Cars don't like me!!! Cranky rant ahead!!

in #life7 years ago

It is common knowledge in my family that if I buy a car it is bound to be a lemon!!!

I have on three occasions had to buy a larger car in a short time frame due to expecting another baby. Including last year when we had just purchased a new (well new to us) 7 seater only to discover three weeks later that we were expecting Miss 1. I would like to add that we got the money to pay for that car when we sold all our baby items, double pram, cot, bassinets and car capsules.

So we then had to not only replace the car but all the baby items we had just gotten rid of and only had 6 months to do it. This was a challenge in and of itself, we are a one income family and have been since baby number four came along.

So given my terrible choice in cars we actually shopped around for our current car. Obviously it had to have at least 8 seats and it had to accomodate at least 4 baby seats. Not an easy feat. Oh and it had to cost less than $8000.00 because that was our max.

We ended up with a Kia Carnival and only paid $7000 for it. Within a month, several things went wrong, so we paid to fix them. When getting those things fixed we discovered that it had a suspension problem which was going to cost a small fortune to fix, not a possibility financially, unfortunately this means that we have to fork out to pay for tyres and a wheel rotation more often, so just last month i paid for for brand new tyres for the 3rd time in 2 years.

Less than a week after the new tyres my poor car decided to have a sick day and stopped running. Another trip to the mechanic only to discover a major engine problem. Another $1000 in bills. I shouldn't be surprised, I know how to pick them.

This brings me to today! A typical morning in the mumofmany household, running late for school, Master 10 had a meltdown, Miss 1 decided to fill her nappy just as we pulled into the school parking lot, the usual drama.

However after dealing with all that on my way home, both little girls sleeping soundly ( something I was very excited about as they had been up all night) when all of a sudden I hear something smashing the bottom of my car.

I pulled over and had a look, nothing. Back in the car and drive a whole 500 meters to my house, get out again and I can hear a horrible hissing noise. Oh crap! At first I thought it was the motor, just about had a heart attack, then realised it was the back tyre. It was dead!! Very very dead! Within 45 seconds the back of my car was literally on my garage floor.


So my lovely brand new month old tyre had been punctured by a hammer! I'm assuming said hammer has fallen out of someone's ute on the way to work. I had to cry. I have only justness finished paying the bill for the damn thing and now I had to go and buy a new one.


So I had the pleasure of spending the day removing the dead tyre, and placing on the most ridiculous spare, which you can only drive a max of 80km with, then begging my lovely mechanic to order me a new tyre and have it ready for this afternoon, which he did thank goodness.


In the aftermath of the day I have made a decision. Cars hate me. I just shouldn't be allowed to drive them, own them or really even look at them. I would also like to add that I cannot believe this car has now cost me as much in repairs as it did to purchase!

One very cranky @mumofmany.


Something about tyres, they are a horrible horrible thing when something like this happens. I feel for you.

But on the bright side its very lucky you didnt have an accident and everyone is safe.

Also much better to lose a tyre than an engine like you first thought.

I enjoyed your rant, no more cars for you!

Very true, had it been the engine I would have been in serious trouble.
Definitely glad no one was hurt.
Thanks for your comment.

So sorry to know about your horrible experience. I can imagine what you went through. Thank God that nothing serious happened despite the tyre gone flat and the children and you are okay. Think of it as the worst is over and there is a rainbow on the other end. Just stay positive and will keep you in prayers.
Take care and it is good to be able to share your trouble to relief your stress.

Definitely a stress relieving rant.
I'm over it today lol.

It's good to know you actually have a space saver tyre, not all vehicles come with them, sometimes all you have is a can of foam and mini compressor, not ideal 😐 here's to motoring happiness.

Very thankful for the spare, not so much it's location under the car, was quiet a mission to get the darn thing out. But definitely better than nothing!

Yes they are, try putting them back, in our support minivan the wheel now lives in the boot/trunk 😂

I made my lovely mechanic put mine back in, the thought of having to climb back under the van was all to much for me!

Yes add rain, a challenging surface and oily wheel and it's not much fun.

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