Always respect older people; your children will respect you when you are old!

in #life7 years ago

Respect is defined as way of treating and being kind to other people. Respecting old people is very important because it gives them dignity in the society and they feel comfortable and proud.

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There was a time when we listened to the old people advice. We respected them, we gave them our seat when elder person came. Old people were considered wise. If we needed any solution, we went to older people for advice and their decision was considered as final and authentic. But now time has changed.

Now we have Google and Wikipedia. We can find solution to any problem with just one click. We prefer to remain online on Facebook rather than sitting with our older people. But we should know that time is passing very quickly and our children are learning these moral values from us. They will return us the same thing!

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In the end, I would like that we ask one question from ourselves. When we go to bed at night for sleep and lay down our head on pillow, can we sleep peacefully recalling that today we have respected our elders and loved them? If we have no answer to this question; it is still not too late.

We can wake up tomorrow with determination to respect our elders and take care of them.

If you agree with me, please share your views!


Great thoughts @munawar1235

good and old morals are going way little by little :( thank you for the reminder!!!

Hiii my friend @munawar1235, strong message conveyed through your post to others.

Yes i agree, we've to respect in others

I totally agree, i always respect older people that have so much wisdom to share and so much experince off life also.

You're right. We can learn a lot from their experiences. But we have ignored them, we don't have time to sit with them, we don't listen to them. Please take the time to listen to them you will see how eagerly they want to talk about their experiences. Appreciate and respect them

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