of inadequacy.

This emotion can emerge in many ways. Some of you may not have slender enough legs to wear shorts. You can't communicate because you can't speak well enough (!) even though you have enough foreign language to understand and reply to what is spoken. Do you secretly believe you are indispensable to your boss and the least valuable among your friends? At the end of the day, you've declared yourself inadequate, incomplete, and useless.

If a magic wand is waved, a part of us says, "fix this part of us that can't appreciate life." The real magic word is here. Nothing is damaged, incorrect, faulty, or missing.

The most crucial component of all of this is that we are not the problem. The issue is our relationship with ourselves and life. It's about the ideas we offer ourselves and acquire from others without any filters. We all know that the mind is continually seeking new ideas, but we are not the mind or the ideas it generates. Also, not everything we believe is true. A thought usually thinks about another. We may see this connection and manage our relationship with our own ideas by focusing our attention here.

Before deciding on our self-worth, we should consider how we define value and worthlessness, and if we make these decisions for ourselves or are convinced to do so.

As a result, if value judgments are based on external factors, we may experience border violations, tantrums and crying episodes, restlessness, and inconsistencies with the flow of life. Another key awareness issue is that we continue to believe in these taught value systems as they were first delivered, without being conscious and without spiritually gratifying and improving ourselves.

Our thoughts are our beliefs about life. Who can say our ideas are all wise?


Maybe it's time to let go of our self-defining ideas, which aren't good enough (!) anymore, and try something new. The border between realising a transient thought and believing it is thin.

Success in something, feeling successful, is often the valuable end of the graph of value and worthlessness. Work, home, daily life, health, and friendships. The person who has attained the accomplishment indicated in the previous phrase will not be permanently satisfied. Only the benefit endures. To bring benefit into our lives, we must accept it as a journey rather than a destination.

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