Reasons to Do Nothing and Stare into Space

in #life7 years ago

In today's modern high tech world we are constantly bombarded with sights and sounds. Two thirds of people in the UK now own a smartphone and use it to go online for two hours a day. Entertainment now goes with you wherever you go, and "Binge watching" is the norm.

Most people seem to walk around with a screen in front of their face, then sit down to replace it with yet another screen. These technological innovations have definitely made life easier and enjoyable for us. God knows what I would have done without Netflix and the catch up function on my TV while I spent long nights breastfeeding my baby or recovering from a chest infection!

However, we seem to have lost something too. The art of sitting in silence and staring into space is now becoming a thing of the past. I know a lot of people think that's a waste of time, and that time would be better spent listening to a podcast or scrolling through their social media feeds. But I have to disagree. Here's why:

Creative Discovery

I recently realised that I spent so much time watching or reading about other people's ideas. Where was the time to generate and concentrate on my own thoughts? I decided I needed to let my mind wander a bit more. What is sometimes seen as "daydreaming" is vital for creative discovery. It's often when we are staring aimlessly into space that we have that eureka moment.

Inner Voice

When we still and silent we can hear our inner voice better. It's in those moments that our true feelings about a situation become clear. These are sometimes feelings that have been ignored or things that we have talked ourselves out of. Who are we? And what do we want out of life? Sit in silence for a while and it will all become clear.


I've lost count of the number of times I've tried and failed to mediate. Most of the time I just ended up falling asleep. I would rather just sit there not concentrating on meditating, just looking at nothing, thinking about nothing, just being, and breathing. Wait a minute... that's the definition of meditation isn't it? Turns out I can do it after all, and so can you.


I've found that the best places to sit and stare into space are places of natural beauty, and you don't need to live near the Swiss Alps, even your local park will do. Just somewhere you can be away from noise and technology. You don't even have to sit. I go jogging in a local park, it's my little oasis of serenity in busy London. As much as I love music, I don't listen to it when I run, I just focus on my breathing and taking in my surroundings. Whether it's a sunny day with a blue sky, or snowing with only me and a few wild geese crazy in the park, it makes me appreciate the world and grateful to be a part of it.

So next time you find your hand automatically reaching for your phone, poised to scroll through your Facebook timeline, stop. Put the phone down, leave the TV and radio off, and step away from the laptop. Let the silence soothe your spirit and unlock your mind.

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